Apr 9, 2024 at 9:42 PM Post #136 of 137
Hello. which digital output of the LUMIN transport do you use? the usb input of my dac is occupied by the pc. optical input for the TV. AES or coax remained free on the LUMIN u2 device. which standard would be better for u2? I read that AES xlr is not good for the digital part, because its positive and negative signals cannot run at the same time and this causes jitter, and the ear hears the transient, and in principle the square signal is cleaner and safer, with less jitter in the case of coax. what do you think? I have a musician audio aquarius dac.
Apr 10, 2024 at 10:29 AM Post #137 of 137
I can't speak for the Lumin U2 specifically, but generally speaking AES sounds very good in most situations. Imho it is often either the best sounding choice or in close 2nd/3rd place depending on the DAC (and streamer).

Sometimes USB can sound better in certain instances (but often sounds far worse, so don't count on it). I2S usually sounds very good but again no guarantee on sound or compatibility. Meanwhile AES is A) very commonly found on many devices and B) almost always sounds reliably great.

Specific to the Musician Aquarius DAC, I would choose I2S if possible, then AES, then USB in that order (but AES and USB are very very close). But again, that's with my transports, and the Lumin U2 could change the order a bit.

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