Meze EMPYREAN - the First Isodynamic Hybrid Array Headphone
Apr 11, 2018 at 1:52 PM Post #376 of 13,037
...unless $4000-$6000 means nothing to you and you don't mind paying that kind of money and not worrying about what kind of value you are getting.. In which case, you have the potential to enjoy anything at any price. In the real world, it can be a lot of money going towards very little.
Apr 11, 2018 at 1:59 PM Post #377 of 13,037
...unless $4000-$6000 means nothing to you and you don't mind paying that kind of money and not worrying about what kind of value you are getting.. In which case, you have the potential to enjoy anything at any price. In the real world, it can be a lot of money going towards very little.
I would be pretty pssst If I spent $4-6K and it was something average. I don't care how much I spend on something as long as it blows me away. That's all I look at.
Apr 11, 2018 at 2:04 PM Post #378 of 13,037
I am mostly curious about its new technology, I will not get it because it is so expensive.
Meze will have to price it smartly so it will sell it as more as she can to balance its cost.
It is always a game between manufactures and the consumers.
Apr 11, 2018 at 2:07 PM Post #379 of 13,037
...unless $4000-$6000 means nothing to you and you don't mind paying that kind of money and not worrying about what kind of value you are getting.. In which case, you have the potential to enjoy anything at any price. In the real world, it can be a lot of money going towards very little.

This whole "how much $$ are headphones worth?" brouha is a big mis-direct IMO. The real questions underlying all of it always are:
  1. How much money do I have? (ie, can I literally afford a $3,500 headphone). Some can; some can't.
  2. Who am I (ie, am I the guy who buys $4K headphones, assuming I have them money? or am I not that guy?). Some can't handle the idea...
I went through all of this w/big audiophile systems, and it's weird to be going through it again w/desktop audio & especially headphones.

However, I have no doubt there are headphones worth $3,500. I heard two of them at CanJam (EMPYREAN; and Final H8000); there are others I plan to audition at the next big local audio show. Similarly, I've heard speakers that really are worth $10K. Does that mean I'll actually buy a $3,500 headphone? Not sure...still trying to figure out my own answers to #1 & #2 above....

Still, if you're "not the guy" for pricey stuff, you're not even inclined to listen to it & give their potential quality difference a real chance. Mentally, that seems to be how it works.

BTW, there are no wrong or right answers to those 2 questions above. Each person differs in how they the world (and their role in it).
Apr 11, 2018 at 6:29 PM Post #380 of 13,037
I think that list basically correct, but I would add:

3. Is this headphone a value compared to other headphones that I personally have heard that cost more/less?

Because "value" in headphones is only meaningful in comparison to other headphones. There is no objective metric of value in headphones.
Apr 13, 2018 at 1:21 AM Post #381 of 13,037
The best will never be cheap.
That's just the way of the world.
yeah, but this is the best for 3500 USD?, is better than VOCE electroestat sr007 hd800s EFO Focal clear audeze LCD 3, etc?
All of these headphone are less in price or equal in the case of VOCE.

For me, if it justifies the expense by me liking it more than something else and being better in everything than something cheaper (that's why it should be more expensive)...that's awesome!
My Stax setup (headphones + amp + DAC) costs like 4 times the Meze Empyrean, and I'm extremely happy with it and think of it as a great investiment because it makes me smile wide open.
Are all the expensive setups worth it? No, there's so much vaporware that I don't know where to start, good things are expensive, but there's a difference between expensive and overpriced.

I think that this headphone is something extremely interesting that I would like to audition, and if it lives up to it's promises, then I would own one, of course.
At this moment, every discussion regarding the Empyrean's price is useless, because we don't know anything serious about it, just show impressions, and they don't even have the final voicing ready.
Let's wait a couple of months and see what happens with this, I personally want it to be awesome because some planar headphone makers need a good kick in the butt, and a really good one.

For sure ,set up ( headhpeon + amp +dac ) cost more than an only headphone... you can buy thing expensive for empyrean too ( dac + amp )
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Apr 13, 2018 at 11:22 AM Post #382 of 13,037
I've heard the Focal Clear (brief/horrible experience at CanJam--brightest sound of my life); LCD-3 (brief audition in my system); and a modded HD800 (again, brief listen in my system). I was impressed by the LCD-3 & modded HD800...very different "voicing" sound but very evident sound quality.

I also auditioned the EMPYREAN at CanJam, total listening time longer than any HP mentioned above. It impressed me greatly; IMO the best headphone sound I've ever heard.

Does that mean it's better than the others? I wouldn't know unless I could listen to all of them at length in my system. But on first listen, I was certainly more impressed by the EMPYREAN (for what that's worth). And BTW, I don't mean that 1st listen flash 'n' sizzle thing where the headphones knock your socks off, but would become tiresome w/longer listening. I mean the EMPYREAN sounded flat out gorgeous from the first minute.
Apr 13, 2018 at 11:35 AM Post #383 of 13,037
I've heard the Focal Clear (brief/horrible experience at CanJam--brightest sound of my life); LCD-3 (brief audition in my system); and a modded HD800 (again, brief listen in my system). I was impressed by the LCD-3 & modded HD800...very different "voicing" sound but very evident sound quality.

I also auditioned the EMPYREAN at CanJam, total listening time longer than any HP mentioned above. It impressed me greatly; IMO the best headphone sound I've ever heard.

Does that mean it's better than the others? I wouldn't know unless I could listen to all of them at length in my system. But on first listen, I was certainly more impressed by the EMPYREAN (for what that's worth). And BTW, I don't mean that 1st listen flash 'n' sizzle thing where the headphones knock your socks off, but would become tiresome w/longer listening. I mean the EMPYREAN sounded flat out gorgeous from the first minute.

I think you're overhyping the Empyrean... but hey that like... your opinion man. :)

I tried the Voce and Empyrean one after the other with some of the best amps that were on the table. Blue hawaii for the Voce and well... forgot what the Empyrean was hooked up to but I tried multiple. The Voce just had better details and a clearer sound to me with very nice bass impact. Not as smooth as the Empyrean but that's an electrostat for you I guess. Personally I don't think the Empyrean is an end all be all for me. It sure is gorgeous though
Apr 13, 2018 at 12:32 PM Post #385 of 13,037
I think you're overhyping the Empyrean... but hey that like... your opinion man. :)

I tried the Voce and Empyrean one after the other with some of the best amps that were on the table. Blue hawaii for the Voce and well... forgot what the Empyrean was hooked up to but I tried multiple. The Voce just had better details and a clearer sound to me with very nice bass impact. Not as smooth as the Empyrean but that's an electrostat for you I guess. Personally I don't think the Empyrean is an end all be all for me. It sure is gorgeous though
If voce for 500 usd less can do better job Empyrean is overprice.
Apr 13, 2018 at 1:18 PM Post #386 of 13,037
I really wish people would knock it off.

!st off, you really have to ask yourself if bashing a product in it's own thread is helpful or not. What exactly are you trying to accomplish?

2ndly, we're talking about differently voiced headphones here.

You like the Voce (Utopia, LCD4, *insert headphone here*) better? Awesome! Congrats and enjoy. Does that mean it's a 'better' headphone?
(Keeping in mind that whatever 'better' means hasn't even been defined at this point.)

I'd say No.

One persons 'more revealing' is another's 'too bright'. Or one might think a certain smoothness draws them into the music and another might think it's dull & limp.

We're trying to write about sonics, which isn't the easiest thing to do to begin with. Add personal preference and we're entering into a totally different ballgame.

I heard Empyrean, Voce, Final D8000, Utopia at CanJam NYC as well. They all perform fantastically. They're all viced differently. And there are 3 different types of drivers.

Lets not even open up the effect that the chain has on the performance...what DAC? What Amp? What source?

If you're in the market, and this is your price range...pick the one that works best for you. Great.

But don't go on the Coke website & tell everyone how much better Pepsi is, it doesn't really add to the conversation.
Apr 13, 2018 at 1:36 PM Post #387 of 13,037
I really wish people would knock it off.

!st off, you really have to ask yourself if bashing a product in it's own thread is helpful or not. What exactly are you trying to accomplish?

2ndly, we're talking about differently voiced headphones here.

You like the Voce (Utopia, LCD4, *insert headphone here*) better? Awesome! Congrats and enjoy. Does that mean it's a 'better' headphone?
(Keeping in mind that whatever 'better' means hasn't even been defined at this point.)

I'd say No.

One persons 'more revealing' is another's 'too bright'. Or one might think a certain smoothness draws them into the music and another might think it's dull & limp.

We're trying to write about sonics, which isn't the easiest thing to do to begin with. Add personal preference and we're entering into a totally different ballgame.

I heard Empyrean, Voce, Final D8000, Utopia at CanJam NYC as well. They all perform fantastically. They're all viced differently. And there are 3 different types of drivers.

Lets not even open up the effect that the chain has on the performance...what DAC? What Amp? What source?

If you're in the market, and this is your price range...pick the one that works best for you. Great.

But don't go on the Coke website & tell everyone how much better Pepsi is, it doesn't really add to the conversation.

It's called discussion. If you've come here to just hear what you want then you're in the wrong place. This is a forum for discussions and opinions. Suck it up - it's not personal. Literally the point of head-fi is to discuss headphones, what you like and dislike, and how they can compare to other headphones.

And by your logic if everyone just posted how amazing the Empyrean is here.... is that really helpful discussion? If every damned thread on headfi contained only praise for a headphone with no other objective opinions or comparisons then that information is useless. Every single thread would be filled with how THIS IS THE BEST HEADPHONE IN THE WORLD. And everyone would be right as it's their opinion but it's not helpful nor is it a discussion anymore. If you were a bystander looking to buy something or just research, and all you saw was praise on every headphone thread you went on, you'd have a REAL hard to deciding what to buy.
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Apr 13, 2018 at 1:43 PM Post #388 of 13,037
I really wish people would knock it off.

!st off, you really have to ask yourself if bashing a product in it's own thread is helpful or not. What exactly are you trying to accomplish?

i think many people try to pay a headphone... not a car, if is the case ( a ridiculously good headphone in comparison of many '' old '' headphones ) well, that headphone can be expensive.
Apr 13, 2018 at 1:52 PM Post #389 of 13,037
I really wish people would knock it off.

!st off, you really have to ask yourself if bashing a product in it's own thread is helpful or not. What exactly are you trying to accomplish?

2ndly, we're talking about differently voiced headphones here.

You like the Voce (Utopia, LCD4, *insert headphone here*) better? Awesome! Congrats and enjoy. Does that mean it's a 'better' headphone?
(Keeping in mind that whatever 'better' means hasn't even been defined at this point.)

I'd say No.

One persons 'more revealing' is another's 'too bright'. Or one might think a certain smoothness draws them into the music and another might think it's dull & limp.

We're trying to write about sonics, which isn't the easiest thing to do to begin with. Add personal preference and we're entering into a totally different ballgame.

I heard Empyrean, Voce, Final D8000, Utopia at CanJam NYC as well. They all perform fantastically. They're all viced differently. And there are 3 different types of drivers.

Lets not even open up the effect that the chain has on the performance...what DAC? What Amp? What source?

If you're in the market, and this is your price range...pick the one that works best for you. Great.

But don't go on the Coke website & tell everyone how much better Pepsi is, it doesn't really add to the conversation.
I got torched a while back for basically saying the same thing to another poster but it had different Circumstances. Granted my style is “very” blunt and straight forward versus others. Bottom line, I’m fine the way I communicate as I’m not going to be so cautious that I may hurt someone’s feelings because of my “non political” way of communicating THEN walk on eggshells.
That’s where the “suck it up” comes into play.

My point was....

Don’t label someone a specific way because they like something and you don’t, then dump on that product and whoever likes it in that thread. You can disagree with someone or the product that is being discussed as we have freedom of choice to express ourselves. But don’t even label me or anyone else because we have a difference of opinion. You don’t have to like the product as this is an open forum for discussion. But again, don’t get personal.

More on topic, if I had the money and could afford this headphone AND I LOVED IT?..... I’d buy it in a heartbeat. I personally love their headphones but haven’t had the opportunity to hear these. They sound like something exactly what I’m looking for so maybe I sell everything I have and get these......after I test drive them of course. :v:
Apr 13, 2018 at 2:01 PM Post #390 of 13,037
I really wish people would knock it off.

!st off, you really have to ask yourself if bashing a product in it's own thread is helpful or not. What exactly are you trying to accomplish?

2ndly, we're talking about differently voiced headphones here.

You like the Voce (Utopia, LCD4, *insert headphone here*) better? Awesome! Congrats and enjoy. Does that mean it's a 'better' headphone?
(Keeping in mind that whatever 'better' means hasn't even been defined at this point.)

I'd say No.

One persons 'more revealing' is another's 'too bright'. Or one might think a certain smoothness draws them into the music and another might think it's dull & limp.

We're trying to write about sonics, which isn't the easiest thing to do to begin with. Add personal preference and we're entering into a totally different ballgame.

I heard Empyrean, Voce, Final D8000, Utopia at CanJam NYC as well. They all perform fantastically. They're all viced differently. And there are 3 different types of drivers.

Lets not even open up the effect that the chain has on the performance...what DAC? What Amp? What source?

If you're in the market, and this is your price range...pick the one that works best for you. Great.

But don't go on the Coke website & tell everyone how much better Pepsi is, it doesn't really add to the conversation.


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