Meine AKG K340 elektrostatisch-dynamisches System Kopfhörer sind gerade angekommen!
Jan 22, 2005 at 7:07 AM Post #16 of 383
Well I just got back from a little mini meet aerius and I had.

There is good news and bad news.

The bad news is that I don't think that I can ever listen to my AKG K340's again... unamplified. It was such a night and day difference.

The good news is that I LOVE THEM. I won't go into too much detail yet as I'd like to see what aerius has to say first as I think that he is better at explaining this sort of thing.

On another note, I had another chance to listen to aerius' HD580's and his SR225's. In previous meets I had always preferred the Sennheisers and could find very little that I liked about the Grados. Not so this meet. I think it was a large part due to the fact that we had near perfect listening conditions. Aerius' family makes absolutely no noise and he lives in a very quiet neighbourhood.

I found when switching between the three the Sennheisers sounded lifeless. Completely turned me off. When I switched to the Grado's I noticed the same old problems... lack of soundstage, poor imaging, etc... but Tori Amos sounded great and with the right kind of music I was tapping my feet consistently.

Anyways, I'll leave off there and chip in some more comments after aerius says his piece.
Jan 22, 2005 at 4:18 PM Post #17 of 383
I should have my impressions up by sometime this evening. I'm having some trouble putting down all my thoughts & impressions into something that makes sense. The short version is, I've found a new favourite headphone, and was tempted to blackmail philodox into leaving them with me.
Jan 22, 2005 at 9:55 PM Post #18 of 383

I found when switching between the three the Sennheisers sounded lifeless. Completely turned me off. When I switched to the Grado's I noticed the same old problems... lack of soundstage, poor imaging, etc... but Tori Amos sounded great and with the right kind of music I was tapping my feet consistently

This is my hifi-dilemma in a nutshell; I love tonal purity and silky sweet yet extended treble and so, on the other hand, there comes that moment that you suddenly realise the importance of the foot-tap, PRAT! (for those who don't know yet Pace Rithm And Timing).
Usually it also means a loss of fullness, spatialness, real instead of fake-detail and/or tonal correctness and richness and thus leading to fatigue within 2 hours...they seem hard to combine but both seem important. PRAT comes in a flash and gradually leaves to be replaced with purity and tranquility.
(though currently I'm very happy with my carefully tuned Rega/Primare/Dynaudio set).
Jan 23, 2005 at 2:04 AM Post #19 of 383
AKG K340 Mini Meet

Or, "I took advantage of Philodox's lack of an amp for his AKG 340 and made him come listen at my place". Everything except the K340 is mine.

Equipment setup:
Denon DN650-F CD player, DIY IC's
DIY tube amp, mini Gilmore Dynalo (Subsonic designed board)
Senn 580 /w Oehlbach cable, Grado 225, modded AKG K340

I had things set up so the signal from the CDP goes to a splitter & is fed into both amps at the same time. I first tried out the K340 on the Gilmore, but found it didn't have enough gain to drive the 'phone to a decent volume, I'd set the gain on it to 2 so I could use the volume control with my Grado. So the K340 got plugged into my tube amp where it stayed for the rest of the night.

First priority of the night, does this thing groove? Stuck in The Tea Party's cover of "Paint it Black". While it doesn't have the bass impact of the 225's, it was as good as the Senns while having better detail & separation, yup, it grooves & it rocks. Drums are solid, bassline is good, so far, so good.

Next I played a few Tori Amos tracks from "To Venus & Back". Lots of detail, good bass extension, but was really amazing was the soundstaging & imaging. The 340's have a perspective that's somewhere between my Senns & 225, closer to the front than the Senns but not upfront in your face like the Grado, probably around row 8-15, right in the sweet spot of the concert venue. Grados would be about row 1-2 and Senns maybe row 20 or so in this imaginary venue. Back to before, on "Not Tonight Josephine", the opening drums on every headphone I've heard to date comes from dead right, it's clearly coming from the headphone driver & nowhere else. On the K340, it comes from the right & a bit to the front, I've never heard this done on headphones. The mid & lower piano notes are a lot richer & more detailed, I hear a lot more of the body of the piano instead of just the notes like I do on my own headphones. Tori's voice is also warm & full of goodness, among the best I've heard on headphones.

Next for a change of pace, played a couple tracks from "My Roots are Showing" by Natalie MacMaster, this is traditional fiddle music. And there was detail galore, it nailed down the sound of the violin really well. I heard the scrape of the bow against the strings & the slight buzzing sound this makes, all the various resonances & sounds of the violin's body, and it was all balanced & pinpointed in space in front and a bit to the right or left of me depending on the track. There is lots of fast & fancy bow work & fingering and the K340's always stay ahead and keep things separated and in their place. This I think was the K340's best strength, solo violin, the best of any headphone I've heard. For reference, my 225's keep the pace but lose a lot of details & tend to blend notes together, while the Senns lost the details and sound like they're constantly falling behind the beat. Stax 404 & O2 have the detail but seem to fall behind the beat, and the sound isn't as rich & full, the wood tones on the violin aren't quite there. The RS-1 has the details & drive but doesn't pin the sound in space as well, though that might be partly due to the up front presentation.

"Before You" by Chantal Kreviazuk has been the end of several headphones, so I figured it might finally do something bad to the K340, which so far has excelled at everything. Opening acoustic guitar intro, whoa, had to go back and listen to it again a couple times since I'd never heard it that way. What I thought at first to be a colouration was actually the sound of the wooden guitar body, can't say I've heard that before either. But there was a bit of weirdness which I couldn't place, when the piano & drums come in at the same time about half a minute into the song, there's a bit of blending phasey effect which is really hard to put into words. A couple seconds later and even though the same instruments are playing the effect is gone, and everything's back to normal.

Just for fun I tried the funky bass track that's linked to from this thread over in the music forum. No problems with bass here, good and solid to below 30Hz and no "one note bass", nice.

And it was back to more Tori Amos, "In the Springtime of his Voodoo" to be exact. Cymbals were clear and airy, well placed in space, and as before the piano had a good full sound to it. When the piano bass notes come in fast along with the electric bass, the instruments stay separate from each other and the fast piano notes, though they blend together a tad are still a fair bit more distinct than on my own headphones.

Back to grooving, "The Lemon Song" by Led Zeppelin, slow to mid-tempo intro and then a nice solo with a fast bassline. My own headphones get confused a bit and start blending & losing some of the notes in the bassline. Again, the K340 keeps the notes distinct and manages not to lose any of them as well as having more complete & detailed cymbal & guitars.

I'll probably add more later but I'm trying to keep this to a more manageable length. To summarize, the K340's are a lot more detailed than my 580 or 225. The highs are natural & extended without becoming harsh. Mids a nice & full, and while the bass doesn't slam like the 225's, they are deep, balanced, & fast. The soundstage has better depth, width, & height than my Senns, and the perspective is right in the sweetspot. The K340 does all those cool "audiophile tricks" while still being fun & musical, a very rare combination IME.
Jan 23, 2005 at 10:05 PM Post #22 of 383

Originally Posted by dura
This is my hifi-dilemma in a nutshell; I love tonal purity and silky sweet yet extended treble and so, on the other hand, there comes that moment that you suddenly realise the importance of the foot-tap, PRAT

The K340 might be what you are looking for.

The best, bar none, imaging and soundstage that I have ever heard combined with great detail that doesnt fatigue and more PRAT than anything but a Grado.


Wow aerius, thanks for all the great impressions... I agree with most of what you said, but I think I will wait until I get my amplifier before I do a large rundown on their sound myself.

I will say that listening to my Quantic Soul Orchestra CD made me realize that these are without a doubt the best headphones that I have heard.

Originally Posted by aerius
Next for a change of pace, played a couple tracks from "My Roots are Showing" by Natalie MacMaster, this is traditional fiddle music. And there was detail galore, it nailed down the sound of the violin really well. I heard the scrape of the bow against the strings & the slight buzzing sound this makes, all the various resonances & sounds of the violin's body, and it was all balanced & pinpointed in space in front and a bit to the right or left of me depending on the track. There is lots of fast & fancy bow work & fingering and the K340's always stay ahead and keep things separated and in their place. This I think was the K340's best strength, solo violin, the best of any headphone I've heard. For reference, my 225's keep the pace but lose a lot of details & tend to blend notes together, while the Senns lost the details and sound like they're constantly falling behind the beat. Stax 404 & O2 have the detail but seem to fall behind the beat, and the sound isn't as rich & full, the wood tones on the violin aren't quite there. The RS-1 has the details & drive but doesn't pin the sound in space as well, though that might be partly due to the up front presentation.

This song sounded absolutely incredible on the K340. I enjoyed the Paganini violin concerto that I played for us as well, but it didnt quite 'beat you over the head' with how good it was like this track did. Both of us had HUGE smiles on our face when it came to our turn with the K340's on this one.

I think that your comments on the Stax and the RS1 come very close to describing the K340's. They share many of the stong points of both the SR404's and the RS1's... and a few of their own.

Originally Posted by 00940
welcome to the club

Thanks man, I am really glad that I joined!

Originally Posted by jesse_w
Can someone explain how they work? Whats the deal with electrostat/dynamic hybrid and using them with normal amps?

Well, I don't think anyone really knows completely how they work, but from what I understand it goes something like this:

There is a dynamic driver that is facing outwards at the back part of the cups that generates the bass response.

There is an electrostat tweeter across the openings of the cups that is powered by some sort of charged magnet that AFAIK has a life expectancey of ~40 years.

There are a bunch of 'passive diaphragms' that are between these two drivers that accomplish the crossover.

My headphones have been further modified to replace the original one sided steel cable with a high quality silver cable that terminates in both earcups. The holes in the plastic shield have been widened and there has been some accoustic dampening done in the cups at the rear. [EDIT: oh, and the electronics before the drivers were bypassed]

EDIT: holeinmywallet, I like your new avatar
Jan 23, 2005 at 10:15 PM Post #23 of 383
I miss mine...I do wish that I'd not sold them.

They require a LOT of power to REALLY come to life. The best amp I've ever paired them with was the Meier Corda Pre-Head...made them sing like nobody's business. If I'd owned that amp (it was a loaner from a friend), I know I'd have never sold them. SIGH!!

I'll wager that the Ray Samuels amps sound great with them too. Just a guess, but an educated one.

Glad that you're enjoying them.
Jan 23, 2005 at 10:20 PM Post #24 of 383

Originally Posted by elrod-tom
I miss mine...I do wish that I'd not sold them.

Well you can hear mine at the Chicago meet.

Originally Posted by elrod-tom
Glad that you're enjoying them.

Thanks man, I really am... although I got kind of spoiled by aerius' amp.

My AOS Flute should be arriving mid next week and I am hoping that it does a good job. I will also be trying anything that I can get my hands on at the Chicago meet to see what works the best with them.

Just had a thought... depending on who is driving, we can listen to the K340's [and whatever else] on the way to the meet from Detroit! I have my av320, will have my Flute and have two PowerRunner battery packs!
Jan 23, 2005 at 11:07 PM Post #25 of 383

Originally Posted by elrod-tom
I miss mine...I do wish that I'd not sold them.

Me too
. I had two near-new pairs that I sold. Only closed can that doesn't sound closed, save the Sony R10. Best can AKG ever made, save the K1000.
Jan 23, 2005 at 11:38 PM Post #26 of 383
Just to add something : it would be very interesting to have a unmodded pair at the meet. Going from steel to copper or silver cabling is making a difference so obvious that a 10-years old child would pick it.

The moddified K340 sound just as different from the stock headphones as the SR60 from the SR225.
Jan 24, 2005 at 12:56 AM Post #27 of 383
I must agree with most of the impressions people have posted. These are really special cans, not perfect, but they do imaging, vocals, and acoustic instruments noticeably better than even the HD650 (I've even tried the Senns with the Mobius and didn't really like that cable). Now I've got two pairs: one with the Headphile cable and one stock. The stock pair's got a lot more bass, but it's a little wooly - the headphile pair's bass it tighter and more articulate. The stock pair is *perfect* in my new transportable system: new ipod + sr-71 - this system is a little lean on bass and thus it's a perfect match. BTW this doesn't sound like a transportable system at all - it's more like an alternative to my home system, and it's just a bonus (a big one) that it's luggable. I've had excellent results with the K340 and any powerful amp I've tried: Gilmore V2/V2se, RKV MkII, and Emmeline sr-71. I've actually found the Senns to be more picky about amps - I have a clear preference for tube amps with them.

I'd also like to point out how the K340's give you good isolation, which is why I choose them for transportable use. Amazing sound quality, good isolation, moddable, can be had for less than $150 - I really wonder why these aren't more sought after - what else can come close to doing all that? I've got a pair of K271s burning in, and so far they don't come close. The A900s cost more, and I don't think anyone would argue that they're at the HD650's level, much less better.
Jan 24, 2005 at 2:20 AM Post #28 of 383

Originally Posted by elrod-tom
They require a LOT of power to REALLY come to life. The best amp I've ever paired them with was the Meier Corda Pre-Head...made them sing like nobody's business.

You can say that again, my DIY tube amp is actually a low power speaker amp, and the setting I was using on the volume control would've been enough to drive relatively efficient loudspeakers to a decent volume. And I thought Senn 580's were hard to drive....
Jan 24, 2005 at 2:34 AM Post #29 of 383
philodox, I am so glad to hear that you are enjoying those cans. It is very gratifying to see a piece of gear end up as a good match for a listener.

jesse, a couple of observations (from memory, so beware):

The lf driver is fairly conventional. There is a ring of passive diaphragms, but I can't remember if they radiate outward (probably) or to the ear cavity. Either way I think that they tune the back cavity for increased bass. The electrostatic driver is suspended free air style in the earcup. This allows both forward and rearward emissions to be heard. It is a very unique effect, similar to ES speakers, but at a higher frequency. Being electrostatic, they use a charge modulated diaphragm suspended between two permanently charged grids (not to be confused with magnets). There is a coil in there somewhere to kick up the voltage. I have no idea how they did the crossover, but I suspect that they let the LF driver roll off naturally, and tuned the transformer to act as a high pass.

Jan 24, 2005 at 2:48 AM Post #30 of 383
Herzlichen Glückwunsch zu Deinen neuen Kopfhörern!

Philodox, the K340 sound like a winner and apparently Larry has done a great work again. Nonregarding the fact that it needs a powerful amp, how would you rate its portability factor compared to the 271 in terms of size, isolation and maybe design?

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