Magni 3 Impressions
Sep 28, 2017 at 12:38 AM Post #241 of 2,593
Just got my Magni 3 today and gave it a couple hours to warm up. I'm upgrading from a Magni 2U (mostly because I need something for work), so I was able to compare them for about an hour tonight. Before getting into the sound, I think the feel of the Magni 3's volume knob is much smoother than the 2U. Honestly I didn't think I would really care about the feel of the knob, but it's a plus for sure.

For reference, I was playing mostly Other Voices, by LCD Soundsystem and tested the amps using Senn HD600 and Fostex TH-X00 PH. My initial impression was that the depth of the soundstage sounded a little different and I found the Magni 3 to be bit more open/airy, and maybe a little more delicate (which I'm not sure how I feel about). The second thing I noticed was that the bass was little sharper and less bloated on the Magni 3, especially when using the Fostex. I can hear the strumming of the bass in the beginning of the song with a little more texture using the Magni 3. The last thing I listened for was how bright the highs were. Using this track around the 4:30 mark, I find the Magni 3 to definitely be a bit less strident when using the HD600s. Take all this with a grain of salt as these were my initial impressions after only an hour and change of listening. It was also not a blind test, as I had the switch the RCA cables back and forth and I never discount the power of confirmation bias.

My final take is that this is a great buy for $99, especially considering I paid $149 for the 2U. I'll try to update in the next few days after comparing them more thoroughly.
Sep 28, 2017 at 1:18 AM Post #242 of 2,593
Can anyone compare the Magni 3 to the Magni 2 with the 400is? I noticed I was listening to them at 3 o clock with the Magni 2 at high gain. They felt pretty darn high to drive despite their low impedance. Curious to see if it wouldn't need as much effort to drive them loud.

Seems like I have to go to around 3 or 4 also to get my m1060's nice and loud on low gain
Sep 28, 2017 at 4:50 AM Post #243 of 2,593
I'm still very new to the audiophile world so you can take what I say with a grain of salt but I really like what I've gotten out of the Magni 3 so far, especially since it seems to have tamed the highs on headphones I've found to be a bit too sibilant (in my case the Audio-Technica ATH A1000z and the iSine 20). It also pairs well with the HD650 from what I've tried so far
Sep 28, 2017 at 5:05 AM Post #244 of 2,593
Can anybody comment on channel (im)balance with very low pot positions, when powering high-sensitivity headphones?

This was an issue for me with Vali 2 and to some extent even with Fulla 2 and Magni 2U. Or maybe I am too spoiled by relay-based volume control with perfect volume tracking?
Sep 28, 2017 at 7:51 AM Post #245 of 2,593
Can anybody comment on channel (im)balance with very low pot positions, when powering high-sensitivity headphones?

This was an issue for me with Vali 2 and to some extent even with Fulla 2 and Magni 2U. Or maybe I am too spoiled by relay-based volume control with perfect volume tracking?

Yes I'm very interested in hearing someone's impressions pertaining channel imbalance at volume levels.
Sep 28, 2017 at 7:58 AM Post #246 of 2,593
My magni 3 shows no audible imbalance at all. Even at very low volume in contrast to my vali 2 and fulla 2 which show minor imbalances.
Sep 28, 2017 at 12:50 PM Post #250 of 2,593
Yes I'm very interested in hearing someone's impressions pertaining channel imbalance at volume levels.
I did find some channel imbalance on low volumes while listening last night. It happened when the volume knob was very close to 0, but I could only hear volume coming out of the right driver. I don't have my Magni 3 with me right now, but I'll check later to see if it's more prevalent on the Magni 3 in comparison to the Magni 2U.
Sep 28, 2017 at 12:58 PM Post #251 of 2,593
I also noticed some channel imbalance very low on the volume knob, probably only an issue if you're listening to IEMs at a very low volume. Not nearly as bad as Fulla 2
Sep 28, 2017 at 1:02 PM Post #252 of 2,593
Anyone try the Magni 3 out on the LCD-2/LCD-X/HD800S/DT1990? I will be upgrading to one of those four from my DT 990's.
i tried the regular hd800 on it and thought it was quite nice. i went back and forth with it and the jotunheim, on my friend's hd800, t1, and many of my headphones. i'll focus on the hd800.

i thought the m3 did very well with the hd800. the m3 has more than enough power for the hd800. i tried low and high gain, and both were plenty. with low gain the volume knob was about 11ish. high gain maybe 7ish. didnt notice any sonic differences between the gains, just where the volume knob was on each.

sonically, the m3 sounded really nice with the hd800. the m3 is a neutral amp with a very smooth top end, which paired well with the hd800's 6k frequency spike. compared to the jot, the m3 was a touch smoother and softer from about 4k on. i wouldnt call it veiled, it's not. but in direct comparison, it's just a softer presentation compared to the jot. treble on the jot/hd800 combo would occasionally get uncomfortable. i'd find myself tensing a bit while listening. my go to siblance track is junior walker's "shotgun". i have no idea what instrument it is, but there's a metalic clashing thing playing in the background, and it's BRIGHT. it's like clashing two metal rods together. it's harsh, metalic, and loud in the mix. the jot/hd800 combo was a bit too much for me, i lowered the volume. on the m3, i did not lower the volume. BUT, i still found it uncomfortable. just not as much as with the jot doing amp duties.

mids didnt sound much different, m3 vs jot. the jot was clearer but a hair, and that was accross the whole frequency range. the 800 mids sounded sublime on the m3.

bass was slightly different. the jot has a bit more bass slam, in comparison. the m3 is a touch more polite in it's bass presentation. my bass test tracks is anything from daft punk random access memories, or this little beauty: bea miller's "dracula". before you judge, the song itself...well it's teenage girl stuff, nuff said. but the triple bass blast in the mix is excellent bass test material. after 20 seconds or so into the track, there's a slamming triple bass blast you'll hear. the first bass hit is strong, textured, DEEP, and somewhat slow to decay (the mix, regardless of headphone). the 2nd hit comes a mere second or so after the first, and SHOULD sound much the same as the first. BUT...depending on the headphone/chain used, it can sound dramatically. lesser gear cannot recover from the first bass hit, and only register a soft cough of bass. you know your gear cant do deep fast bass if that's the case. the hd800 has very fast bass and recovers from the first bass hit just fine when the 2nd comes. with both the m3 and jot, that 2nd hit is just as impactful and resonant as the first. the only difference is the jot slams a hair harder. still impressive on either. ok third hit. lesser headphones are in chaos from the first two hits and barely register the third. a mild gasp is the norm haha. again, the hd800 is up to the task. the 3rd hits, and though softer (due to the mix, not the gear), it's still deep and impactful, with strong leading edges and nice soft decay. the m3 again has a hair less impact, and decay rolls off a hair earlier. all in all both amps with the hd800 handle the triple bass quite well. i didnt feel the m3 held the 800 back in any way in the bass department. i think the jot is just less neutral.

so long story short on the bass side, the m3 is a hair more polite, with slightly less slam and weight. the 800 hit hard, fast, with plenty of detail with the 800. i didnt note any significant roll off issues

going back to the big picture, i did enjoy the m3/hd800 combo. past magni's were too harsh up top for the hd800 (to my ears). but the m3 remedies those past failings quite well. anytime the treble got hot on the hd800, it was the headphone/track's doing, not the amp. the m3 did not highlight or exacerbate the hd800's inherent brightness. it didnt mask it either though. that's why i feel the m3 is quite neutral and transparent. it just gets out of the way and lets you hear the other gear. i've owned it for a week now, listening to it 4-6 hours a day at work, and i still cant say it has any particular character. i wouldnt call it warm, cold, soft, harsh, etc etc etc. it just sounds good, without bringing any attention to itself. that's a win for me. and given it's character, i think it will pair well with a very large range of headphones. something i couldnt say about past magnis...

a quick note on planars. though i dont own the lcd2, i do have an ether c. the m3 was great with it. plenty of power. like with the hd800, it just got out of the way and let me focus on the headphone/music. i could use low or high gain with the ether, and had plenty of headroom. all the headphones you list should work just fine on the m3.
Sep 28, 2017 at 1:07 PM Post #253 of 2,593
Anyone try the Magni 3 out on the LCD-2/LCD-X/HD800S/DT1990? I will be upgrading to one of those four from my DT 990's.

I posted a few pages back that the Magni 3 drives the HD800S on low gain around 10 o'clock on the knob. About the same for Oppo PM-3 and Momentum 2. Magni 3 is controlled, neutral, and silent as in no noise at high gain with no signal. I am very pleased with it and somewhat amazed at what Schiit has been able to do. It may chase a couple of other amps out of the house.

Edit: I pretty much agree with Erics75's take on the HD800s. Can't comment on the bass comparison with Jot because I don't have a Jot to compare. I take Magni 3s bass as very controlled and tight but impactful leaving nothing for this listener to desire. I neglected to mention transparency and details: all there.
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Sep 28, 2017 at 1:54 PM Post #254 of 2,593
Yes I'm very interested in hearing someone's impressions pertaining channel imbalance at volume levels.

The volume control on my new Magni 3 is much better than the original Magni it replaced. Using my Ultimate Ears UE-10 Pro IEMs I notice a slight imbalance to the right until I get the volume control up to 8 o'clock. The UE-10s are so sensitive I can only listen comfortably up to 8:30. I think I will have to get a set of line level attenuators like the Harrisons.

My other headphones at this time are the OPPO PM-3s. Not as sensitive as the UE-10s but the same imbalance to the right is noticed until volume is advanced to 8 o'clock. With gain switch set to low on the Magni 3 I can listen comfortably with volume all the way up to 9 to 10 o'clock.

Bottom line Schiit should in my opinion reduce the gain by 12 db more in the low gain switch position so the Magni 3 works better with sensitive IEMs
Sep 28, 2017 at 2:04 PM Post #255 of 2,593
The volume control on my new Magni 3 is much better than the original Magni it replaced. Using my Ultimate Ears UE-10 Pro IEMs I notice a slight imbalance to the right until I get the volume control up to 8 o'clock. The UE-10s are so sensitive I can only listen comfortably up to 8:30. I think I will have to get a set of line level attenuators like the Harrisons.

My other headphones at this time are the OPPO PM-3s. Not as sensitive as the UE-10s but the same imbalance to the right is noticed until volume is advanced to 8 o'clock. With gain switch set to low on the Magni 3 I can listen comfortably with volume all the way up to 9 to 10 o'clock.

Bottom line Schiit should in my opinion reduce the gain by 12 db more in the low gain switch position so the Magni 3 works better with sensitive IEMs

There is the UE Buffer jack, it will do what you need.
I have one and use it with my RP-HD10s and 1More quad drivers with certain amps.

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