OK so.
10 mins in, going back and forth with the A4... this is a CLEAR upgrade.
Only tried the black and red filters so far, but hot damn they're pretty amazing! Stock cable and included foamies so far. Will try my standard Comply and my A4 upgrade cable in a bit.
Thanks to everyone on the thread who left their impressions... super helpful!
The Grey are kinda interesting. MUCH less bass than the Red, but the Red were a bit too much for some things... The Grey just ooze detail...hearing things I've not heard on the A4s. More separation and better spacial positioning. These are pretty sweet. May try a little sub bass boost with these and see what happens.
Blue... funny these are kinda reference in a way... or maybe reverse L - so __|
Maybe a touch sibilant even with the foam... but LOADs of air and new details again. Not sure they're worth the sharper overall sound... and the loss of bass. hmm... eye-opening, but probably not for me.
They're not bass-lite, but they're lighter than the alternatives.
As it stands I'm back on Black, and will be flirting with Grey
All of the options are CLEAR upgrades to the A4.
No bad options really. In the end with the A4, black and black was all I could deal with... until I lost the black backs... then it became black/open. These seem to be better filters... more like EQ presets than anything else... the soundstage change between filters is pretty minimal... unlike the A4.
Anyway, I'm happy. Big upgrade... did I say that already?
Oh and BTW: It did ship with the new filters.