Lilith Audio Player
Feb 15, 2010 at 11:56 PM Post #91 of 507

Originally Posted by hybrid.e /img/forum/go_quote.gif
uLilith (Unicode OS, I believe Windows 2000 and up)looks to be in test phase so if you want to check it out. There isn't a configuration/preferences section as of yet.

Index of /download/uLilith

good point! the latest version is only a few days old:

it does gapless FLAC of course
Feb 16, 2010 at 12:50 AM Post #93 of 507
there's zillions of skins on the official site

well, it sounds as good as Reclock...but different, tell me your thoughts and I'll tell you mine

I currently run it in 16/44.1 w/ ASIO4ALL
Feb 16, 2010 at 3:50 AM Post #98 of 507
listening now and I cant hear a difference between this player and foobar 1.0 on windows 7. They sound identical. I used to be able to hear the differences of all the different players with vista. I think It might be because of windows 7... I dont know.
Feb 16, 2010 at 5:26 AM Post #102 of 507
O RLY? well it clearly isn't for me...not on this live concert I have, I think foobar can be gapless only if the mp3s come from LAME and have the right header or sumthing.

anyway, it's really too bad you can't hear a diff between foobar/Reclock/uLilith+ASIO4LL on W7...coz man, is there a diff on XP

W7 really doesn't seem like an upgrade to me(forcing a fixed sample rate and all), I'll wait for W8 mid-2011
Feb 16, 2010 at 9:01 AM Post #103 of 507
It might not be too bad because it could be that W7 makes foobar sound as good as this player on w7 instead of lilith sounding better than foobar on xp. w7 might have cleaned up the code where it makes the differences of these players moot. In other words, maybe foobar/W7 still sounds better than xp with whatever player you throw at it is what I'm getting at. Ive heard linux is even better still.
Feb 16, 2010 at 11:53 AM Post #104 of 507
well, there's sure been a lot of the mandatory fixed sample rate in the audio config...both the VIA and Musiland Monitor drivers only carry an "auto" sample rate option on W7 might not only be an improvement because m$ says so.

of course, the whole system is based on very tight timings thanks to HPET: Guidelines For Providing Multimedia Timer Support

anyway, yes I will try it soon or later...but the diffs are so huge on XP between all these players, and uLilith sounds so good w/ ASIO4ALL...that I might just take my time

a good OS needs very tight timings and a low latency/low jitter bit-perfect oriented audio engine...Linux has an edge because it can be made to work in realtime, windows is not meant for you throw data and hope for the best
Feb 16, 2010 at 1:22 PM Post #105 of 507
hehehe I like that one... Throw data and hope for the best hahaha. Why are we not using linux by the way ... We should have a separate computer just for audio with Linux running

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