LH Labs Geek Out v2 Discussion Thread
Sep 8, 2015 at 9:29 PM Post #481 of 1,391
I've been conversing with @AustinValentine and absolutely everything I've read here is true.
The thing that really got me with regards to the V2 (besides the DAC) is that it has a handle on so many different headphones. Whereas my Denon AH-D2000 turned into mush, they sounded very good on the V2. Honestly have not tried my HD650 as yet. Just working my way through various headphones, but that's the beauty of the V2. You can listen to any headphone you choose.
And yes, unless you've heard a Sabre DAC before, you're really in for a sonic treat!
Sep 8, 2015 at 9:36 PM Post #482 of 1,391
Just read over the edit. I think the GO V2 is the best purchase for me at the moment. Means I have a decent dac I can use for the foreseeable future and a more capable portable amp for really hard to drive stuff. Makes me feel better about not getting the infinity version as that is 150 dollars more.
I agree, the Groove is no slouch in the DAC department. Amp can be hit or miss.  
Btw, wich ALO amp are you using with the V2? (the RX? I wish I could get the ALO CDM, that is some end game schiit there lol) Also with the Leckerton, are you using the recommended OP amp or did you go for something different? I am going to develop my transportable build around the V2 as my dac and add some stuff to it bit by bit. 

I have the ALO Rx (new edition), ALO CDM and the Leckerton UHA-6S.MKII with the upgraded AD8620 op-amps. 
The CDM truly is an amazing piece of gear, both for IEMs and full-sized HP's. Hard to believe it can drive both Noble K10's and LCD-3F's with great authority and finesse. However it's also pretty pricey. 
With just the IEM's (and for a lot less money) I find the Rx to be great and to just nudge past the Leckerton, but that doesn't take into consideration the DAC in the UHA-6S.MKII since the Rx is amp only. Therefore the lead goes to the Leckerton if you want something with a DAC as the Rx is a one-trick pony. 
If you are interested in trying out the UHA-6S.MKII (they're currently sold out on the Leckerton site) shoot me a PM and let's see what we might be able to work out. 
Sep 8, 2015 at 11:08 PM Post #484 of 1,391
Sep 8, 2015 at 11:13 PM Post #485 of 1,391
  Brian - When did you get the LC you lucky person? Assume that's a review unit?
Good pairing with the V2+?

It's a temp loaner, going back soon. I wanted to try out this combo before it does so I connected the two. I wish I had an adapter so I could use the balanced output, but the LC's SE phase splitter is pretty awesome. Haven't had a lot of time with the pairing, but first impressions are good.
Sep 8, 2015 at 11:25 PM Post #488 of 1,391
It's a simple Monoprice cable. It's the only 3.5mm to RCA that I can currently locate. I have an AudioQuest cable somewhere, but I'm not sure where it went, and it's a much longer cable that would have a ton of excess slack.

I'm planning to run the same setup, so was curious if it was a balanced interconnect. I figured if someone was already making a short TRRS to XLR, I'd want to know.
Sep 8, 2015 at 11:33 PM Post #489 of 1,391
I'm planning to run the same setup, so was curious if it was a balanced interconnect. I figured if someone was already making a short TRRS to XLR, I'd want to know.

Like you, I've been hunting for a 3.5mm TRRS to dual 3-pin XLR and I haven't seen anything that's not custom order. Personally I'd love to see LH Labs make a few balanced adapters and put them on their marketplace, but I've not seen any announcements on the topic. I'm debating trying to DIY or just going out and ordering an adapter from one of the many cable makers. Those 3.5mm TRRS jack are a bit intimidating.
Sep 8, 2015 at 11:33 PM Post #490 of 1,391
I'm planning to run the same setup, so was curious if it was a balanced interconnect. I figured if someone was already making a short TRRS to XLR, I'd want to know.

Like this?
If you need the 3.5mm TRRS to dual male 3-pin XLR's I'm pretty sure they could do that as well. 
Sep 8, 2015 at 11:36 PM Post #492 of 1,391
  Like this?
If you need the 3.5mm TRRS to dual male 3-pin XLR's I'm pretty sure they could do that as well. 

I also have one of the 2.5mm TRRS to dual female 3-pin XLR's I can bring to Denver if anyone wants to see the build quality of the Luna stuff. 
I use that particular adapter to allow me to run my Infinity as a DAC feeding the balanced input of my CDM. 
Sep 8, 2015 at 11:37 PM Post #493 of 1,391
Won't work, needs male XLRs. This cable would be for a balanced XLR DAC running into a balanced 3.5mm amp.

Yeah, that's why I put the part in about them being able to make one of those if asked...
...so I just asked them if they'd make the male XLR version! Will let you know what I hear, but they've been pretty good to work with so far. 
Sep 9, 2015 at 5:06 PM Post #495 of 1,391

I'm just following up on my own post about the apparent/perceived shipping delays for those who pre-ordered via the Indiegogo campaign: I got tired of being patient today and opened a support ticket with LH Labs, just to make sure that my order hadn't been lost somewhere. Stephanie from LH Labs responded just a few hours later, letting me know that my order hadn't been lost, and that I would be receiving my Geek Out V2 within the next week.
A few hours after that, I received a shipping notice from LH Labs along with a tracking number 

Was this a total coincidence, or did my ticket actually cause my order to get shipped out faster? In the end, I don't care - I'm just happy to know that the GOV2 is on its way. I must give proper credit to Stephanie and the LH Labs support desk - it's nice to get a response so quickly!

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