Jan 12, 2010 at 1:09 PM Post #62 of 78
To me, at least prototype model up here, are definitely not bad at all and hold their own. I had them for pretty short time and couldn't do any direct comparison with models you mention, but I do believe they could easier take vs. big boys, however... Most of my concern goes to their industrial look, while they are pretty light and comfy, even liked them better than HD650 or K701, but they don't have the "fancy" look, which for lots of folks still a must, however you pay EUR 199 for new instead of EUR 300+ for K701 or HD650. Also found them, based on my system at the time, more flat/neutral responding than K701 or HD650 for sure, so, like any other brand, they have had a very good potential to shine in the matched system. Later, I got the chance to hear the original released model and they were not the same sounding as prototype. They had more artificial kind of sig, but also less flat/neutral, which was a bit disappointment, to tell you the true. But even then, because they weren't burned fully and didn't had an after market cable installed, its pretty difficult to say the last about them.
Jan 12, 2010 at 1:39 PM Post #63 of 78
I've edited the thread title to include the name of the headphones. Kind of makes sense to do so, or a) a lot of people won't bother to click on the thread and b) it won't be found as easily in searches. By that, I mean that a lot of people search based on thread titles only.
Jan 12, 2010 at 6:24 PM Post #64 of 78
I received a pair of the GMP 435 S as part of the US Loan Program. I had no idea how many hours of use they had but out of the box the treble was very harsh, overpowering, and fatiguing. I have been burning them in and have put about an additional 90 hours so far.

It may be my ears playing games on me but I hear a different and there is much less treble energy. This observations are w/o using the velour pads which will be next. More to come.


Jan 12, 2010 at 6:33 PM Post #65 of 78
Well, i have weird ways of choosing headphones. I have been looking at these headphones for quite sometime,but due to lack of information and fan following, could not make up my mind. Believe it or not, the looks is the main thing that made me like them, and the name German Maestro sounds killer.

That is what i have been always doing since childhood, and it has been working pretty good till now, i went with the purchase that gave me peace of mind. Call me immature, funny and whatnot, but i like it this way.

Also, i find the Shure 440/840's good looking, you can say i like simple and elegant designs.

Jan 12, 2010 at 8:15 PM Post #66 of 78

Originally Posted by InFn-0 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Any impressions on where these headphones shine and how good these stand against the more celebrated headphones such as hd650/k701/dt880?? cheers

When the older MB Quart phones were being discontinued, the QP45x and QP55x were described as the poor man's K701 and DT990. I'm not really sure if any of the last generation or the current GMBs are equivalent. I seem to recall a post at some point that said which were the equivalent between the 2 generations of MB phones.


The QP45 and QP55 are the most comfortable headphones I've put on my head.

Edit: I wish they'd bring back floats.
Jan 13, 2010 at 10:14 AM Post #67 of 78
Well, in the US, German Maestro 435's cost like $80 more than K701s so i m not really sure if buying them would make sense if they are inferior. Anyway, thanks for the link.
Jan 13, 2010 at 2:15 PM Post #68 of 78
I don't know if the new GMB phones are inferior to the K701. The link I posted are for 2 generation old headphones and like I said, I don't know which of the current ones are the equivalent, if any.

At least 2 people on this thread can tell you how they compare to the K701 though. I know Acix is a big fan of both the GMB phones and the K701. mrarroyo also owns a K701.
Jan 13, 2010 at 5:07 PM Post #69 of 78
I used to have the K701 just a week ago lol. No it´s not superior in any way they are just different. 435S is flatter and more natural sounding to my ears if you judge headphones by that. If you judge headphones by size of soundstage and ability to pick up details you may preferr K701. Though the German Maestros with some of the newer pads get ultra detailed.
Jan 13, 2010 at 5:47 PM Post #71 of 78
Interesting, oqvist's comments really makes me want to try these headphones out... too bad there are restrictions.

I read on German Maestro's website that the 35ohm one is meant for the portables and for people who want to play out of computer, but i guess some performance will have to be sacrificed for this.
Jan 13, 2010 at 11:58 PM Post #72 of 78
Blackmore, as you can see from the pics the prototype model had the velour/velvet pads.
The official 435 S have the same custom pads as the 8.35, in Mrarroyo you see a different oval shape pads. Any of this pads will change the sound of the 435. Here is more info: http://www.head-fi.org/forums/f4/ger...rogram-438831/

GMP 8.35/ 435 S custom pads.

Few options to mod the hps by changing the pads. For more pads check this link: Ear Pads - GermanMAESTRO Shop
Jan 14, 2010 at 12:20 AM Post #73 of 78
Thanks for the pics and yes, like I mentioned as well, cos of upgraded cable and some other things, like pads, but I believe even more, include possible fully burn in, they were differ, to me, better sounding than the original released one. And because of possible upgrades I still think they have a very good potential to hold their own vs. K701 and HD650.
Aug 17, 2010 at 10:34 PM Post #75 of 78
I used the open Velour pads on mine. The GMP 435S sound very similar to the 250Ohm DT990 IMO with it's treble, midrange, and thumpy bass. I enjoyed them before I sold them off.

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