Kennerton ODIN, MAGISTER, VALI, Magni, Gjallarhorn, Rögnir, Thridi, Wodan, Thekk, and Thror Discussion.
Apr 17, 2023 at 6:50 AM Post #9,121 of 10,273
Is there any change to the sound signature with the new design?
No, there is no change in the sound signature whatsoever. We put a lot of the work to make the sound stay the same.

Why not an hibryd?
Kennerton had tried to experiment with hybrid headphones, however the results did not satisfy us. We do not have any plans regarding the hybrids for the near future.
Apr 17, 2023 at 12:51 PM Post #9,122 of 10,273
Thanks for your kind reply... This confirm my intuition about this acoustic task... It is a very difficult one it seems, with one success in headphone history it seems... The AKG K340... They did not go further with this model, now you confirm me in my impression, it is because it ask for too much research and costs to go there and make a reasonnable profit margin is more problematic with a so complex design .... Anyway they dont throw it off because it was an error, the mythical status of the K340 for 40 years is proof of that and my own impression as listener.... Kennerton make the most original headphones line nowadays on many counts, i am sad that this Kennerton Hybrid will not see the light but i understand too why ... I wish you the best from my heart Thanks ...
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May 3, 2023 at 5:58 AM Post #9,123 of 10,273
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May 3, 2023 at 9:27 AM Post #9,124 of 10,273
Hi guys, recently became owner of a Rognir planar, was eager to compare them to my beloved ZMF VC.
They sound simply amazing, as is the general opinion that can be derived from this thread.
The only thing bothering me a little is the thickness of the pads, my ears ever so lightly touch the headphones.
I read that moving to ZMF pads is a bad idea because this may in the worst case damage the drivers.
Has anyone found Kennerton pads that negate this issue? I looked at the "ear cushions" on their site but from the photos I cannot tell whether they vary in thickness.
May 3, 2023 at 1:16 PM Post #9,125 of 10,273
Hi guys, recently became owner of a Rognir planar, was eager to compare them to my beloved ZMF VC.
They sound simply amazing, as is the general opinion that can be derived from this thread.
The only thing bothering me a little is the thickness of the pads, my ears ever so lightly touch the headphones.
I read that moving to ZMF pads is a bad idea because this may in the worst case damage the drivers.
Has anyone found Kennerton pads that negate this issue? I looked at the "ear cushions" on their site but from the photos I cannot tell whether they vary in thickness.
i have both too and no problems with the Kennerton Pads I have (ELC-02 and ELC-03).
May 3, 2023 at 5:34 PM Post #9,127 of 10,273
Hi guys, recently became owner of a Rognir planar, was eager to compare them to my beloved ZMF VC.
They sound simply amazing, as is the general opinion that can be derived from this thread.
The only thing bothering me a little is the thickness of the pads, my ears ever so lightly touch the headphones.
I read that moving to ZMF pads is a bad idea because this may in the worst case damage the drivers.
Has anyone found Kennerton pads that negate this issue? I looked at the "ear cushions" on their site but from the photos I cannot tell whether they vary in thickness.
Anecdotally, that's nonesense.
Been using ZMF auteur hybrid pads for ~6 months without issue on my rognir.
I had the same issue with the pads being too thin and didn't want to pay 2-3x as much for the ECL02/03 pads.
That said, im sure the official kennerton pads would be better, but these work pretty well.
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May 4, 2023 at 1:19 AM Post #9,128 of 10,273
Anecdotally, that's nonesense.
Been using ZMF auteur hybrid pads for ~6 months without issue on my rognir.

I had the same issue with the pads being too thin and didn't want to pay 2-3x as much for the ECL02/03 pads.
That said, im sure the official kennerton pads would be better, but these work pretty well.
I'm not an expert, but please refer to this post. I read it can go well with other pads, but in the post I linked I read something about possible issues when thick 3rd party pads are installed, because of overpressure on the drivers due to the additional thick foam. This would possibly also void warranty, and at this price range I wouldn't want to risk it :)

So is there anyone who experienced their ear touching the driver with stock pads, who switched to other Kennerton pads which negated their comfort issue?
May 4, 2023 at 1:25 AM Post #9,129 of 10,273
So is there anyone who experienced their ear touching the driver with stock pads, who switched to other Kennerton pads which negated their comfort issue?
The thicker pads will indeed totally mitigate this issue unless you have Dumbo style ears👂
May 4, 2023 at 2:27 AM Post #9,130 of 10,273
The thicker pads will indeed totally mitigate this issue unless you have Dumbo style ears👂
So you were able to find official Kennerton pads that are thicker than the stock ones? :) Because that sounds like what Im looking for!
May 4, 2023 at 2:57 AM Post #9,132 of 10,273
So you were able to find official Kennerton pads that are thicker than the stock ones? :) Because that sounds like what Im looking for!
Yes official. I tried ZMF pads. Fit was awful and they sound poor. Shipping is expensive for official ones but worth it, IMO. Lots of info on pads within this thread.
May 4, 2023 at 10:45 AM Post #9,133 of 10,273
what difference do you hear between the 02 and 03mf earpads?
For me the ELC-03 Pads tame down the Trebles, which are too bright for me and increases the Bass with more punch.
May 4, 2023 at 10:48 AM Post #9,134 of 10,273
The pads are not cheap. All in all I paid 150€!!
May 10, 2023 at 12:14 PM Post #9,135 of 10,273
I am new to this thread and havent checked it all yet.
I am wondering if anybody can compare Rognir Dynamic vs GH50.
Which one is better overall also in terms of details and bass? Its very hard to find this comparison.

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