Kennerton ODIN, MAGISTER, VALI, Magni, Gjallarhorn, Rögnir, Thridi, Wodan, Thekk, and Thror Discussion.
Dec 5, 2020 at 1:23 PM Post #3,962 of 10,070
It's crazy I didn't pay any customs fees for the Gjallarhorn. I expected to pay around 20%
Dec 5, 2020 at 1:44 PM Post #3,963 of 10,070
Tax depends on the product and the declared value. Your customs website should be able to help you out. Import fees also depend on the carrier. I paid €50 for the magni from Russia and almost €100 for the hp-1 from the US.
Dec 5, 2020 at 1:49 PM Post #3,964 of 10,070
Thekk just got here too!

Dec 5, 2020 at 4:38 PM Post #3,966 of 10,070
My name is arielext and I am an addict, a headphone addict.

About a year ago my setup was like this:
AMPs: SMSL SH-8 / xduoo ta-20
HPs: Beyerdynamic T1 gen2 / Beyerdynamic T5p gen2 / Audeze Mobius

I thought I was done. I was happy, I knew I found my sweet spot concerning price/performance ... then 2020 entered the building, actually 2020 forced me to stay in the building a lot more :wink:
So after carefully weighting the options I decided to buy a RME ADI-2 DAC fs and knew instantly that it was an end-game DAC for me.
I had a few amps but none were actually doing it for me till I found my old head-five back that I had Jan repair for me. Let's find that end-game amp and I thought I found it in the form of a corda classic.
In the mean time I was browsing wooden headphones. I bought a pair of Sash très (highly recommended! Insanely good for just $350), took the plunge on a pair of Gjallarhorns and started to sell my plastic based headphones that made me happy all those years. Headphones like the T5p gen.2 and T1 gen.2.
Had to send the Gjallarhorns back due to transport issues and bought the Magni instead. The Magni that made me realize that I wasn't done and that my journey was just taking a turn, a turn to St. Petersburg.
I like to own a pair of closed backs, open backs and a planar, don't ask me why :p The Magni replaced the T5p and impressed the hell out of me and so I bought a pair of the Vali 2019. Deep rumbling bass, crisp highs. Man what a sound! Exactly what I was looking for :) I am happy again. I am done ... or was I?
The Thekk ... too expensive! But still ... A Russian planar, that is what was missing, but they are all just too expensive. I know my limits and apparently so does Walter from Underwood Hifi when he introduced the LSA HP-1; a Kennerton OEM headphone with the planar drivers of Odin and a housing close to Thekk. Long story short: I am happy again, Happy with the HP-1.
The synergy between the lower impedance Kennertons and the Corda Classic is just not 100%, I knew that. I bought a used Violectric V200 last week and this feels like I felt at the start of year when I bought the RME: done.

RME ADI-2 DAC > Violectric HPA V200 > LSA HP-1
Right now I'm reliving moments like I only have had them with the most special headphones I ever owned: the Stax SR-007 mk2 and Sennheiser HE60 combined with a KGSSHV. The price of the headphones is roughly the same, the amp about a third of the price. This is audio nirvana and getting it any better will cost me a lot more, a lot!

Done? Naah, might just need to save up for a custom build Thekk still :) A wood green coloured stabilized karelian birch Thekk that is.
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Dec 5, 2020 at 5:13 PM Post #3,967 of 10,070
Dec 5, 2020 at 6:08 PM Post #3,968 of 10,070
My name is arielext and I am an addict, a headphone addict.

Ha! :beyersmile: My year has been similar. I've always loved audio gear but focused on two-channel, vinyl, tubes, etc. Always had decent headphones at work but nothing too special. Then came 2020... new baby and covid meant lots of time at home and little time for blasting music on the hi-fi. So I went a little headphone crazy. I'll spare you the grueling details but something like 15 pairs of headphones, and half a dozen DACs and amps later and I *think* I'm closing in on the end of the trail. In all my experimenting Kennerton, ZMF, Chord, and Deckware have captured my heart (and ears).
Dec 6, 2020 at 6:31 AM Post #3,969 of 10,070
Good morning all.

You can watch this Russian video: short report on the Kennerton company in St Petersburg, Russia, with very beautiful images of the manufactured products, including some unpublished prototypes.
Craftsmanship in the noble sense of the term.
Imagination and creative power, they have! :)

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Dec 6, 2020 at 1:58 PM Post #3,971 of 10,070

Somebody can understand this ?

Hi Philippe.

The OLEG-Kennerton headphones are (much) more expensive German custom versions of the Kennerton Magni and the Kennerton Gjallarhorn GH 50 with their therapeutic properties, according to the well-known saying "music softens morals". :)



Just like the LSA-Kennerton headphones are (much) cheaper American custom versions of the Kennerton Magni, the Gjallarhorn, and the "Thekk-Odin" with their energizing and euphoric virtues: Enjoy say the Americans! :)



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Dec 6, 2020 at 5:15 PM Post #3,972 of 10,070
Hi Philippe.

The OLEG-Kennerton headphones are (much) more expensive German custom versions of the Kennerton Magni and the Kennerton Gjallarhorn GH 50 with their therapeutic properties, according to the well-known saying "music softens morals". :)



Just like the LSA-Kennerton headphones are (much) cheaper American custom versions of the Kennerton Magni, the Gjallarhorn, and the "Thekk-Odin" with their energizing and euphoric virtues: Enjoy say the Americans! :)




:scream::scream::scream: 1,500 € !!! :scream::scream::scream:
And same price for the Magni-clone and the GH 50-clone !!!
Nope, thank you Eric.....
Even more expensive than my good (not so) old LSA HP-1 with import taxes (less than 1,300 €). Who are those crazy german people ?

Dec 6, 2020 at 6:23 PM Post #3,973 of 10,070
Any chance Kennerton might add an electrostatic headphone?

I just took the plunge into that rabbit hole. I blame John as I have been talking with Ray Samuels about upgrading my Apache to the latest version Ray created after John's Apache was worked on. It gave Ray too much opportunity to convince me to try the electrostatic rabbit hole. 🤣😂
Dec 8, 2020 at 8:39 PM Post #3,974 of 10,070

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