k1000 owners club
Oct 4, 2016 at 5:37 PM Post #1,457 of 1,661
When you want to create a sculpture of a horse you start with a solid block of marble and chisel away everything that doesn't look like a horse ... what if EQ was done subtractively (i.e. take away anything that doesn't sound BH) rather than additively?

Care to share FR curves you used?
Oct 4, 2016 at 8:50 PM Post #1,458 of 1,661
Also on the HD800 thread. It was really basic iTunes equalizer stuff. Increasingly dramatic boosts to the bass and diminutions of the treble. A little is usually OK, more can be a problem. Larger orchestral ensembles, more bass, and higher volumes make the rattle stronger.
Also, I'm SN 10543, reporting present :) 
Oct 10, 2016 at 2:51 AM Post #1,459 of 1,661
Close neighbours we are then :)

I've tried my pair with a Cambridge Audio integrated (so-so), Pass DIY 60 watter (noisy ... amp needs TLC), SPL Phonitor (horrible clipping ... not what I expected!), Schiit Lyr V1 (much better than expected but probably needs better tubes than what I have lying around) and a 2.2W all valve 6EM7 custom SET ... absolutely lovely combination! Collecting two T-amps this week (Topping 15W and SMSL 25W) and have queued up a 300B to try out. Loving the K1000 but glad to have LCD2.2 and HD800 in the collection as well.
Oct 10, 2016 at 3:29 AM Post #1,460 of 1,661
Oh yeah Phonitor is a great SS amp, but it can't deliver the power reqs for K1000 and HE-6, not by a long shot. Mjolnir 2 is the least powerful amp I would dream of pairing with them, and even then the pairing is satisfactory but nowhere near the last word of what the transducers can do.
Oct 16, 2016 at 9:48 AM Post #1,461 of 1,661
Sunday share a pic...

Dec 9, 2016 at 3:49 AM Post #1,462 of 1,661

​Dear Fellow K1000 Owners...glad to make your acquaintance, all.  Just took the leap for a mint pair of K1Ks that were previously owned by someone associated with Stefan Audio Art...I can't quite get its ownership pedigree right yet, but suffice to say it is in absolutely mint condition and came with a teak box.  The owner's manual is still sealed and came with the original cardboard packaging and speaker tap cables.  Serial #10083. 
Total use time,,,,about 20 minutes.  I listened to it for all of 5 minutes, using a pair of Bottlehead Paramount 300B monoblocks to drive them.  Quite unique in the sense you feel like you are listening to speakers in a room, but with much more detail and immediacy.  I have a pair of Harbeth SuperHL5s in another listening room and the K1Ks give me somewhat of a similar experience...tonally neutral across the frequency spectrum and quite cohesive...quite musical. 
Looking forward to spending time with them thru the holidays...I also have the Audeze XC and ATH 3000W ANV to compare against....and enjoy as each has its own unique sound profile
Jan 13, 2017 at 2:43 PM Post #1,464 of 1,661
Hello all,
As one of the product developers of the K1000 I'm really glad to read this posts.
I checked the potential of the K1000 (I'm owning an very early prototype of it - high bass and more open too) comparing the AKG Audiosphere amp and processor with a brand new and small "Lake People HPA RS 08" ....
The difference is really impressive while listening to high res files...!  :)
The full potential is really there! Great! This offer the full potential as we developed it!
Best regards,
Jan 14, 2017 at 12:05 PM Post #1,465 of 1,661
Can't get a better endorsement than that....thanks

I wonder if there is a minimum power requirement for the K1000 or if there are other factors that need to be considered. I keep looking for a used K1000 but worried about amplification. I was considering the new Sony ZH1ES - not for the K1000 but for my Z1R. However it would be great if it would power a K1000. The amp has a XLR input too.
Jan 14, 2017 at 12:43 PM Post #1,466 of 1,661
Can't get a better endorsement than that....thanks

I wonder if there is a minimum power requirement for the K1000 or if there are other factors that need to be considered. I keep looking for a used K1000 but worried about amplification. I was considering the new Sony ZH1ES - not for the K1000 but for my Z1R. However it would be great if it would power a K1000. The amp has a XLR input too.

As the K1000 is extremely "hungry" an amplifier delivering 30 V eff. is recommended. This means 6 Watts on the 150 ohms impedance of the drivers.
Of course such high power is not usable in practices, but the voltage is important to get the impulses as good as possible.
For instance, the HPA RS 08 from Lake People can deliver that.
When you ask for minimum:
Yes, that power is at least to me the minimum an amp should deliver for the K1000.
BR heinz
Jan 14, 2017 at 1:57 PM Post #1,468 of 1,661
Thanks very much....do you have an opinion on the AKG amp that was developed for the K1000? I don't recall the exact name.

It seems though that a receiver or amp that can power speakers would be less of a concern.

I'm using the BAP-1000 from AKG
It's not only an amp but a sound processor as well.
The amp deliver 20 V, but peak level is not as good as todays amps are.
BR heinz
Jan 14, 2017 at 2:21 PM Post #1,469 of 1,661
The DNA Stratus and WA5 were both designed for the K1000. I've unfortunately heard neither pairing, though the Stratus has far fewer watts than would appear necessary:
"• All XLR and 1/4" TRS outputs provide the same power: 1.8W into 50 ohms, 900mW into 100 ohms"
How is it that it powers the K1000?
Jan 14, 2017 at 2:38 PM Post #1,470 of 1,661
  The DNA Stratus and WA5 were both designed for the K1000. I've unfortunately heard neither pairing, though the Stratus has far fewer watts than would appear necessary:
"• All XLR and 1/4" TRS outputs provide the same power: 1.8W into 50 ohms, 900mW into 100 ohms"
How is it that it powers the K1000?

With such amp you could get maximum 95 dB SPL on your ear. This is for a lot of music too silent. This is true if those values are right. May be this values are meant for almost no distortion and itit can deliver more as peak level...!? 
Sorry, don't have a better answer right now.
BR heinz

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