Just listened to some Fostex T50RPs today... WOW!
Nov 23, 2011 at 10:22 PM Post #5,026 of 11,346

No, I mean why do you have acoustic foam on the back of the cups (not the baffles).  I can imagine some reasons for this, I'm just curious what yours are. 

Ahh lol, to cover up the dynamat I have there 
.  Not sure if it does anything, but my "theory" is to try to mass dampen the cup with the dynamat (from the outside), and cover they nasty dynamat with acoustic foam.
@leeperry: LCD-2 is still king when it comes to bass response vs my T50 in its current state.
Nov 23, 2011 at 10:49 PM Post #5,027 of 11,346



Ahhhh, just when I'm thinking more and more of getting a second hand Rev.2


Agreed, the beyer foam really doesn't work. How about plain ole felt? this one gives great bass and filters pretty much all shrillness:

i don't find the Fostex remotely reaching any kind of shrillness with my upstream components.  getting rid of the foam gives me the treble i want - maybe perfect.  the bass is already big and chunky.  i don't want anything the would attenuate the treble or smear bass note attack - as a former aspiring orchestral double bassist, i'm very sensitive to the later.  what i have right now is the best i've heard from the Fostex.  
listening mostly to jazz tonight.  for modern jazz recordings, i prefer the K702, especially the double bass - it's perfect.  for older jazz recordings, the Fostex is better throughout the frequency spectrum.  like the K702, if you feed the Fostex with a crap recording, the sound is absolutely dire.
comparing the Fostex to the K240DF is tough.  i'm coming to the conclusion that the Fostex may have a better mid-range.  i've always thought that the AKGs had the best mids of any HP i've owned.  the K240DF has better center-fill, but jeez, the Fostex just nails it with better timbre and tone.  more detailed throughout as well.  
Nov 23, 2011 at 11:01 PM Post #5,028 of 11,346

i don't find the Fostex remotely reaching any kind of shrillness with my upstream components.  getting rid of the foam gives me the treble i want - maybe perfect.  the bass is already big and chunky.  i don't want anything the would attenuate the treble or smear bass note attack - as a former aspiring orchestral double bassist, i'm very sensitive to the later.  what i have right now is the best i've heard from the Fostex.  

listening mostly to jazz tonight.  for modern jazz recordings, i prefer the K702, especially the double bass - it's perfect.  for older jazz recordings, the Fostex is better throughout the frequency spectrum.  like the K702, if you feed the Fostex with a crap recording, the sound is absolutely dire.

comparing the Fostex to the K240DF is tough.  i'm coming to the conclusion that the Fostex may have a better mid-range.  i've always thought that the AKGs had the best mids of any HP i've owned.  the K240DF has better center-fill, but jeez, the Fostex just nails it with better timbre and tone.  more detailed throughout as well.  

i felt the 240DF as well had much better center imagery compared to my fostex as well.pretty impressive that these matches my 240DF's that i have balanced and running off of speaker outputs as well. i was happy to find another headphone that has the clarity level and speed of my 240DF's finally.

the 240DF has a speaker like binaural like expansion to the soundstage and imaging if fed the right source. the fostex when properly dampened and has great and has major enclosure stuffing inside...i mean i stuffed the hell out of it with mineral wool and cotton where i had to grip hold the cover down to screw it in lol, it has great expansive soundstaging and good imagery but can be better for my preference since i'm so use to my 240DF's openness. it's pretty much toe to toe in most aspects of the DF's and fostex.
Nov 23, 2011 at 11:21 PM Post #5,029 of 11,346

i felt the 240DF as well had much better center imagery compared to my fostex as well.pretty impressive that these matches my 240DF's that i have balanced and running off of speaker outputs as well. i was happy to find another headphone that has the clarity level and speed of my 240DF's finally.
the 240DF has a speaker like binaural like expansion to the soundstage and imaging if fed the right source. the fostex when properly dampened and has great and has major enclosure stuffing inside...i mean i stuffed the hell out of it with mineral wool and cotton where i had to grip hold the cover down to screw it in lol, it has great expansive soundstaging and good imagery but can be better for my preference since i'm so use to my 240DF's openness. it's pretty much toe to toe in most aspects of the DF's and fostex.

the K240DF can sail through any piece of music without a hiccup.  a phenomenal can that sadly AKG cannot improve upon.  my only gripes with it is that sounds a bit tonally "dry" and bass is a bit attenuated to be an all-rounder. i love it's unique soundstage/layering as well.  i only keep the K702 around because it's sounds so good with some recordings.  it's picky with amps as well - anything that accentuates the upper-mids is total fail.   
Nov 23, 2011 at 11:28 PM Post #5,030 of 11,346

I'm using SPC cable from navships on my T50rp too. I've used 24 awg and braided in a 4 round patern. Nice cable you bought but it look to be rigid and not flexible enough for a headphone cable. You might have to remove the white sleeve and metal shield. Just my 2 cents 
i just bought some wire for my recable from ebay seller "navships": http://www.ebay.com/itm/15-26-AWG-Shielded-Silver-Teflon-Wire-4-Twisted-M27500-/230691621592?_trksid=p5197.m7&_trkparms=algo%3DLVI%26itu%3DUCI%26otn%3D5%26po%3DLVI%26ps%3D63%26clkid%3D4409534362023599716#ht_500wt_1413 .  4 wire for dual entry.
while i don't have a wire fetish, i think thinner gauge 24-26awg SPC does sound a bit brighter/thinner than thicker 20-22awg SPC.  
i also ripped out the felt tonight and am just experimenting with teased cotton balls. 

Nov 23, 2011 at 11:33 PM Post #5,031 of 11,346
the K240DF can sail through any piece of music without a hiccup.  a phenomenal can that sadly AKG cannot improve upon.  my only gripes with it is that sounds a bit tonally "dry" and bass is a bit attenuated to be an all-rounder. i love it's unique soundstage/layering as well.  i only keep the K702 around because it's sounds so good with some recordings.  it's picky with amps as well - anything that accentuates the upper-mids is total fail.   

yea. reason why the 240DF is still my top headphone for how well it can just breeze through any form of music without providing it's own ''signature'' to the music and the music itself becomes the signature and coloration. treble,top and air was one thing i loved with the DF's as well. it just had the speed for perfect decay and sounded natural without like other dynamics adding an artificial sizzle type sound to the high frequencies like with cymbals and hi-hats. the fostex does the treble,top and air like the DF's which i'm very happy with cause i'm very sensitive to high frequencies still. sub-bass and accentuated mid-bass i'm not very concern with like lot of people since i like well dampened bass and don't mind if it starts rolling-off at around 30hz since i don't really listen to stuff with lot of sub-bass under 30hz and don't care for the accentuated bass impact headphones try to do to sound like speakers on the impact part. hearing the impact gives me the impression of feeling it if that makes sense.

i auditioned the 701's once and did not like them when i first heard them personally. it was off some denon mixer though so maybe that's it but i did not like it. i do read the 702's and q701's are different a lot though as well.
Nov 24, 2011 at 12:31 AM Post #5,032 of 11,346

I'm using SPC cable from navships on my T50rp too. I've used 24 awg and braided in a 4 round patern. Nice cable you bought but it look to be rigid and not flexible enough for a headphone cable. You might have to remove the white sleeve and metal shield. Just my 2 cents 


with teflon, it will be stiff, no doubt.  i use the 20-22awg shielded wire for ICs.  the shielding is robust and extreme too, adding to the stiffness.  with the low output impedance of an amplifier, shielding is unnecessary for a HP/speaker cable, but does lower the impedance on the ground if attached to ground. but compared to Mogami 2534 which has PVC insulation/sheathing and 4x22awg, it shouldn't be a problem for me personally.  the Mogami is thick and a bit heavy, but requires a little cable "dressing" before inserting into the jack.  the Moon Audio cables are equally bulky.  i hate braiding too 
Nov 24, 2011 at 2:11 AM Post #5,033 of 11,346
Hmm frequency balance and general presentation sounds excellent in all metrics, but I now have audible crackling type distortion in busy passages.  Maybe back of driver membrane needs revisiting (currently 2X tanspore).

EDIT: Wrongly accused - crackling is either on recording or coming from my source.  What is a problem though is sibilance...  listening to these for 10 minutes makes my ears ring...
Nov 24, 2011 at 3:12 AM Post #5,034 of 11,346
I changed out the cotton stuffing in the rear of the 840 pads with rolled up strips of Vinyl, what I found was that stuffing with cotton really bulked it out, and the area inside the pads was greatly reduced. Rolling up Vinyl and stuffing it into the rear of the pads, really kinda flattens it out also, and now the stuffing is neatly tucked in behind the rim of the pads and not bulking out like before, this has worked out very nicely.
All improved greatly.
Working on a perferated Vynil cover for the earside of the driver, lets see if it will improve any reflections or simply muffle the sound or reduce detail as I experience before with other earside driver coverings.
Noob cable question :)
How many of these cables do I need to recable the T50RP?  1,2 or 4? Each cable has 2 strands on the inside.
Nov 24, 2011 at 4:06 AM Post #5,035 of 11,346

I changed out the cotton stuffing in the rear of the 840 pads with rolled up strips of Vinyl, what I found was that stuffing with cotton really bulked it out, and the area inside the pads was greatly reduced. Rolling up Vinyl and stuffing it into the rear of the pads, really kinda flattens it out also, and now the stuffing is neatly tucked in behind the rim of the pads and not bulking out like before, this has worked out very nicely.
All improved greatly.
Working on a perferated Vynil cover for the earside of the driver, lets see if it will improve any reflections or simply muffle the sound or reduce detail as I experience before with other earside driver coverings.
Noob cable question :)
How many of these cables do I need to recable the T50RP?  1,2 or 4? Each cable has 2 strands on the inside.

Depends on the length that you want. For me a 25' 19 strand 26gauge cable was enough. Of course you'll have to cut it to 4 6' pieces.
Nov 24, 2011 at 6:39 AM Post #5,036 of 11,346
I bought some of the same wire but sent it back. It seemed too stiff, not flexible enough, to use for re-cabling. How did it turn out once braided or twisted?
Depends on the length that you want. For me a 25' 1 strand 26gauge cable was enough. Of course you'll have to cut it to 4 6' pieces.

Nov 24, 2011 at 6:59 AM Post #5,037 of 11,346
I've done 3 mods so far and I really like what I hear
1. I added approximately 1 gram of cottonwool to the cups, this is stuffed in the middle of the cup mostly in the area between the posts that are supporting the baffle, so it's rather dense and visible from the outside because of the second mod
2. I completely removed the felt from the bass ports. I have not tried to block these completely or partially for the time being, but I guess that's the next thing to try as it's rather easy to do but I don't think it will be any better than the current configuration. 
3. I added some selfadhesive felt to the buttom of the cups.
These mods have brought some more bass to the table and tamed the forwardness in the mids, but it's an interesting task to A/B with an unmodded pair.
Nov 24, 2011 at 7:20 AM Post #5,038 of 11,346
Interesting hypothesis about applying Dynamat to the outside of the cups. Did you A/B test with and without this configuration compared to a stock set?
Until my current "BMF 7" and "BMF DBP"configurations I've been working on over the past 3 weeks, I have always said the same thing: "my LCD2's are the king of bass" and require no apologies in the bass department. Nevertheless, these two configurations deliver sub-bass to 20 Hz without audible roll off; the bass is musical, textured, more prominent, and just as fast as my LCD2's; and neither configuration produces any bass bloom into the midrange. I can hardly believe it myself but, there it is. I will eventually post these configurations after more tweaking and testing.
Happy Holidays, everyone.
Ahh lol, to cover up the dynamat I have there 
.  Not sure if it does anything, but my "theory" is to try to mass dampen the cup with the dynamat (from the outside), and cover they nasty dynamat with acoustic foam.
@leeperry: LCD-2 is still king when it comes to bass response vs my T50 in its current state.

Nov 24, 2011 at 3:39 PM Post #5,039 of 11,346
The cable I used was Teflon sleeve only and remain flexible. A 4 wires braided of 24 awg still very small and in my last two recable I didn't use any nylon sleeve just the bare teflon.
I like it that way.
Please post your new config cause I'm happy with the treble and mid (still very forward but I'm a Grado fan so) but the bass is present but needs some refinement.
I bought some of the same wire but sent it back. It seemed too stiff, not flexible enough, to use for re-cabling. How did it turn out once braided or twisted?


Nov 24, 2011 at 4:33 PM Post #5,040 of 11,346
Did a few modifications today; got the modeling clay in the baffle & stuffed a ball of teased cotton per cup.  Not  much happening so far, maybe a little brighter or more revealing, can't tell which.  Waiting to finish up.

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