JKenny Audio Ciúnas DAC and Ciúnas SPDIF
Aug 4, 2013 at 7:25 PM Post #406 of 598
I took the quote in the previous post under your hack to mean that you are the Stereomojo reviewer, since I thought the comment about marketing was made in the review. Obviously, I misunderstood and offer my regrets.

As for the connectors, I used the Amazon U.S.version of it, plus another from China that i posted earlier on this thread, I think. It's hard to come up with a lower priced USB cable that matches the quality of a straight through connection, assuming good connectors.
Aug 5, 2013 at 9:16 AM Post #407 of 598
No problem.
Maybe it’s a bit unfair to criticize the fact that John does not include a wall wart as most people will probably use the USB method to trickle charge the batteries off their computer. For that he does supply the necessary cable. People using a Squeezebox such as myself probably account for a small percentage of users.
I had issues charging the batteries in the beginning as I was not sure if the blue LED power switch needed to be turned “ON” for the batteries to charge when using a wall wart. The answer is NO.
At one point I had one USB cable hooked up to my source (SB) and the supplied USB power cable hooked up to a USB port on my nearby Oppo Bluray player. What I didn’t realize was that there is no power on the Oppo’s USB ports. Result: the batteries went dead.
This once again would not have happened if I was using a computer instead of a SB.
Also using a single USB adapter instead of a USB cable to connect the DAC is also much easier for someone using a laptop than for us SB users.
I guess these are minor nuisances when you consider the advantages of battery power. You get a completely quiet DAC without the need for expensive “Y” cables, isolating USB power modules and upgrade power cords.
Aug 5, 2013 at 9:51 AM Post #408 of 598
I don't completely agree with the Stereomojo review either.

In terms of detail retrieval the Ciunas is quite good. Just short of the PWD MK2 but close enough. Dynamics are pretty good too...
IMO, he's right about the bass weight being less than some of the more expensive competitors but its quality is superb. Also, I too found the lack of digital sheen right out of the box, but then I'd heard that accomplished with other sources in-house previously. Not a revelation. Makes me question his experience with other gear...or atleast valuable time with other gear. Listing his associated equipment wouldn't hurt either.

I too agree with lack of sheen similar to the vinyl sound. But the other point about dynamics and bass weight I think are not what I'm hearing. The bass tightness was the first thing I heard out of the box which added weight if you will. The dynamics are realistic based on the source IMO. It does not add artificial resolution/dynamic signature that the source doesn't contain that's why it reminds me of the vinyl or sheen-less sound. I could be hearing something different since I'm using the ciunas converter into a tube dac but I'm enjoying a nice anti-digital dynamic SQ with a weighty timber into sub hz range with a sub of course.

I dont mind the lack of equipment detail overall in the review since it is all one mans ears at the end of the day regardless. I think the converter is the way to go so you can scale up with that sheen less sound in the future!
Aug 5, 2013 at 4:16 PM Post #409 of 598
SwanSong wrote: "I dont mind the lack of equipment detail overall in the review since it is all one mans ears at the end of the day regardless. I think the converter is the way to go so you can scale up with that sheen less sound in the future!"

A review without specifying associated equipment or equipment the component is being compared to is worth less than zero to developer and readers. I'd call it a deceptive practice. Not only is it meaninglessly abstract, but it creates an impression that there is substance to the review, when it is just an individual throwing off impressions and using the name of a good online site to do it (I also wrote the publisher asking about this). Equipment interacts, sometimes well, sometimes not so well, hence knowing what's involved is key. Same for knowing what the specific equipment being compared to is.
Aug 5, 2013 at 7:37 PM Post #410 of 598
If I hadn't already made a happy choice and only looking for validation from Ciúnas reviewers it would be a problem for me too I guess.
Aug 6, 2013 at 12:06 AM Post #411 of 598
Don't get me wrong here but I found the review to be refreshing and honest. These are the impressions in his system and he just stated those without sugarcoating any good or bad parts. I would rather read this review than the one from others who would sugarcoat their reviews because they're afraid of a backlash from the manufacturer and  fans of the product :)
I thought it was a favorable review. Any $770 DAC can not be a world beater and if we are expecting it to be, then we have drank the kool-aid. 
BTW, I have ordered the DAC again because irrespective of the charging issues I had, I really liked the sound in my system while it was working. 
Aug 6, 2013 at 2:55 AM Post #412 of 598
Sam1000, I'm looking to improve my gym rig, what headphones are those in your avatar photo? They look a lot like the Zik bt model!:)
Aug 6, 2013 at 11:44 AM Post #413 of 598
I have no idea what those were.. That was the default when I created the account. Just changed it to SR80, which I use from time to time to check how the music sounds like without all those room reflections :). I don;t enjoy cans too much though. Too restrictive..
Aug 6, 2013 at 6:48 PM Post #414 of 598
I got my Ciunas DAC too, july 30th! It was a month in the making and took 5 days from Ireland to the Netherlands.
To my ears it sounds wonderful, but I can only compare it to my modified Marantz CD63 KI, I have no experience with other dacs besides the Squeezebox Touch DAC w EDO and TT3 mods.
I had to splay the split pin in the center of the power socket to get a tight fit - I think it would be better if that was done before sending it to a customer. The first USB charger (from an old phone) I found immediately worked although there is no light to tell you that (John will update his manual he said). Rest of the stuff is a Rega Brio-R, Totem Signature One speakers and totem cables (I borrowed 20 year old Stax headphones from a friend, I hope that is enough to qualify for Head-Fi. 
Aug 6, 2013 at 6:55 PM Post #415 of 598
Congrats on your new DAC esmit and welcome to head-fi.

When I first joined some years ago I had only Stax Lambda pro - now 21 years old. Was and still mostly a speaker guy.

Prep, Happy Camper et al. I await your comparative impressions with interest...
Aug 6, 2013 at 7:30 PM Post #416 of 598
Clemmaster got his today.  I still don't have mine.  

Aug 7, 2013 at 1:05 AM Post #417 of 598
I don't find the Ciunas lacks of details and dynamics as well.  
I can hear tons of details and atmosphere, even with a 2 meter long USB cable.
I found no way to place the RCA cable if I use the USB adapter between my laptop and Ciunas, so have to use USB cables. I am still waiting for a 20cm USB cable to arrive.  I have tried 4 different kinds USB cables, all sound with significant differences. 
I use a duel boot system on my laptop, the Win XP sounds less sheen than the Win 8,both using foobar1.1.11 or JPLAY.

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