JH Audio JH-13 PRO impressions thread
Aug 1, 2009 at 5:30 PM Post #2,717 of 10,754

Originally Posted by Bolardito /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Make sure you listen to the remaster, is truly good.. If you need PM and I'll provide you with it.

Hey Bolardito, Can you please either PM me or post here a quick or in-depth comparison on the JH13 Pro compared to your other IEM's? Thanks.
Aug 1, 2009 at 5:59 PM Post #2,718 of 10,754
lol...quick 'in depth' comparison
only on Head-fi
Aug 1, 2009 at 6:07 PM Post #2,719 of 10,754

Originally Posted by Xeon [09] /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Hey Bolardito, Can you please either PM me or post here a quick or in-depth comparison on the JH13 Pro compared to your other IEM's? Thanks.

What IEM's and/or headphones do you own or have you owned? Do you own any amps?
Aug 1, 2009 at 6:12 PM Post #2,720 of 10,754

Originally Posted by music_4321 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
What IEM's and/or headphones do you own or have you owned? Do you own any amps?

I own nothing at the moment. I'm interesting in just dropping a lump some on one big purchase and ending it right the search for the best earphone and it seems the JH13 Pro is the perfect candidate. I just want to hear some comparisons of the JH13 Pro to cheaper earphones. I want a nuetral sound so I'm also eyeing the Westone UM3X but if the JH13 Pro are supposedly the best and is nuetral than I'll go straight for that.
Aug 1, 2009 at 6:29 PM Post #2,721 of 10,754
The 13 I have blows everything I have away, headphones, IEM's, out of the water and I don't like to make sweeping statements like this. I normally do not believe in them, they are too extreme and I don't really like to even read them. In this case. . . . I go against my own natural tendencies.

Amping does make a difference. They are easy to drive and sound great right out of my modified H140's but out of the new OEM Black Gate amp with multiple buf634's per channel, they are able to slice, dice and serve up fantastic music. :^)
Aug 1, 2009 at 6:40 PM Post #2,722 of 10,754

Originally Posted by Xeon [09] /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I own nothing at the moment. I'm interesting in just dropping a lump some on one big purchase and ending it right the search for the best earphone and it seems the JH13 Pro is the perfect candidate. I just want to hear some comparisons of the JH13 Pro to cheaper earphones. I want a nuetral sound so I'm also eyeing the Westone UM3X but if the JH13 Pro are supposedly the best and is nuetral than I'll go straight for that.

You mention ending a search. What have you owned so far? And what is/ are your source/s?

Surely you must have owned other IEM's/ headphones? How can you simply go and spend $1,100 on a set of custom IEM's just like that? Most people would've at least owned one of the high-end universal IEM's.
Aug 1, 2009 at 6:47 PM Post #2,723 of 10,754

Originally Posted by jamato8 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
The 13 I have blows everything I have away, headphones, IEM's, out of the water and I don't like to make sweeping statements like this. I normally do not believe in them, they are too extreme and I don't really like to even read them. In this case. . . . I go against my own natural tendencies.

Amping does make a difference. They are easy to drive and sound great right out of my modified H140's but out of the new OEM Black Gate amp with multiple buf634's per channel, they are able to slice, dice and serve up fantastic music. :^)

What a change from your initial opinion! It really is stunning.
Aug 1, 2009 at 6:58 PM Post #2,724 of 10,754

Originally Posted by music_4321 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
You mention ending a search. What have you owned so far? And what is/ are your source/s?

Surely you must have owned other IEM's/ headphones? How can you simply go and spend $1,100 on a set of custom IEM's just like that? Most people would've at least owned one of the high-end universal IEM's.

I fall into the category of a few people who just go for the top and never look back. I know this hobby is costly so I'm just going to get the best and that's it. The search for the holy grail is done.
Aug 1, 2009 at 7:06 PM Post #2,725 of 10,754

Originally Posted by Xeon [09] /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I fall into the category of a few people who just go for the top and never look back. I know this hobby is costly so I'm just going to get the best and that's it. The search for the holy grail is done.

Good choice. I did much of the same with my Sensaphonics a couple years ago, when it was UE10 or 2X-S. After only using the E5 for a while, I was unimpressed. So I went straight to the top, at the time.

Since then, using Shure E5's, SE530's, Westone UM-2's, Westone 3's, and hearing the IE-8 has left me wanting no other headphones other than new customs. The "want" never ends, but satisfaction with a product is a great place to be at. If you can afford it, save yourself time and enjoy the JH13 Pro.
Aug 1, 2009 at 7:07 PM Post #2,726 of 10,754

Originally Posted by Xeon [09] /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I fall into the category of a few people who just go for the top and never look back. I know this hobby is costly so I'm just going to get the best and that's it. The search for the holy grail is done.

WOW! So, you've never owned any IEM's or headphones in the past?! I've never heard of anybody doing what you say you're intending to do. And yet you've come across head-fi and the JH13 thread? That IS very strange. So, what are your sources, then?
Aug 1, 2009 at 7:14 PM Post #2,728 of 10,754

Originally Posted by zb0430 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Good choice. I did much of the same with my Sensaphonics a couple years ago, when it was UE10 or 2X-S. After only using the E5 for a while, I was unimpressed. So I went straight to the top, at the time.

Since then, using Shure E5's, SE530's, Westone UM-2's, Westone 3's, and hearing the IE-8 has left me wanting no other headphones other than new customs. The "want" never ends, but satisfaction with a product is a great place to be at. If you can afford it, save yourself time and enjoy the JH13 Pro.

At least you had the E5, which is not cheap, and then decided to go for something better. I'm perplexed to learn someone apparently hasn't owned any IEM/ headphones, doesn't mention any portable or home sources and yet is planning to get the very mighty JH13's. Perhaps I'm just jealous.
Aug 1, 2009 at 7:14 PM Post #2,729 of 10,754

Originally Posted by zb0430 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Good choice. I did much of the same with my Sensaphonics a couple years ago, when it was UE10 or 2X-S. After only using the E5 for a while, I was unimpressed. So I went straight to the top, at the time.

Since then, using Shure E5's, SE530's, Westone UM-2's, Westone 3's, and hearing the IE-8 has left me wanting no other headphones other than new customs. The "want" never ends, but satisfaction with a product is a great place to be at. If you can afford it, save yourself time and enjoy the JH13 Pro.

Yep, stole the words out of my mouth I want to go straight to the top and avoiding thinking "How do the top custom sound?"....


Originally Posted by music_4321 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
WOW! So, you've never owned any IEM's or headphones in the past?! I've never heard of anybody doing what you say you're intending to do. And yet you've come across head-fi and the JH13 thread? That IS very strange. So, what are your sources, then?

Is there some type of rule stating you must gradually work your way up the chain? It's illegal to leave out the middle products and go for the top? A HiFiMan will be my future source since I know my laptop won't cut it.

Anymore more questions detective?
Aug 1, 2009 at 8:15 PM Post #2,730 of 10,754

Originally Posted by Xeon [09] /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Is there some type of rule stating you must gradually work your way up the chain? It's illegal to leave out the middle products and go for the top? A HiFiMan will be my future source since I know my laptop won't cut it.

There is no rule preventing you from jumping straight for the top in any hobby. It is however, a bad idea to jump straight for anything without knowing what you are doing.

I think I can speak with at least a small amount of knowledge on this since I was thinking of doing the exact same thing at one point. I am relatively new to the audiophile hobby myself.

The main problem is that you have little experience with audio components in general. You yourself have stated that you don't own any high end headphones, and that your laptop is your only source for the time being.

In just a few months, I have learned so much about this hobby. How the individual components (monitors, sources, transports) work, and what qualities to look for in my listening, what constitutes a "good" and "bad" recording, what complements which genres - to sum it all up: how to get what I'm looking for.

You may buy the JH13's and find out that you like headphones more than earphones. You may listen to some vacuum tube amplifiers and become attached to the warm, smooth sound (have you even heard a tube amplifier yet?). You may listen to a large SS amplifier and you will probably find it superior to your HifiMan. Same goes for an outboard DAC. Do you want a tube DAC? NOS? Crossfeed options?

It's very likely that you will also like other headphones for different music. Headphones that are amazingly spacious may not go well with some laid back jazz. I'm sure you've noticed that it's common for many people on this forum to own multiple pairs, which they use for different genres of music.

You will also find out about music in general, and what a good recording is. Audiophile level components often breathe life into obscure genres. Who knows, you may end up liking types of music that you never thought you would. If you end up buying a lot of rare CD's like me, that's also costly, and you may end up waiting for other monitors to come along (like me).

There's nothing wrong with getting the best. I myself am jumping straight into Hi-Fi source territory (I don't have a DAC yet). But I waited first, and I'd probably considered buying at least a dozen DAC's or CD players so far. I learned what I wanted in my music, and I actually heard the DAC that I want to buy.

I suggest just waiting a little bit and exploring more. Go to a meet if you can. Really think about what you want in your music. You may end up getting the JH13's anyways, but you will have so much more knowledge, and that peace of mind that you are absolutely sure you know what you're looking for. Sorry for the long post, hope that helps.

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