JenaLab recabled R10
Apr 29, 2008 at 6:53 AM Post #511 of 626
If what JENA said were real (BF lies), is that common to charge the customers 3 times about recabling? (no warranty? no checking if the cable or something else were defective.)

Also, if the driver was damage, is it fair to recable it without informing him?

Moreover, is it sincere that you charge him the 2nd time when you know the problem is not the cable, but the driver?

Then, is it usual, you offer BF to pay only $1000? (while the regular price you wanted to charge him was about an half of $10,000?) when there were nothing wrong?

and finally, is it fair that BF paid you $1000 for nothing, but his own R10s with stock wire?

hope you'll answer these.
Apr 29, 2008 at 7:39 AM Post #513 of 626
Jena Labs is not saying BF is a liar, they confirmed his basic story, that he sent it in 3 times and it had been breaking out intermittently. So Alex had not placed his trust recklessly. The stories differ in the various entities that JL is finding to blame the broken voice coil on, including the mod the customer did not tell them about (I guess being R10 experts they know they come with balanced inputs) to Sony themselves. Basically everyone but themselves, though they through their own admission were the first ones to remove the driver. They then fix this very serious flaw without telling anyone, squarely placing the cause on themselves. Any repair shop would understand this reality. If you don't disclose it first, you caused it. End of story. Having caused you it, you are obliged to take responsibility for it.

This is not a judgement from a forum, it is a reality. If they are babes in the woods, sorry, but take the blame, learn the lesson and move on. If you are a business for years, you know this reality, and you almost certaintly caused it and hid your blame, hoping the next person to mod it would take the hit.

Also, I don't think this is a trivial sum we are talking about. It is not just the lost labor costs (afterall they got back the wire), this is the damaging of a headphone without a pricetag or repair cost. These run for ridiculous amounts, BF could claim the worth for the most one ever went for. It is not easy to write this off depending on your current finances in this poor economy.

Either BF is a hopeless scammer who just wants cause trouble and spend money to tarnish reputations or he is telling the truth. Why spend thousands on headphones to ruin them yourself to get less back in extortion? JL depiction of this makes no sense and if true should have been handed to the authorities. Instead they fix a potentially fatal damage out of the generousity of their heart and don't tell anyone??? Just does not make sense.
Apr 29, 2008 at 7:43 AM Post #514 of 626

Originally Posted by Boilingfrog /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Does anyone really think that JL mailed me back my headphones first and then waited several weeks to negotiate payment? OMG. She didn't send them out until I relinquished $1000 through paypal. The documentation of those facts are easy to prove. The reason why I didn't say anything more after the HPs were returned to me the last time was because all the other times I had complained I was told it was my hearing and that the HPs were perfect. Hence the reason I searched elsewhere for answers since clearly they didn't seem to think there was a problem.

The fact that they wanted money from you for what they did (let alone the sheer ridiculousness of that amount [noting that it's actually less then what they claim they charge for a "normal recable"]) is appalling. Appalling! Not only should they have not asked for this, but they should have paid for the APS recable without even having to ask for it.
Apr 29, 2008 at 10:16 AM Post #516 of 626
arron: probably zero. What will more likely happen is that at some point a search for them on Google brings up this thread on the first page, they'll threaten to sue head-fi if this thread isn't deleted.

Then you'll need a ****load more popcorn.

My offer to Jena Labs: For $4500 I'll teach you how not to destroy your reputation on the internet the next time you have a public customer issue. I have over 15 years experience...
Apr 29, 2008 at 11:36 AM Post #517 of 626

Originally Posted by boomana /img/forum/go_quote.gif
My comprehension skills are not lacking. Let's look at your post! Dripping as it is with indignation, black and white judgments of members, and exhibiting every trait you rail against, I comprehend that the irony in this post is pure win!

You surely have not demonstrated any comprehension skills here! I did not "rail" against black and white judgments per se but ones based on insufficient evidence--big difference. Since I'm talking about the behavior of many in this thread including you, I have the evidence of your unfounded conclusions and underlying motivation to find opportunities to be viscious and to "win" at others' expense and toward no good end. Two wrongs don't make a right much less two supposed wrongs. As I said before, there is no way you and the mob of popcorns eaters can overrule this try as you may to rationalize this feeding frenzy. It is disgusting, destructive, and greatly degrading to Head-Fi and its members.
Apr 29, 2008 at 11:58 AM Post #518 of 626

Originally Posted by Riboge /img/forum/go_quote.gif
You surely have not demonstrated any comprehension skills here! I did not "rail" against black and white judgments per se but ones based on insufficient evidence--big difference. Since I'm talking about the behavior of many in this thread including you, I have the evidence of your unfounded conclusions and underlying motivation to find opportunities to be viscious and to "win" at others' expense and toward no good end. Two wrongs don't make a right much less two supposed wrongs. As I said before, there is no way you and the mob of popcorns eaters can overrule this try as you may to rationalize this feeding frenzy. It is disgusting, destructive, and greatly degrading to Head-Fi and its members.

Apr 29, 2008 at 11:59 AM Post #519 of 626

Originally Posted by Riboge /img/forum/go_quote.gif
You surely have not demonstrated any comprehension skills here! I did not "rail" against black and white judgments per se but ones based on insufficient evidence--big difference. Since I'm talking about the behavior of many in this thread including you, I have the evidence of your unfounded conclusions and underlying motivation to find opportunities to be viscious and to "win" at others' expense and toward no good end. Two wrongs don't make a right much less two supposed wrongs. As I said before, there is no way you and the mob of popcorns eaters can overrule this try as you may to rationalize this feeding frenzy. It is disgusting, destructive, and greatly degrading to Head-Fi and its members.

Will you just quit already?

You seem a little out of topic here..
Apr 29, 2008 at 12:42 PM Post #520 of 626

Originally Posted by JENA Labs /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Hello everyone.

Hey. Sup?


We only mention this because ultimately we did have to splice a driver coil wire after these were returned on the third time. Perhaps we should have notified Scott of the “kinked” driver coil wire but at that time it was a judgment call

A pretty piss poor one at that.


We believe that the pushing and pulling of lead wires into and out of the cup during the first rewire job damaged the voice coil wire which led to its eventual failure. We also believe that at the time of original manufacture, the length of voice coil wire between the body of the driver and the terminal was not properly routed, leaving an exposed portion of wire unsupported.

Why don't you tell us how you really killed them? Because according to YOU, the drivers were [size=medium]NEVER [size=x-small]removed prior to when you got them. See the below quote from your website.

[/size][/size] Quote:

Originally Posted by JENA Labs
[size=x-small] It was abundantly clear that the headphone cups had [size=medium]never had the transducers removed[/size].[/size]

Abundantly clear you say?


Had the phones never been take apart, this would likely never been a problem.

No ****.


I don't think we need to apologize to anyone

Apology accepted.
Apr 29, 2008 at 1:18 PM Post #521 of 626
Whatever doubt I had for Jenalabs being even remotely innocent is gone now. It seems they shot themselves in the foot just fine. Their story just doesn't add up and seems to change with the wind direction.
Apr 29, 2008 at 1:22 PM Post #522 of 626

Originally Posted by Currawong /img/forum/go_quote.gif
What will more likely happen is that at some point a search for them on Google brings up this thread on the first page, they'll threaten to sue head-fi if this thread isn't deleted.


My offer to Jena Labs: For $4500 I'll teach you how not to destroy your reputation on the internet the next time you have a public customer issue. I have over 15 years experience...

hhehehe... I was already searching "JenaLabs r10" and this thread is already on the first page. I've been thinking about this a bit and I think puresounds seems to understands how internet rep works and has built up goodwill in the community. It must be frustrating for the owners of JL; they don't seem to understand the dynamics of a narrow market in a small community. They never woke up thinking they would need to put out an internet forest fire started with one, to them, innocent bad experience.

And for those (rare people) wanting to censor this thread until there is some sort of suspreme court judgement come down about the case, I say, get serious. I'm an open-minded person and don't think I'm quick to judge, but there is more than enough info here to raise suspicion. Why can't consumers have proper info to make choices? Why should this whole thing be buried leaving the consumer with incomplete info? In fact, I'm so openminded I'm more than willing to see JL make this right. That long post by them was a joke: "no reason to apologize"? That maybe so but in a thread with over 25 000 views, wouldn't a conciliatory tone have been better?
Apr 29, 2008 at 1:38 PM Post #524 of 626
Based on the facts presented in this thread, Jena Labs are a bunch of incompetent and dishonest bufoons. I wouldn't buy anything from them if my life depended on it. To everyone that plans to never buy from Jena Labs, that should also carry to any vendor that uses Jena Labs wire in their own products.

For Jena Labs:

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