JenaLab recabled R10
Apr 28, 2008 at 5:44 PM Post #451 of 626

Originally Posted by PITTM /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Enough for you to send me the following pm apparently:

"I saw your thread... If you're serious about that, let me know..."

If you guys want to ban me for posting a PM, whatever. This was just too awesome.

Haha... Whatever... tell me what did I say that was sooo bad in my PM?? It's obvious you're a waste,among other things. You're now on ignore.
Apr 28, 2008 at 5:51 PM Post #452 of 626

Originally Posted by Sovkiller /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Names are confidential, of course, for me, and I do not feel Alex made anything wrong, except posting this public here, I would refrain from doing it, if he felt the need of that, that is his prerrogative...About the page I'm so lazy writting that probably I would have never written it...LOL...

That actually isn't very fair since I didn't even know someone posted it on here until I got an email about it. I did not post it on Head-Fi nor did I have any intension of posting it here otherwise I would have posted as soon as I added it to my site. Boilingfrog was the one who planned on posting it on Head-Fi as it was between him and Jena Labs but someone beat him to it.

The only times I posted in this thread was to clear up anything that may have been misinterpreted and nothing more than that.

I am not out to give Jena Labs a bad name. I do feel that what they did was wrong, but it wasn't between Jena Labs and I. I simply repaired the headphones documenting what all was repaired and what I found to be wrong based on my experience with the R10's. I have recabled quite a few of them so I would say I know them quite well including the fact I owned a few pairs myself.

I also want to make a point that I do not make posts saying oh here look I fix this that X company messed up or did a bad job on simply because it isn't public matter. I do a lot of repairs which I feel are just crazy, but I never post about them simply because it isn't any of my business. If the customer wanted to make comments about it he could. This time was different and it became my business when my customer asked me to document it since Jena Labs no longer wanted to resolve this privately. Again all I did was document the process and post the repair on my site. I did not post it here.

Apr 28, 2008 at 6:07 PM Post #456 of 626

Originally Posted by Sovkiller /img/forum/go_quote.gif
About the page I'm so lazy writting that probably I would have never written it...LOL...

Sovkiller, that's too funny. I was kind of thinking about all the effort that that would demand. Too funny that you noted the same thing
Apr 28, 2008 at 6:10 PM Post #458 of 626
Really good, concise post!


Originally Posted by boomana /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Out of sight, out of mind.

As far as giving JenaLabs any benefit of the doubt for the damage caused, I've certainly weighed that in as a possibility, but I have a problem with these issues:

Regarding the Damage

  1. They claim the owner complained of sound problems before they ever had the headphones:

    I'm not sure I believe that, but again, giving them benefit of the doubt, why do "limited" tests if they are about to mess around with expensive and difficult R10s. If they are the "experts" they themselves claimed on their website, wouldn't they, as a business, want to limit their liability by checking the complaints out thoroughly, and reporting back to the owner before messing around with them? Apparently not.

Yes, curious. The owner apparently heard things from the Singlepower rewiring? If I was doing mods (and I have done work on other people's equipment), I would definitely note that and take a look. When I saw that the product had been modded before (probably just unpacking them and noting the non-stock cable) I would have contacted the customer to discuss this with them before doing anything else.


Originally Posted by boomana /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  1. Oh wait. They did check everything out! They removed the drivers. In fact, they bragged that the previous modder hadn't done so, thus eliminating him as the cause, but later saying he could have been the cause. You can't have it both ways. Strike two to credibility.
  2. But they then say:

    Now they admit they saw a problem, but never thought to mention it to the owner who had been repeatedly asking about why he heard problems (if true at all)? That makes NO sense whatsoever, especially considering they were sooo busy being proud of the other problems they found and documented on their website. They also say it was a problem of original construction, not Mikhail's recable. All I see is that they want to aim potential blame two separate places (Mikhail, whom they claimed never touched the drivers, and Sony, for their poor construction), all the while admitting they were the ones who removed the drivers, "repaired" the voice coil, and chose to not tell anyone at all. Nothing rings true here. Nothing. But, giving them the benefit of the doubt, let's say all that is true, and move on.

This I think is one of the most disturbing aspects of this event... they find a problem, "repair" it (apparently half-assed) and do not ever mention it to the owner (until now). If I had been doing this work to a $5K pair of phones (or whatever), I would have stopped and contacted the owner, with perhaps pics of what I saw as damage, and proceed only at the owner's request. And with the owner having a clear understanding of what the risks and possible outcomes would be.
Apr 28, 2008 at 6:25 PM Post #459 of 626

Originally Posted by Morph201 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Boomana: I never asked for "sympathy" or chose to play the victim, if you intrepreted those words from my threads than that's result of your myopic viewpoint.

I was referring Riboge's defensive of you. You did not ask for sympathy. Your posts asked for responses of suspicion, frustration, and disgust. You toyed with people from the get-go when all they were trying to do was make sense of the situation. You could have made the situation clearer, but you chose the opposite. You refused to answer simple questions, or made statements like:


Originally Posted by Morph201 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
It is my business, that's all YOU need to know..

You sent me an aggressive pm (I never sent you anything), calling me a troll, when all I wanted to know, like everyone else, was why you had the information you did. Rather than answering, you bullied. You just sent me another pm asking if we can start over. The answer is "NO." At the same time, I will never seek you out in threads or respond unkindly to reasonable posts you make on this site. Since I have never done other, I don't know what you mean by "starting over." Behave like you have on other sites, though, and I will respond as I have there. I've said this before to another member, but it fits here as well: you teach people how to treat you. I don't know what else to say.
Apr 28, 2008 at 6:28 PM Post #460 of 626

Originally Posted by Snoop Dogg /img/forum/go_quote.gif
"with soo much drama in the LBC, its kinda hard being Snoop D-O (double) G.."

Cant we all just get along? I h8 no one, i love you all.

God is Love....fin!
Apr 28, 2008 at 6:30 PM Post #461 of 626

Originally Posted by Sovkiller /img/forum/go_quote.gif
About Alex, I feel that posting the repair in their website as an info of resurrecting an heapdhone, and showing the quality of his work, and with all the details he wish, was a good move for his business, but posting info here publicly is a no no in my book...and I even feel a little rather unethical, sorry to disagree with you...

Um... maybe you didnt notice, but Alex didnt post this Andrew_WOT did. So, does this mean you are saying you are taking his side? And Alex has only posted to clarify the details on the matter only when there was ambiguity on HIS side of the story. He has been nothing short of frank and honest to clarify the details and present as much FACT as possible.


Originally Posted by boomana /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Out of sight, out of mind.

As far as giving JenaLabs any benefit of the doubt for the damage caused, I've certainly weighed that in as a possibility, but I have a problem with these issues:

Regarding the Damage

  1. They claim the owner complained of sound problems before they ever had the headphones:

    I'm not sure I believe that, but again, giving them benefit of the doubt, why do "limited" tests if they are about to mess around with expensive and difficult R10s. If they are the "experts" they themselves claimed on their website, wouldn't they, as a business, want to limit their liability by checking the complaints out thoroughly, and reporting back to the owner before messing around with them? Apparently not.
  2. Oh wait. They did check everything out! They removed the drivers. In fact, they bragged that the previous modder hadn't done so, thus eliminating him as the cause, but later saying he could have been the cause. You can't have it both ways. Strike two to credibility.
  3. But they then say:

    Now they admit they saw a problem, but never thought to mention it to the owner who had been repeatedly asking about why he heard problems (if true at all)? That makes NO sense whatsoever, especially considering they were sooo busy being proud of the other problems they found and documented on their website. They also say it was a problem of original construction, not Mikhail's recable. All I see is that they want to aim potential blame two separate places (Mikhail, whom they claimed never touched the drivers, and Sony, for their poor construction), all the while admitting they were the ones who removed the drivers, "repaired" the voice coil, and chose to not tell anyone at all. Nothing rings true here. Nothing. But, giving them the benefit of the doubt, let's say all that is true, and move on.
  4. This is still the first time they've had the headphones. They tested them, and said they sounded great. Jennifer claims they sent them to Ken Ball for him to hear, and Ken reports that she brought them over for him to hear. Either way, I have huge problems with this. Did the owner gave them permission to be carting his headphones all over town? I would personally be furious if anyone just up and decided to transport my R10s to other people without my permission. Permission given or not, I immediately noticed the way the wood cups were placed down on the desk in the pictures Ken provided. Not good, and potentially damaging. Regardless, Ken is innocent in this matter, and shouldn't be getting any flack in this thread or anywhere. He said they also sounded fine. Jena claims they sounded outstanding. Boilingfrog reports not liking the sound, but doesn't complain about the intermittent sound break-ups. He sends them back for a different cable.
  5. When Boilingfrog sends them back, Jena claims they heard problems, but now blame boilingfrog:

    So far, they admit to messing with the voice coil twice, but never mentioned either "repair" to anyone? Why keep this a secret? Considering they are already in a dispute over sq with boilingfrog, why hide this? Not once, but twice? Doesn't make sense at all.
  6. Later they say they received the headphones for the third time, but report they arrived disassembled. WTH? They claim they can't do sq tests due to this, but put the stock cable back on. Can boilingfrog confirm he sent the headphones to them this way? Why wouldn't Jena just say, "we won't touch them because we can't hear anything or test anything since you sent them to us disassembled"? Why take that risk, if true? That, again, makes no sense. Instead, they go back into the R10s for a third time? A third time?
  7. Lastly, they claim to have made repairs to the voice coil twice and acknowledged doing three recables which require driver removal. They then announce after Alex discovers their handiwork:

They announce that they've "repaired" the voice coil twice and removed the drivers three times, didn't even test after the third time, but say, "we are not responsible for such repair." They make repairs, don't tell anyone, then admit to making them, but deny responsibility. I can't even wrap my head around this one. Regardless of anything else that has gone on before, just wow.

After the mess came out on the Alex's site and here
  1. Jena states (before deletion) on their own website that morph201, who is not even a customer and a complete stranger to them, emails them with questions about what he's read here. Without batting an eye, they email him compete details of a dispute with a private customer, knowing full well it will be posted at least in part. How freaking unprofessional!

  2. They publish boilingfrog's real name on their website, and post links here and on audio asylum. I don't care how right or wrong anyone is with anything else or how angry they are as persons, as a company, you just don't do that. If they can do that, why wouldn't they also be equally unethical in every other matter? With every action, they have opened the doors to doubt and suspicion, not the other way around.

JenaLab's own words make their case completely unbelievable, even if there's a drop of truth to their version of things. With each step of the way, they have acted unprofessionally and/or unethically, and destroyed their own credibility without help from anyone, except maybe morph201, who posted their email to him.

In a way, we should thank morph201 for allowing us to see how very unethical JenaLabs is willing to be when their back is against the wall. As to morph201's treatment here, he set it up and perpetuated it. If he'd simply said from the beginning he was just a curious guy who emailed them for their side, and this is what he got, he would have received no flack, at least not from me. Instead, he posted little winkies and made cryptic claims that it was "his business." People responded to the garbage he chose to put out, and continued to put out, page after page. He could have stopped it any time he chose, but chose to toy with people for whatever sick reasons he held. He deserves no sympathy.

I think I'm going to go listen to my stock R10s now and be happy. CanJam is in less than one week. Wonderful MoTs will be there: professional, ethical, talented, and personable. A community of great head-fiers will be hanging out for a couple days, listening to great gear and having fun. At this point, that's what matters to me.

That is beautiful *brings a tear to my eye*
Spot on with the details.

Sovkiller, im not sure where you are confused with the lack of "facts"? Or are you so willing to believe something that has been picked apart and proven to be full of holes? Or are you just trying to play the happy medium in this?

also - morph. why should anyone offer to meet and talk with you? You will simply will cower and run - much like you do from the legitimate questions that are being asked of you here.


edit'ed PS:
i just read through this and i realized that you may take this as a personal attack sovkiller, I am merely curious and wondering why you stand where you stand?
Apr 28, 2008 at 6:38 PM Post #462 of 626

Originally Posted by kpeezy /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Alex didn't post this here.

Really, I stopped on page 6, not sure if there is any other post later on, of course I never said he posted here all what he posted in his site, but he posted info pertinent to the case, which is what I find wrong...My personal point of view, I do not feel that you nor anybody else need necesarily to agree with it neither, not even expect that...again he can do what he wants, I have no beef for that, just that I would preffer that personally him, would ahve not done it, as personally I would not do it, same as posting the name of the customer by JL, that was as wrong as well...


Originally Posted by [AK]Zip /img/forum/go_quote.gif
They were recabled by JenaLabs. The same headphone was sent back to them 2 times for recable because the customer said that there is something wrong with them when he got them back. I won't get into what all JenaLabs said to him as I believe he will be posting all of this himself here on Head-Fi. In the end he sent them back one last time to get the stock cable put back on and then they made their way to us here at APureSound where I personally worked on the headphones and discovered all of this.



Originally Posted by [AK]Zip /img/forum/go_quote.gif
To be fair I was asked to do the write up of everything that was wrong with the R10's by BoilingFrog. The pictures were taken before to show him what all I found because that is what was asked of me. As BoilingFrog said he had no intension of going public until JenaLabs no longer wanted to have anything to do with him at which point he asked me if I can do a write up.



Originally Posted by [AK]Zip /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Not possible. The voice coil wires are in no way attached directly to the stock cable. Not to mention the fact that Mikhail doesn't remove the drivers from the housing when he opens the headphone for recable for the very reason that he isn't willing to risk damage to the headphone.

The only way of damaging the R10 or any other driver is if you actually have access to it in which case Mikhail did not since the R10 driver is glued in (once again which is why he doesn't remove them).

Hope this helps explain some.


EDIT: And it is easy to prove that Mikhail never removed them for the simple fact that he spliced the upgrade cable right into the stock cable. This requires more time and work than soldering directly to the drivers if you have them removed, but since he never removed them it is much easier and safer to splice into the stock cable than remove the R10 drivers from their wooden housing.


Originally Posted by [AK]Zip /img/forum/go_quote.gif
You could push up 1-2 feet of wire in there until you can't get any more into that housing and you still will not be able to damage the driver. The voice coils are closed off on the driver itself making it impossible to damage them unless you actually pull them out.

Have a look at the picture below. Driver on the left was never damaged. Driver on the right is what I repaired.

The voice coil wires are not visible all in either of the drivers. You can only see the solder pads where the cable of your choosing would solder to.

Anyone who has ever removed these drivers from the housing know because of how they sit inside the housing it is very easy to damage them if you do not know what you are doing when removing the drivers.

There are many headphones which I would say are fairly simple to remove drivers from and many don't even need to be removed to recable the headphone, but the R10 is something very different even if just removing the ear pads (they are glued on unlike most all others).


Sorry Alex, I worded it wrong, while I said that you feel the need of that, I'm sure that you did not do it intentionaly, but maybe as you said, just for offer some input to the discussion, and clear things a ittle bit, but IMO intentionally or not, your posts contributed to damage even more, the name and the reputation of another dealer in our field (acting right or wrong, it is not our call to determine that, let others be the judge). Sorry but I do not feel that you should have posted that above info here, even less where you were the one fixing them.
That could be, and I'm sure it was by some, misunderstood, and taken the wrong way, as to try to get benefits from the situation, etc...We, specially the old guys here, know that you do not need that, and your work is top notch, and your customer support second to none, so why open the door for malicious misinterpretations of the facts? A healthy advice, next time try to stay away, and let people talk all they want...
Apr 28, 2008 at 6:43 PM Post #463 of 626
I, for one, am very happy that Alex posted here. It afforded me a wealth of knowledge on R10 recabling which I have had done and may have done on a second pair (definitely not by JL).

I especially like where he refuted the insinuation made by JL that Mikhail had damaged the phones. Not possible.

Thanks, alex

I think Boomana stated everything quite eloquently. Thank you.

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