JenaLab recabled R10
Apr 28, 2008 at 2:30 AM Post #407 of 626
I love the response on the JL website. I think we already read it all anyways posted by morph not long after this thread started.

I find it humorous that in the end they admit to tinkering with the driver and then lo-and-behold. Its busted. Yet Alex takes it and repairs the phones. I think this speaks volumes for their audio-repair comptence.

And their prices are ridiculous.
$4000 to have end up with a botched pair of R10's with a stockcable (oh oops, was it only $1,000 for that now?)
or $400 for a better cable and the job done right by APS.

Don't believe the APS prices compared to JL?

APureSound V3 Cable Pricing

crickey for their original $1500 price, BF could have gotten an 80 foot recable on the R10's from APS
Apr 28, 2008 at 3:28 AM Post #408 of 626
That is correct.
JENA Labs "settled for receiving $1000.00" it was paid and we were done.

This is all history now.
More answers to questions:

As for the use of a real name... well that individual used our real name... what did he expect. We do expect considerations to be held both ways. We give as we get.
We are real, We have existed for many many years... if real names are not used then truth is not served. Being "punished" by a ghost will not happen.

Our customers are supremely important to us... However we are not now or in the past, lay downs for abuse.

Is it not curious to anyone here why out of the thousands of clients we have had in the past... disgruntlement is so rare. We were not in the wrong.

Why do I post at the JENA Labs site rather than the here at the forums? because I have a website and it can not be falsified by non authentic users,
In other words...
At head-fi our only handle there is: JENA Labs and none other.
At Audio Asylum it is: Nanye Anduril and none else.

The Jennifer Crock here is a false ID, I think the wise here know that.
On forums it is so easy to falsely post. Not so easy to crack our website.

At one time some years ago it was difficult for a manufacturer of products to defend themselves from posting attacks but obviously that silly policy has thankfully changed.

One last point At the time that the customer paid us our settled fee. It was because it was a justly earned transaction and he knew it, and what is transpiring now is an unjust set of circumstances. We at JENA Labs do not of course expect anyone here save but one to know that, and hold no one here any grudge for that which they do not know.

"The real" JENA Labs
Apr 28, 2008 at 4:03 AM Post #409 of 626

Originally Posted by sacd lover /img/forum/go_quote.gif
You wonder why?

Did you ever think he probably looked at the website before the reply was made.

As for you believing Morph201's treatment was appalling lets revisit the facts. A supposedly complete stanger emails JL and they give him intimate details of a private transaction including the individuals name. Then this indivdual involves himself in the dispute in JL's behalf, that is absolutely none of his business. I guess we will disagree. I believe Morph201 got just exactly what he asked for.

Regarding this statement ....

I wish those that this pertains to would take their popcorn to a dogfight or some such or better yet just shove it...

When you come off your high horse guess what you can kiss.


Tell me, what did I get exactly? Oh, the chance to expose you for the jackasses you are? Yes, I guess I did accomplish that huh? Fool!
Apr 28, 2008 at 4:07 AM Post #410 of 626

Originally Posted by Riboge /img/forum/go_quote.gif
First off, it was as much his business as yours. Second, he clearly exercised bad judgment and also underestimated the hair-trigger ill will of such as you. Just how does this give a rational basis for calling him a liar, a shill, etc?

The most pathetic thing is your thinking that if I speak up for maturity, reserving judgment and basic values of our culture until the facts are known and despite being frustrated or impatient getting them that this places me on a "high horse". That means to me your horse is way below any acceptable moral/ethical ground, making any kissing impossible in addition to being totally repugnant.

And then, even if there were a basis for your opinion, how does this make the whole thing acceptably a matter of ghoulish entertainment? The available evidence, as opposed to your thinking that your thinking supplants the need for evidence, is that Morph201 was trying to do a good thing in a stupid way and further undermined by JL Lab's great indiscretion in sending their email (and perhaps more, of course). It could turn out it was worse but there is no evidence, only supposition, indicating that.

Thanks, I guess...
Anyway, I didn't undermine JL in any way, the fools were against JL from the onset, so it pretty much a no win situation for them here, but we already know how this is going to end, right?
Apr 28, 2008 at 4:23 AM Post #411 of 626

Originally Posted by Morph201 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Tell me, what did I get exactly? Oh, the chance to expose you for the jackasses you are? Yes, I guess I did accomplish that huh? Fool!

You know exactly what you did. If you dont, your IQ must be in the single digits. Furthermore, you didnt expose anything but your own ignorance.
Apr 28, 2008 at 4:25 AM Post #412 of 626

Originally Posted by JENA Labs /img/forum/go_quote.gif
As for the use of a real name... well that individual used our real name... what did he expect. We do expect considerations to be held both ways. We give as we get...

Our customers are supremely important to us... However we are not now or in the past, lay downs for abuse... We were not in the wrong.

The Jennifer Crock here is a false ID, I think the wise here know that.

Holy frick!

Maybe I'm just not too wise because, frankly, I don't see a whole lot of difference between the attitude expressed in this post and the post by the fake Jennifer.
Apr 28, 2008 at 4:43 AM Post #413 of 626
Dear JENA Labs,

I am only going to address the name issue that has recently arisen. I take objection to the fact that you seemingly mock Dr. BoilingFrog by REPEATEDLY using his first and last name in the open letter on your website. It is customary in written professional conduct to refer to the subject by his full name only ONCE, and thereafter only as Mr./Dr./Mrs [Last Name]. When I read your letter, I became irate that you were simultaneously trying to clear your name, yet also throw more fuel onto the fire by insulting the customer and revealing his identity. Plus, we already knew your name: it was on your website, so what is to be gained by revealing BoilingFrog's name? Please keep the customer's names secret in the future regardless of whatever beef you have with them.
Apr 28, 2008 at 5:04 AM Post #414 of 626

Originally Posted by Morph201 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I know for a fact 99% of you would not have the balls to say anything to my face...

True, but then lets put it this way...
In your daily "real" life, then do you take up the cause of defending companies all the time that people around you slander since they've had a bad experiences with them? You know since you have to get the other side of the story as well and make it your business to find out?

I'll guess that you don't do that. Then why would you do that here. Oh wait because really all you are is an E-Hero.
Apr 28, 2008 at 5:05 AM Post #415 of 626

Originally Posted by aaron313 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Dear JENA Labs,

I am only going to address the name issue that has recently arisen. I take objection to the fact that you seemingly mock Dr. BoilingFrog by REPEATEDLY using his first and last name in the open letter on your website. It is customary in written professional conduct to refer to the subject by his full name only ONCE, and thereafter only as Mr./Dr./Mrs [Last Name]. When I read your letter, I became irate that you were simultaneously trying to clear your name, yet also throw more fuel onto the fire by insulting the customer and revealing his identity. Plus, we already knew your name: it was on your website, so what is to be gained by revealing BoilingFrog's name? Please keep the customer's names secret in the future regardless of whatever beef you have with them.

Bravo..........Axes are GRINDING!!!!
Apr 28, 2008 at 5:15 AM Post #416 of 626

As for the use of a real name... well that individual used our real name... what did he expect. We do expect considerations to be held both ways. We give as we get.

The excuse JENA Labs used to post Boilingfrog's name is so absurd that I don't doubt their immature treatment of Boilingfrog.

Since we all know Google CEO's name, that means Google can release all our names! OMG!

Oh geez, I am just hurling inside at how utterly absurd that line is, LOL!!!!!!
Apr 28, 2008 at 5:21 AM Post #417 of 626
No if they could just release his address and CC information
Maybe if I write them posing as a concerned citizen of Nigeria they will give the information.
Apr 28, 2008 at 5:26 AM Post #418 of 626

Originally Posted by powertoold /img/forum/go_quote.gif
The excuse JENA Labs used to post Boilingfrog's name is so absurd that I don't doubt their immature treatment of Boilingfrog.

Since we all know Google CEO's name, that means Google can release all our names! OMG!

Oh geez, I am just hurling inside at how utterly absurd that line is, LOL!!!!!!


I mean, does JENA Labs really think we are so dense as to mistake that illogical statement for a reasonable justification of its actions? DO YOU, JENNIFER?! Is this what you think of your potential customers? Your last name is so appropriate.
Apr 28, 2008 at 6:05 AM Post #420 of 626
JENA Labs, please answer all of these.


we also noted that on one of the drive units one of the very fine wire strands, a voice coil wire extending from the interior of the drive unit to the solder pad where connections are made, was formed into a slightly protruded loop and had been kinked.

I really want to see pics of these since it's the real problem not about the original wire and other wire soldering blah blah blah.


It is our position that Scott Wasserman's headphones had a defect in place in the form of a malformed voice coil wire, either internally, and/or additionally, externally, on one of the drive units that may have been further deformed or damaged in some manner during the first modification by another person/firm prior to our ever seen the headphones, or that may have been exacerbated by that and/or some other reason, which may include but not be limited to such reasons as playing at excessive sound level or being exposed to DC current in the audio signal being fed to the headphone .

Did you inform him about the defective part? If so, why you didn't fix it, and then put your wire to test how it works? or at least told him you couldn't fix this, and send it back to him because it's defective.

Moreover, interestingly, if you noticed there was something wrong about the voice coil wire, why you still do put your wire esp. for 2 times without testing how it sounds before sending him back?


$ 450.00 stock Sony harness install

any explain about this ridiculously price? There's no wire fee, isn't it? how come it could be expensive just removing your wires and putting the stock one instead.

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