Introducing the Audeze LCD-R!
Jul 20, 2021 at 11:20 PM Post #166 of 1,648
A reviewers incapable of finding even 1 thing wrong with a single product? Alright. Awesome crap happens and sometimes your mind is blown. No problem with that.

Unable to find something wrong with most products reviewed? Now that's a different story (and the one I am discussing). Imo, in this case, the conclusions of that reviews very simply can't be trusted, because, as said previously, there is always something wrong.

To be frank, I am a bit flabbergasted so many people are suprised others look at a purely positive review with some added scrutiny (especialy when they are not intimately familiar with the reviewers work).

Edit: also, just as a side note. Actualy calm or not, caps lock doesn't tend to make people think you are. Not like we have verbal ques to go off of in text after all.
Since this is a subjective hobby there might very well be things without a single negative trait - at least to the reviewer.

What's negative for you doesn't need to be for him.
That's why there always need to be comparisons as reference points
Jul 21, 2021 at 12:10 AM Post #168 of 1,648
Bummer, I wanted a ribbon headphone. The raal just doesn't fit my big head. Lol. Maybe something else will come out down the road. I just love how ribbons sound.
Try the gl1200 Gold Planar
With gold/enhanced ribbons
One seller sells em with both kinds of ribbons (silver and gold )
For $1400 they are for me my end game bliss with two different sound signatures I can change in five mins
Jul 21, 2021 at 12:14 AM Post #169 of 1,648
Try the gl1200 Gold Planar
With gold/enhanced ribbons
One seller sells em with both kinds of ribbons (silver and gold )
For $1400 they are for me my end game bliss with two different sound signatures I can change in five mins
What do you need to run those? Speaker amp?
Jul 21, 2021 at 12:31 AM Post #170 of 1,648
Jul 21, 2021 at 1:50 AM Post #171 of 1,648
I only found out about these today and I'm sad they're not for me, partly due to the weight but more so the whole being sold out thing.

I love the ribbon mic sound, and I can't wait for more companies to make more ribbon headphones. Two decades ago, dynamics were the vast majority of the market's offerings, now the number of accessible planar headphones on offer have grown significantly - I'd love the same for ribbon headphones.
Jul 21, 2021 at 2:04 AM Post #172 of 1,648
For the most part…headphone reviews are mostly based on loaner programs which makes me feel like I can somewhat trust them…something like this…well there was only one place to get them and they were limited. I feel like they shouldn’t have sent any out…every review unit that was sent out is one that I can’t buy now…but that’s just me being selfish :wink:
We many times send products to reviewers whom we do not agree with all the time. Sometimes we even ask them if we can post a rebuttal / reply and the site owners generally agree and allow us to post.
example -
Another example is Tyll's LCD4 review.

Sometimes, the reviewers refuse to post our reply as well since the review has too many flaws. A very good example is the Mobius review. They turned off all the 3D functionality in the headphone and measured the imaging of the headphone whose main feature is 3D audio.
Audeze Stay updated on Audeze at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Jul 21, 2021 at 2:44 AM Post #173 of 1,648
We many times send products to reviewers whom we do not agree with all the time. Sometimes we even ask them if we can post a rebuttal / reply and the site owners generally agree and allow us to post.
example -
Another example is Tyll's LCD4 review.

Sometimes, the reviewers refuse to post our reply as well since the review has too many flaws. A very good example is the Mobius review. They turned off all the 3D functionality in the headphone and measured the imaging of the headphone whose main feature is 3D audio.
Hi Team Audeze,

I really respect a company that can face criticism head on and I also like the fact that you guys are trying to directly engage with the community. I've owned pretty much your entire LCD range over the years.

I have a suggestion which I hope you will consider.

When releasing a new headphone like the LCD-R please consider releasing measurements taken on an industry standard rig. Headfi has a state of the art rig, you guys do thousands of measurements. Why not present your engineering know-how in the best light by showing us the measurements before we need to spend thousands of dollars?

In a few months Independent reviewers will get their hands on these and post measurements of varying quality. I don't understand why a company like Audeze cannot pre-empt this and present your official performance data for a state of the art product.

I think at the flagship headphone level ($2000+) all new releases should be released with measurements to help the customer.

People who ignore measurements can ignore them and the rest of us nerds can geek out over them and marvel at the technical ability of your drivers.

Good luck with the LCD-R and all the new releases planned in 2021. This looks like it could be the year of Audeze!
Jul 21, 2021 at 3:38 AM Post #174 of 1,648
You SHOULD expect excellence.
While there is nothing fundamentally wrong with it in general, that's exactly how a biased opinion is born.
Bummer, I wanted a ribbon headphone. The raal just doesn't fit my big head. Lol. Maybe something else will come out down the road. I just love how ribbons sound.
LCD-R is a variation of planar-magnetic implementation with extremely low impedance. That's what description tells on the first page. RAAL is ribbon, LCD-R is not.
Jul 21, 2021 at 4:54 AM Post #175 of 1,648
LCD-R is a variation of planar-magnetic implementation with extremely low impedance. That's what description tells on the first page. RAAL is ribbon, LCD-R is not.
I'd argue that the HEDD AMT is ribbon-ish. I'd dig a true ribbon like the RAAL only in a traditional headphone.

I think that the LCD-R begs the question and shows there is interest in a ribbon headphone (maybe not 700g this time).
Jul 21, 2021 at 6:10 AM Post #176 of 1,648
I just read the headphoneguru review for the LCD-R and then read an older review for the LCD4-Z. I could have just interchanged the text....

Have your cake and eat it too! Spectacular! Like real life! Electrostat like transparency! Thank you Audeze for allowing us to buy this masterpiece of audio engineering!

LOL. Who falls for this stuff anymore?

Back in 2010 I was new to Headfi and I downloaded their 2010 Buyer's Guide. I knew very little about the headphone world at that time ( I basically knew about Beats, Sennheiser and Grado) but as soon as I saw a ''Diesel'' branded headphone in the guide I was like wait a minute! This isn't some carefully curated list of only top tier products for the money from wise headphone nerds. This is a big list of basically every major headphone on sale designed to please the sponsors and move product :D

Everytime I watch a good YouTube reviewer objectively explain the pros and cons of a product i.e a real review ( Eg savagegeese for Cars and Marques Brownlee for Tech) I feel like crying because our headphone world is 99% advertisers and product pushers pretending to be reviewers.

Since 2010 I've seen the hype machine hype utterly mediocre headphones (IMHO) like the Audioquest Nighthawk, Mrspeakers Ether and Ether Flow etc etc etc

Always the same story. Product launch followed by gushing reviews from the usual audio gurus, philes, etc.

Zero disadvantages or faults mentioned or if they dare to mention them they are watered down to the extreme.

Hope the LCD-R turns out to be THE GREATEST HEADPHONE EVER with Electrostat like treble and the best of planar bass; hopefully the mids aren't missing :wink:
Careful you get silenced like Nwavguy by the mods for calling Headfi and Jude out.

Again, not speaking for anyone else, but if I felt like there was something BAD, I'd point it out. But you all make it sound like we're EXPECTED to find the BAD in the first place. What IF, just what IF there wasn't anything we could find that was bad, at least to our tastes?

THAT'S what I'm trying to say.

There has been, what , TWO reviews out in the wild. Both were positive. How about you give it time for more reviews to come out?

You either wait for people with different tastes than these two reviews, or wait for someone who's focused on satiating people that just want to hear what's WRONG.
Subjective reviews is the perfect excuse for shilling. Especially those non constructive ones which just say "good for classical music" Why? Tell me more. Reviews without the frequency response described, without the sound divided into soundstage, imaging, timbre, detail retrieval, and objective measurements like frwquncy response, harmonics, impulse response etc are not very helpful

They turned off all the 3D functionality in the headphone and measured the imaging of the headphone
🤡🤡 What a bunch of clowns
Jul 21, 2021 at 7:01 AM Post #177 of 1,648
100Wpc minimum + adaptor box. You could also try them rught out of the hsa-1b as well though
And how much is that amp? That's the raal one right? Yes, a little out of my budget. For now at least.
Jul 21, 2021 at 8:08 AM Post #178 of 1,648
I cancelled my order
Jul 21, 2021 at 8:16 AM Post #179 of 1,648
Jul 21, 2021 at 8:37 AM Post #180 of 1,648
I wonder if this means there is one that'll be listed as available soon :eyes:

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