IMR RAH - Discussion / Impressions Thread

Dec 18, 2019 at 5:53 AM Post #691 of 3,340
Finally, after one week sitting in Nottingham, "Your item is now leaving the UK. More information will be available when it arrives in the destination country."
no such luck with mine sill says:

Your item is due to leave Nottingham Mail Centre to go to Heathrow Worldwide Distribution Centre. More information will be available as it travels through our network.
Dec 18, 2019 at 6:02 AM Post #693 of 3,340
First impressions: holy crap, this is a bass monster (with black filters). A bit too much even, the bass pressure swallows some of the details in bass heavy tracks - the Shuoer Tape has equally deep reaching bass but its more controlled and not as dominating. However i'm very very pleased already, now i have to figure out these filters, its a bit overwhelming :D

I am convinced that the bass will be sweeter and less invasive after the break-in.
However .... IMR must be IMR:beyersmile:
Dec 18, 2019 at 6:37 AM Post #694 of 3,340
Again try to go for wider bore tips. To further attenuate the bass.
Dec 18, 2019 at 1:33 PM Post #697 of 3,340
Any people in canada received theirs?
Nope. I'm in Vancouver, patiently watching this thread. Current status has been stuck here since the 12th

2019-12-12 03:56 LANGLEY HWDC, Item Leaving the UK HDC = Heathrow World Distribution Centre

Hang in. There's still a chance we'll get them before Christmas. I believe they are already in Canada. The Royal Mail system wont show another status until they are released by customs. I've been through this with RM a few times. And because RM doesn't send pre-release EDI info to Canada Post, Canada Post Cant track from this end until it has been released by customs and tendered to them. From that perspective, China post and even Vietnam Post is more advanced than RM.
Dec 18, 2019 at 1:41 PM Post #698 of 3,340
Got home and had a quick listen. Didn’t like the sound from the supplied tips, the bass wasn’t controlled. I’ve put some wide bore spiral tips on and the gold bottom filter and the RAH’s are sounding good.
Dec 18, 2019 at 1:58 PM Post #700 of 3,340
Nope. I'm in Vancouver, patiently watching this thread. Current status has been stuck here since the 12th

2019-12-12 03:56 LANGLEY HWDC, Item Leaving the UK HDC = Heathrow World Distribution Centre

Hang in. There's still a chance we'll get them before Christmas. I believe they are already in Canada. The Royal Mail system wont show another status until they are released by customs. I've been through this with RM a few times. And because RM doesn't send pre-release EDI info to Canada Post, Canada Post Cant track from this end until it has been released by customs and tendered to them. From that perspective, China post and even Vietnam Post is more advanced than RM.

Yeah I hope so too... one can only hope that it would come before friday!

So from the forums so many people are using different tips and filter combos.

i been using custom tip from ADVANCED eartune with my zenith, which kinda kills the mid. Any recommendation for the tips for the upcoming RAH?
Dec 18, 2019 at 3:28 PM Post #702 of 3,340
I have not had the aten and this filter system is new to me, what would be your recommendation if I am using the orange filter in Zenit?
Dec 18, 2019 at 3:38 PM Post #703 of 3,340
I have not had the aten and this filter system is new to me, what would be your recommendation if I am using the orange filter in Zenit?

I was on the Zenith orange filter too, and on the Rah I'm now using the pink/green filters: it gives a powerful yet balanced (as in, good bass presence but not too much, excellent details but no brightness) sound. I would also recommend to try the blue/pink filters on the Zenith: it gives back some bass punch but still keeps brightness at bay. Let us know how those work for you!
Dec 18, 2019 at 3:48 PM Post #704 of 3,340
I was on the Zenith orange filter too, and on the Rah I'm now using the pink/green filters: it gives a powerful yet balanced (as in, good bass presence but not too much, excellent details but no brightness) sound. I would also recommend to try the blue/pink filters on the Zenith: it gives back some bass punch but still keeps brightness at bay. Let us know how those work for you!

thank you, I hope to have it for this weekend, of course I will give my impressions here
Dec 18, 2019 at 4:00 PM Post #705 of 3,340
So far none of the filters d
Yeah I hope so too... one can only hope that it would come before friday!

So from the forums so many people are using different tips and filter combos.

i been using custom tip from ADVANCED eartune with my zenith, which kinda kills the mid. Any recommendation for the tips for the upcoming RAH?
Try a general tracking site - my delivery didn't update via the link provided by IMR, even though it was already on the way to my house door this morning.

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