IMR RAH - Discussion / Impressions Thread

Dec 17, 2019 at 4:41 PM Post #661 of 3,340
It makes sense that YouTube is the worse for sure but all I can say is I enjoy it far more than most other services. My search isn’t for perfection, it’s one of enjoyment and YouTube is where I find it.

Try that ace Ventura set you said was good on the Rah. It may surprise you how much stage is there still. I find more often than not the Dance festivals which are uploaded to YouTube by the organisers or DJ’s are of a really good audio quality and I usually enjoy it more than listening to the same on soundcloud which usually sounds way more compressed/brick walled. Not everything sounds good as you know on YouTube.

I am running Sky Q optical out to Grace SDAC-B to Fiio A5 (which I find more enjoyable for YouTube than the THX AAA 789) then Rah.
Dec 17, 2019 at 5:31 PM Post #662 of 3,340
I won't email Bob. I also think the Aten are sibilant, and for instance Crinacle also had a similar opinion. We don't all share the same ears, age and tastes, so nobody is right or wrong here, only some major and minor opinions to be shared.

I did not find the Zenith sibilant with the stock big silicon tips, but I do find the Aten and Rah sibilant and/or too bright with the same tips.

Some people love the black and or blue filters; I can't find such combination enjoyable at all.

Moving forward on a positive manner, I found that Comply tips work very well with the Rah for me, as they do with the Sony EX1000 in my case (the IMR foam tips did not work well for me).

So right now I'm enjoying the Rah with the purple base filter (red starts to be too much bass for me) and green top filter with Comply tips. This combination sounds really good to me and I will keep testing the Rah with it. Next I will buy some L size Spiral Dots and see how it goes.
Great bro! Hope you enjoy em.
Dec 17, 2019 at 6:24 PM Post #663 of 3,340
I won't email Bob. I also think the Aten are sibilant, and for instance Crinacle also had a similar opinion. We don't all share the same ears, age and tastes, so nobody is right or wrong here, only some major and minor opinions to be shared.

I did not find the Zenith sibilant with the stock big silicon tips, but I do find the Aten and Rah sibilant and/or too bright with the same tips.

Some people love the black and or blue filters; I can't find such combination enjoyable at all.

Moving forward on a positive manner, I found that Comply tips work very well with the Rah for me, as they do with the Sony EX1000 in my case (the IMR foam tips did not work well for me).

So right now I'm enjoying the Rah with the purple base filter (red starts to be too much bass for me) and green top filter with Comply tips. This combination sounds really good to me and I will keep testing the Rah with it. Next I will buy some L size Spiral Dots and see how it goes.
That is the beauty of IMR gear. It fits many tastes and preferences.

If you have to use complys to make rah managable. Spiral dots will be too much for you.
Unless your ears will gradually adapt.
Dec 17, 2019 at 6:33 PM Post #664 of 3,340
I just tried an ISN Audio H8 copper cable on the Rah's..(slowly trying different cables, tips, nozzles etc)

It made them a lot more soft and warm and more 'easy listening' with the details tickling through! Quite nice
Going back to the stock cable though its amazing how much immediately and obviously 'better' it is
The increase in details, transparency, layering etc etc is extraordinary.
Its not too often you hear such a immediate and big difference

One thing I do Love about the Rah's which I only ever hear on the best of the best tunings - That is hearing the size
of the room the vocals where recorded in by hearing the reverberation and reflections bouncing off the walls o_0
To hear that amongst the other instruments totally tickles my Audiophilic pickle

Is anyone else hearing listening to actual music or are you all just a bunch of lunatic EDM bass head raving nutters :D (he asked sweetly)
Dec 17, 2019 at 6:44 PM Post #665 of 3,340
I will own the raving lunatic nutter but not the bass head EDM part.

Absolutely do listen to ‘normal’ music too. Being quite fond of post modern jukebox, metal, 80’s, 90’s.
Dec 17, 2019 at 6:58 PM Post #666 of 3,340
I think my RAH will be delivered tomorrow.
I hope it gets 80-90% to the Rhapsodio Eden that I have. I would be really impressed.
Dec 17, 2019 at 7:03 PM Post #667 of 3,340
I like ace ventura too. And mainly listen to Electronic music. Not the pop stuff. But anything from psychill to hardstyle. The only thing i cannot do personally is listen that music on iems through streaming. All my recent 2 year stuff is lossless the older is 320mp3.
So going from 1440 kbps to sub 200 kbps just loses too much of that sense of space and detail.

Specially with Rah now. They are so revealing when playing lossless. And the imaging and soundstage is insanely good.

I dont mind playing youtube on my KRK rokit 10 pair.
But iems just loses too much.

As you guys said. I am now rediscovering my existing tracks lol

How's hardstyle with Rah? Could you make an example with a specific track so I can somehow relate? Unfortunately mine are still somewhere between UK and Italy.
Dec 17, 2019 at 10:33 PM Post #669 of 3,340
I’ve tried ae08, ae07, spinfits, spiral dots (both regular and ++) cayins... you get the idea, ladies and gentlemen’s go to amazon japan, order this pair of tips and stop looking, soundstage and clarity went to
Another level. If I was thinking that this headphones were endgame for me, now I got a pair that has every single thing I ever looked

first I tried em on the zeniths, cause I went to walk the dogs out, I looked for “deep purple - sometimes I feel like screaming” separation was out of this world, couldn’t believe it. Got home, switch to rah’s... literally couldn’t stop listening, the bore is wide and deep, thing that the spiral dot needed imo, fit is stunning. I can’t be happier seriously

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Dec 17, 2019 at 10:56 PM Post #670 of 3,340
I accidentally ordered the Light version of those ear tips. Are they the same? Just another color? Or thinner?
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Dec 18, 2019 at 1:25 AM Post #671 of 3,340
I’ve tried ae08, ae07, spinfits, spiral dots (both regular and ++) cayins... you get the idea, ladies and gentlemen’s go to amazon japan, order this pair of tips and stop looking, soundstage and clarity went to
Another level. If I was thinking that this headphones were endgame for me, now I got a pair that has every single thing I ever looked

first I tried em on the zeniths, cause I went to walk the dogs out, I looked for “deep purple - sometimes I feel like screaming” separation was out of this world, couldn’t believe it. Got home, switch to rah’s... literally couldn’t stop listening, the bore is wide and deep, thing that the spiral dot needed imo, fit is stunning. I can’t be happier seriously

Glad you're enjoying these. As a counterpoint I tried a pair myself (they are the current FOTM eartip so I had to try), but was disapointed to find the fit wasn't nearly as comfy as the Spiral Dots, let alone SD ++. To be fair I didn't give them enough playtime to properly judge the sound because the fit just wasn't there for me. Just goes to show YMMV.
Dec 18, 2019 at 1:27 AM Post #672 of 3,340
I’ve tried ae08, ae07, spinfits, spiral dots (both regular and ++) cayins... you get the idea, ladies and gentlemen’s go to amazon japan, order this pair of tips and stop looking, soundstage and clarity went to
Another level. If I was thinking that this headphones were endgame for me, now I got a pair that has every single thing I ever looked

first I tried em on the zeniths, cause I went to walk the dogs out, I looked for “deep purple - sometimes I feel like screaming” separation was out of this world, couldn’t believe it. Got home, switch to rah’s... literally couldn’t stop listening, the bore is wide and deep, thing that the spiral dot needed imo, fit is stunning. I can’t be happier seriously

Oh wow these look promising definately getting a set.

How's hardstyle with Rah?

Problem with some of the hardstyle is its sometimes poorly mastered. So you need a forgiving source

But known DJs like Headhunter, Wildstylez, Zatox(one of my faves) ect.their tracks with rah remind me when i used to go to Defqon 1. Sound is massive and aggressive.
There isnt any IEM that handles any edm or other electronic music better the IMR gear.
Dec 18, 2019 at 2:30 AM Post #673 of 3,340
Glad you're enjoying these. As a counterpoint I tried a pair myself (they are the current FOTM eartip so I had to try), but was disapointed to find the fit wasn't nearly as comfy as the Spiral Dots, let alone SD ++. To be fair I didn't give them enough playtime to properly judge the sound because the fit just wasn't there for me. Just goes to show YMMV.

i had no idea they were getting popular, I was making a shipping from Japan and just wanted to get as many types as possible, funnily I ordered a pair of Sony “nudes” (ep ex2) that made my t8ie mk2 at last fit perfectly (those oval shaped nozzles are truly annoying) quite happy with the bunch I got, I’m ms/ m sized, the ms fit perfectly for me but medium did better at sealing without hurting my ears, I’m quite pleased.

so far in the rah path I’m staying blue/ blue wishing bob sent the same blue base for the aten since I think they would benefit of being paired with such, I will try ‘em tomorrow. Right now just hitting the sentimental spot with a bunch of bands from high school and enjoying the t8ie, funny to come
From such a bass heavy iem (I used the zenith all day at work) to this balanced tunning, miss the bass slam hehehe
Dec 18, 2019 at 2:31 AM Post #674 of 3,340

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