If you still love Etymotic ER4, this is the thread for you...
Oct 1, 2018 at 11:11 AM Post #12,272 of 19,319
You know what guys I have always been a fan of natural sound since graduating from my fixation with bass in car audio back in the early 90s and have always seen comments saying etys are thin sounding from the community yet they got a good review in stereophile way back when the er4s was released. It always got me confused and got me buying all sorts of cans with rave reviews that I ended up mostly hating and selling really quickly. Now for the first time I said Krunk it and ordered the er3se to get my feet wet.

I am floored! My musical satisfaction with these is through the roof. The foams give me the best isolation and both size triflanges go all the way inside with nothing left to push much easier so the isolation is slightly less especially the smaller frosted gray ones. The foams give me a black background better bass and more consistent sound but the bigger triflange is fun because I can tune it while the music is playing by spinning it around to find a better seal and when thats done right I get only slightly less bass but a more audible airiness due to the upper mids being slightly less pronounced vs the foamies. I love them with both tips actually. Hmm now I am curious if the dynamic driver mk5, the cheap one, does something slightly different so I can have a second one just for fun lol.

And if the er4sr is way better than the 3se I will pick one up in the future as well. I am now an official Etymotic fanboy along with my love for Sennheiser 6 series cans.
Me too! I also own HD600 and have tried both ER3 (non-bass model) and 4SR and I have to say both are superb IEMs in their own classes! Actually, sound-wise and as a result of deminishing return, ER3 models offer you more sonic fidelity for your dollar (IMHO) but if you want the best available, and that meticulous tuning, then go for ER4SR.
Oct 1, 2018 at 11:15 AM Post #12,273 of 19,319
That's interesting, you must listen to some quick music :)

Well.. more than half of my music is fast but in any cases I personally prefer that my music is correctly presented, although at times a bass boost is welcomed, but not for ‘quick’ music.
Oct 1, 2018 at 8:12 PM Post #12,274 of 19,319
Well.. more than half of my music is fast but in any cases I personally prefer that my music is correctly presented, although at times a bass boost is welcomed, but not for ‘quick’ music.

I mean, I was in the music producing industry and live music / concerts, this is not what accurate bass sounds like with rock, metal or electronic :)

I'm sure some types of music may sound like this naturally, but not what I typically listen to :)
Oct 4, 2018 at 10:10 AM Post #12,275 of 19,319
You know what guys I have always been a fan of natural sound since graduating from my fixation with bass in car audio back in the early 90s and have always seen comments saying etys are thin sounding from the community yet they got a good review in stereophile way back when the er4s was released. It always got me confused and got me buying all sorts of cans with rave reviews that I ended up mostly hating and selling really quickly. Now for the first time I said Krunk it and ordered the er3se to get my feet wet.

I am floored! My musical satisfaction with these is through the roof. The foams give me the best isolation and both size triflanges go all the way inside with nothing left to push much easier so the isolation is slightly less especially the smaller frosted gray ones. The foams give me a black background better bass and more consistent sound but the bigger triflange is fun because I can tune it while the music is playing by spinning it around to find a better seal and when thats done right I get only slightly less bass but a more audible airiness due to the upper mids being slightly less pronounced vs the foamies. I love them with both tips actually. Hmm now I am curious if the dynamic driver mk5, the cheap one, does something slightly different so I can have a second one just for fun lol.

And if the er4sr is way better than the 3se I will pick one up in the future as well. I am now an official Etymotic fanboy along with my love for Sennheiser 6 series cans.

not way better. maybe a bit better, yes. more consistent per unit? probably. but the er3se is a superb earphone that is almost as good. very close. much much closer to the sr than any other headphone would be... i own all er4 models and the s/sr is my favorite...
Oct 4, 2018 at 3:15 PM Post #12,277 of 19,319
Welcome back to the SR train (you’ll be back...)
Oct 5, 2018 at 4:10 AM Post #12,279 of 19,319
i just found out this nice eartips:the Final Audio type E. it's just happen to fit snuggly with the Etys, and it sounds good. it reduces the intimacy of the soundstage by slightly backing off the sound, giving a more airy and roomier feel. it also seems to accentuate the subbass and the top treble a bit.. might be because the mids being moved back a bit

I'm using the LL size on my regular IEMs, but i use the L size for the Etys.
worth to try!

Oct 5, 2018 at 11:25 PM Post #12,281 of 19,319
Is not there a headset cable for the ER3XR? That would be a shame. This should not be a problem today as many people listen to music on their smartphones.

Shameless plug here, check my sig below.

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