Nov 9, 2010 at 8:59 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 21


New Head-Fier
Jan 18, 2007
I currently use AD700 for playing games but I have realised the games I play don't benefit from sound stage (World of Warcraft, Starcraft II, etc). For some reason the right can has stopped working so I am looking to upgrade.
My budget is around $150-200 and since sound stage is no longer important I want bass so I can get blown away by gunshots, explosions, etc.
What options do I have?
Nov 10, 2010 at 12:09 AM Post #2 of 21
One idea is the Denon D2000. Has a good soundstage, good imaging and is very comfortable. Oh yeah and it has lots of BASS!
D2000 is quite strange because it's one of the few closed headphones that has a very good soundstage, so consider that a bonus. It also doesn't require any amp, but it's best to use one. It's a good deal for $225 or so considering how well it's made. It's also really comfortable, but is quite heavy.
Another cheaper option is the k240 Studio. It's semi-open, but needs an amp to sound best. It does sound perfectly fine out of my Ipod Touch but I have to max out the volume.
A used HD-600 is also a good option. The soundstage is actually better on the k240 it seems like despite it being only $100. HD-600 needs a desktop amp though.
Nov 10, 2010 at 12:30 AM Post #3 of 21
sony xb500 or xb700 if you want loads of bass. the xb500 is just ridiculous when paired with an amp. my pa2v2 can drive them to deafening levels. levels that let you feel the pressure of air trying to move past the giant pads.
Nov 10, 2010 at 6:06 AM Post #4 of 21
You want bass? You want XB500.
Epic bass that isn't only strong but also sounds really great with quite good sound quality for the price (some EQing might be required especially if you're used to AD700's crisp sound). I love mine for both listening to music and gaming, XB500 has much better bass than XB700 IMO if you also want to feel it cuz it's much punchier.
Nov 10, 2010 at 8:25 AM Post #6 of 21
Why do I feel that the Shure 750DJ are not even going to have the same amount of bass as the xb500? I really hope I didn't make a bad decision...
Nov 10, 2010 at 9:31 AM Post #7 of 21

Why do I feel that the Shure 750DJ are not even going to have the same amount of bass as the xb500? I really hope I didn't make a bad decision...

I would be suprised if there were any other AT LEAST equally bassy headphone but that also has better sound quality. I think you'll have to sacrifice the bass quantity in the expensier headphones but you might still be able to EQ it up to XB500 levels if it's not that much less. UnEQd I think you're pretty much out of luck whatever you'd pick...
raven2000> don't panick if you don't like how they sound just as you first try them, they really change a lot with a little EQing (highs needs to be brought out more and 125 - 500Hz range might need to be a bit damped), just read the comments on amazon about them, many people agrees some EQ is needed for optimal result and once you EQ them they'll sound damn good for the price. The sound quality of the frequencies are all great on it for the price, it's just it's very unbalanced by default and this causes overall too smooth sound, when you balance it yourself with an EQ the result is superb.
Nov 10, 2010 at 10:14 AM Post #9 of 21
So why are their threads around here saying that the Shure's have awesome bass that is as good as the xb500?
Nov 10, 2010 at 10:42 AM Post #10 of 21

So why are their threads around here saying that the Shure's have awesome bass that is as good as the xb500?

That's a matter of definition, what's "good bass" for you? Some might be talking about huge quantity others want less bass, others might talk about punch, others like deep rumbling bass etc. I haven't tested Shure 750DJs so I don't know how they compare like but they are on my somewhat "interested in trying list" but my own expectations would be that I might have to boost at least 3dB to get the same quantity and 750DJs are being talking about as very punchy bass so I'd also have some slight doubts about its deep bass capability as Sony XB series handles deep bass probably better than others. I want lots of bass myself, quantity is important and it's important that it both goes deep and is punchy. People got different taste, some people think M50 are like VERY bassy, for me it's slightly too bass lean etc. So it's a matter of definition and taste...
Nov 10, 2010 at 11:25 AM Post #11 of 21
So why are their threads around here saying that the Shure's have awesome bass that is as good as the xb500?

Because people will also tell you that you have to have fancy cables and amps.

Nov 10, 2010 at 12:52 PM Post #13 of 21
Yea the bass I'm looking for is the booming, head shaking bass. The xb500 has it, but I wanted something with better build quality. I have to wait until Monday to get them though...
Nov 10, 2010 at 12:58 PM Post #14 of 21
razrred i have the same view with u but if im upgrading from my hd 555, i wont upgrade to a xb500, id rather upgrade to something with better build uqality and overall performance aswell as bass. is beyerdynamic dt 990 what im lookin for ?

Nov 10, 2010 at 1:29 PM Post #15 of 21

Yea the bass I'm looking for is the booming, head shaking bass. The xb500 has it, but I wanted something with better build quality. I have to wait until Monday to get them though...

I'd also like a more "solid" build, especially the driver cups I'd want to be something much more solid instead of a uberthin alu cup that moves around a little and probably WAS the cause for the rattling in some songs with very strong deep bass until I took care of that. Hopefully Sony would release an updated XB series in future with better cup designs and a bit smaller pads that are still soft & comfortable, then I'd buy that in a heartbeat. ^^ The XB series seems to have become quite popular so I wouldn't be suprised if it happened.

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