I have my hands ON the Sony X1000 Walkman - Impressions / Discussions
Jul 11, 2009 at 4:03 AM Post #1,711 of 3,761
Okay well. I must say I am impressed by the X but now I want it to really shine. Anyone in San Diego know where I can buy a pair of headphones with great synergy? I saw Monster Turbines at FRY's. My budgets around $200 and I felt like this is the best place to get suggestions because you guys know the X effect better than them Apple lovin' hooligans. (Just kidding.)

I have a preface towards bass but the stock headphones really have no WOW when it comes to high's and mid's. I'd like some of that.
Jul 11, 2009 at 4:21 AM Post #1,712 of 3,761
mmmwe lll I've just been watching the videos of the unit in use on Youtube ...

the SQ will have to be good - is all I can say (and yes stilll will probably buy one) as the GUI Seemed pedestrian compared to my Touch ... whats with the "blank" cover-flow when scrolling through at a reasonable speed.

I think I know the answer - but can I confirm that you can't play any videos above 320xX resolutiion ?

this was one of my bugbears with the S639 -and I fid it increadible they haven't fixed it - the IPODs all the way back to teh IPOD Video will support and downscale anything 640 and below. Self encodes are fine - whats annoying are podcasts which sometimes are 1 pixel (!!) - wider than 320 - like 321 by - which wouldn't play on my S639 or the fact that quite a few podcasts are 400x this should have been an easy thing to implement
Jul 11, 2009 at 4:24 AM Post #1,713 of 3,761

Originally Posted by silverknit3 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Okay well. I must say I am impressed by the X but now I want it to really shine. Anyone in San Diego know where I can buy a pair of headphones with great synergy? I saw Monster Turbines at FRY's. My budgets around $200 and I felt like this is the best place to get suggestions because you guys know the X effect better than them Apple lovin' hooligans. (Just kidding.)

I have a preface towards bass but the stock headphones really have no WOW when it comes to high's and mid's. I'd like some of that.

There's this place that I've been wanting to go to called Sound Company. Don't know what they have, but it's the only place I've found online in the SD area. Here's a link to their Yelp page

Sound Company - Midway - San Diego, CA
Jul 11, 2009 at 4:49 AM Post #1,714 of 3,761
I completely did not notice you lived in San Diego. Small world.

Their site does not have many details. Do you know what IEM's they stock besides the common ones such as Shure?
Jul 11, 2009 at 4:50 AM Post #1,715 of 3,761

Originally Posted by silverknit3 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Okay well. I must say I am impressed by the X but now I want it to really shine. Anyone in San Diego know where I can buy a pair of headphones with great synergy? I saw Monster Turbines at FRY's. My budgets around $200 and I felt like this is the best place to get suggestions because you guys know the X effect better than them Apple lovin' hooligans. (Just kidding.)

I have a preface towards bass but the stock headphones really have no WOW when it comes to high's and mid's. I'd like some of that.

Klipsch X5(overall clean n balanced), Tour(great bass, detailed mids), SE420(very detailed mids), Klipsch Custom 3(rich mids and deep bass).........
Jul 11, 2009 at 5:07 AM Post #1,716 of 3,761

Originally Posted by silverknit3 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I completely did not notice you lived in San Diego. Small world.

Their site does not have many details. Do you know what IEM's they stock besides the common ones such as Shure?

I'm really not sure
I say give them a call tomorrow. BTW, if you find another place in SD that sell nice IEMs, let me know
Jul 11, 2009 at 5:15 AM Post #1,717 of 3,761

Originally Posted by silverknit3 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Okay well. I must say I am impressed by the X but now I want it to really shine. Anyone in San Diego know where I can buy a pair of headphones with great synergy? I saw Monster Turbines at FRY's. My budgets around $200 and I felt like this is the best place to get suggestions because you guys know the X effect better than them Apple lovin' hooligans. (Just kidding.)

UM3Xs. Balanced. Good isolation and comfort.
Jul 11, 2009 at 5:15 AM Post #1,718 of 3,761
Thank you ZARIM, you have my interest in the x5's. Problem is my budget. I really do not feel like spending over $200 again.

@SOUND: I know a nice place near Qualcomm stadium where I got quoted on Westone 3's for $327. UM2's were $280 but the price might've dropped. If I can't find anything simply mind blowing I might buy the W3 but I hear the synergy isn't as jaw dropping as former Walkmans.
Jul 11, 2009 at 5:17 AM Post #1,719 of 3,761

Originally Posted by bakhtiar /img/forum/go_quote.gif
UM3Xs. Balanced. Good isolation and comfort.

You completely contradicted my post above me. I find that rather entertaining.
So do you think these UM3x's are a good choice? I heard they are the more laid back between them and the W3. I love a fun sounding IEM. Now the question is, will the UM3x deliver a 17 year old boy the smiles he so desperately craves?
Jul 11, 2009 at 5:33 AM Post #1,720 of 3,761

Originally Posted by silverknit3 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Thank you ZARIM, you have my interest in the x5's. Problem is my budget. I really do not feel like spending over $200 again.

@SOUND: I know a nice place near Qualcomm stadium where I got quoted on Westone 3's for $327. UM2's were $280 but the price might've dropped. If I can't find anything simply mind blowing I might buy the W3 but I hear the synergy isn't as jaw dropping as former Walkmans.

Really? I'm over at my friend's house right now and he lives near the Qualcomm stadium. How do I get there and what is the place called? I would like to listen to the Westone 3s and compare them to my UM3Xs.
Jul 11, 2009 at 8:27 AM Post #1,722 of 3,761

Originally Posted by nkk /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Double amping is not recommended, but that is not the same here. The S master digital amp may good, but I am sure it is worse than the RSA products. I have heard neither, but I am really unable to believe that a stand alone portable amp of RSA product's caliber could be worse than the S master. Remember to put things into context. The S master is good for a PMP, and it even may be leagues ahead of other PMP built in amps. The key word is built in.

Yes, but as is the generally accepted problem with iPods,they are not always high quality. Remember that an amp in a pmp only really serves to turn volume, as the overwhelming majority of people do not care so much about SQ. Some amps (Zune, the X, etc) are good, but that is not to be expected from a pmp amp.

thanks for the informative reply .. i have tried it with my predator and the sound is great thou double ampin is bad. x1000 is still great. lol .. gonna pick up the player soon and i will get to test it out more other then tearing it apart. i can still keep the amp for other purpose but what the heck .. lol.

i wonder if Ihatepopupads and cn11 use the x1000 with their P51????

next to get will be a good interconnecting cable and a good set of IEM but i have a hard time deciding which one to get.
Jul 11, 2009 at 8:43 AM Post #1,723 of 3,761

Originally Posted by Buckster /img/forum/go_quote.gif
the GUI Seemed pedestrian compared to my Touch ... whats with the "blank" cover-flow when scrolling through at a reasonable speed.

Apart from the slow populating cover flow you're looking at the GUI the wrong way. Sure it could do with some tweaking but on the whole it's the simplicity of use that makes it shine.

If you look at the player as a music machine only, the GUI doesn't need to be complicated. It's dead easy to tune the sound to your taste and after an hour you know the X like the back of your hand....

I love it for that.

Oh and it sounds lovely.
Jul 11, 2009 at 11:10 AM Post #1,724 of 3,761
As far as I am aware of the s-master digital amp the X series have doesn't levelup your sound but it processes it. So it wont hurt to add a portable headphone amp to it. to put it another way, s-master digital amp is no headphone amp...
Jul 11, 2009 at 4:06 PM Post #1,725 of 3,761

Originally Posted by Sp0iltbr4t /img/forum/go_quote.gif
thanks for the informative reply .. i have tried it with my predator and the sound is great thou double ampin is bad. x1000 is still great. lol .. gonna pick up the player soon and i will get to test it out more other then tearing it apart. i can still keep the amp for other purpose but what the heck .. lol.

i wonder if Ihatepopupads and cn11 use the x1000 with their P51????

next to get will be a good interconnecting cable and a good set of IEM but i have a hard time deciding which one to get.

Well, I said this before.. Me and Sooz both 'had' the p51/touch 2g combo (even the same exact LOD lol ) and pretty much agree the X is very very close and in some ways better (bass) than that combo. The p51/touch 2g combo had a slightly wider sound stage and more power. I would personally would never amp the X, I love the sound sig too much
And don't have demanding cans.

Cn has his p51 back, so maybe he can comment, I'm pretty sure he feels the same, an amps not needed for most cans with the X

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