I have my hands ON the Sony X1000 Walkman - Impressions / Discussions
Jul 9, 2009 at 6:32 PM Post #1,696 of 3,761
Hey UK peeps

Have any of you downloaded any BBC iplayer content to the X yet? I'm not talking about watching something on it by going to the website, I mean has anyone managed to actually download the iPlayer to the X, download content to it, and then watch it? If so, how?? I LOVE iplayer and I want to watch something on my X, just to prove I can

HELP PLEASE. Thank you

Neeley Neeley Neeley... you're rubbering up the X in this heat?

EDIT: I found a 'guide' on the BBC iplayer site about how to transfer to portable media players so I'll give that a whirl. Hopefully, I might have it downloaded by the time a 128GB Sony comes out... but then again, maybe not.
Jul 9, 2009 at 7:14 PM Post #1,697 of 3,761

Originally Posted by midoo1990 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
ok thanks photoman for your impressions.so you think that the zune120 SQ is inferior in comparison with the X?oh and can you comment on the soundstage of the X in comparison, because the one think that i dont like about the zune is that its soundstage is narrow, you feel that the music is in the room with you(intimate) which i dont like,i like it to be spacious and wide. also can you comment on the bass on the X in comparison on the zune?the zune bass is definetly strong and punchy but i am not sure if i will tolerate more heavy bass!
Its funny how each player and each earphone and headphone produce music that is so different from one to another!why just they dont make a player and head or earphone that produces music the way it was played in the studio! Well,while they do that we headfiers will search for audio nirvana with the available materials

The X's SQ is superior over the Zune. The base is clearer and you can adjust it. The soundstage is like 3D
regular_smile .gif
Jul 9, 2009 at 7:18 PM Post #1,698 of 3,761
Hi,done a couple of BBC iPlayer,clicking on portable download option.Have to open/play in WMP for a few seconds to get licence or what ever.Then just drop to the 'X'.Must have deleted some off PC,one left says 320 x 180,500kbs,25fps.

Just for Info.Done a 1.85:1 movie(Hollow Man),'X' 1.80:1,with Ripbot264,432 x 320 & thats worked really well.CQ(Constant Quality?)CRF(constant frame rate ?,not film rate i think thouthat still seems to be 25fps?some value?)18.Have to try some 2 pass stuff.
Prob use a 432 x XXX get near movie aspect & accept black bars ?

Cheers BOB
Jul 9, 2009 at 8:51 PM Post #1,699 of 3,761
After spending a day with my new baby, I have some comments to write.

First of all I am gonna have to agree with the people who find their previous models louder than the X series. My A828 sounds definately louder....but no big deal since I am using FiioE5 to level things up.

Secondly, my SR80i find the X1050 hard to drive itself; which means SR80i definately needs an amp while using with the X series, player definately needs to be louder. I am yet to try it with my FiioE5 and SR80i.

Other than the things I mentioned, player sounds fantastic just like its brother A828.....

more to come...keep watching pls.
Jul 9, 2009 at 9:10 PM Post #1,700 of 3,761
doesn't using a Fio with the X series sort of defeat the point of X series - ie in that it has a very high quality amp in it ?

if the Fio amp is not reducing the overall quality then I'd be worried ...


Originally Posted by Firefighter /img/forum/go_quote.gif
After spending a day with my new baby, I have some comments to write.

First of all I am gonna have to agree with the people who find their previous models louder than the X series. My A828 sounds definately louder....but no big deal since I am using FiioE5 to level things up.

Secondly, my SR80i find the X1050 hard to drive itself; which means SR80i definately needs an amp while using with the X series, player definately needs to be louder. I am yet to try it with my FiioE5 and SR80i.

Other than the things I mentioned, player sounds fantastic just like its brother A828.....

more to come...keep watching pls.

Jul 10, 2009 at 3:12 AM Post #1,702 of 3,761
Does anyone know if the X does playcounts? I can't get it to work with MediaMonkey, and what I used with my zune, zenses, also doesn't work. Would be disappointing if there were no playcounts at all.
Jul 10, 2009 at 3:55 AM Post #1,703 of 3,761
Actually, I also had the A-V sync problems after converting several flvs (from youtube) to other format, several YEARS ago
. So I tinkled the FPS and other options (which I already forgot) to make the A-V synced all the way. But, with the latest ffmpeg, no issues yet.

Play counts in X? Nope, and since it is not related to SQ, no bothers.
Jul 10, 2009 at 6:33 AM Post #1,705 of 3,761
I am also intruiged why you would want to amplify the headphone output... that would arguably kill the point of having the S Master DSP... then again, if using full sized cans, the output is quite low... although, getting the FX500 moots that point
Jul 10, 2009 at 7:28 AM Post #1,706 of 3,761
I only use the Fiio E5 when I want to listen to it with my Grado SR80s, other than that I am quite pleased with the levels of volume I get with my CX500s. But when I plug my SR80 in, level just do not cut it.
Jul 10, 2009 at 4:53 PM Post #1,707 of 3,761
so is the concencous that these are a fair bit better than the S series MP3 players ?

CNET worried me by saying they were a bit better .... I didn't actually like the S639 much - was ok - but bass was way overbearing in my opinion

would love to get one - I've a Touch at the moment - but I'm aiming to go Iphone + Sony in a few months time

went to 2 shops today .... both had the X series - neither wiht charged batteries - useless !
Jul 10, 2009 at 11:23 PM Post #1,708 of 3,761

Originally Posted by Firefighter /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I only use the Fiio E5 when I want to listen to it with my Grado SR80s, other than that I am quite pleased with the levels of volume I get with my CX500s. But when I plug my SR80 in, level just do not cut it.

If you turn on the dynamic normalizer, that boosts your volume also.
Jul 11, 2009 at 2:51 AM Post #1,709 of 3,761
hi guys .. supposed to pick up the x1060 later. but just wondering . anyone using a external amp with this player? as there is a digital amp inside .. then with another amp will be double amping. i noticed a few user here with P51 and i got the predator. are they good together as double amping is not recommended.

dun every player have a build in amp already? so its not just the sony thou they advertise it as part of their player unlike other players. pardon me if i sound noob

tryed to look thru all the pages of the thread for the answer but only managed 50%
Jul 11, 2009 at 3:26 AM Post #1,710 of 3,761

Originally Posted by Sp0iltbr4t /img/forum/go_quote.gif
hi guys .. supposed to pick up the x1060 later. but just wondering . anyone using a external amp with this player? as there is a digital amp inside .. then with another amp will be double amping. i noticed a few user here with P51 and i got the predator. are they good together as double amping is not recommended.

Double amping is not recommended, but that is not the same here. The S master digital amp may good, but I am sure it is worse than the RSA products. I have heard neither, but I am really unable to believe that a stand alone portable amp of RSA product's caliber could be worse than the S master. Remember to put things into context. The S master is good for a PMP, and it even may be leagues ahead of other PMP built in amps. The key word is built in.

Originally Posted by Sp0iltbr4t /img/forum/go_quote.gif
dun every player have a build in amp already? so its not just the sony thou they advertise it as part of their player unlike other players. pardon me if i sound noob

Yes, but as is the generally accepted problem with iPods,they are not always high quality. Remember that an amp in a pmp only really serves to turn volume, as the overwhelming majority of people do not care so much about SQ. Some amps (Zune, the X, etc) are good, but that is not to be expected from a pmp amp.

Originally Posted by Sp0iltbr4t /img/forum/go_quote.gif
tryed to look thru all the pages of the thread for the answer but only managed 50%

Great way to waste time, isnt it?

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