I hate the mall.
Dec 6, 2005 at 3:41 PM Post #61 of 107

Originally Posted by Capital R
The only reason I ever go to the mall is to make a quick stop over at EB Games + Gamestop + The Apple Store. I try to avoid as many of the clothing stores (ie Abercrombie, Hollister, even Hot Topic, etc) as possible, but running into someone sporting $100+ torn jeans or a spiked black trenchcoat is inevitable here in Pleasanton. Whatever "social denomination" a person belongs to is their own business, and I have no right to judge them. They may annoy me sometimes, but I bet I annoy them as well. Oh well, at least I can escape it all when I put on a pair of good headphones...until I see those confounded Triports at the Apple Store. Ugh.

I work near the Stoneridge Mall and it's pretty nice me thinks but there are way too many rich kids trying to look dark and troubled... I guess now that I'm a bit older I look at it from a parents view and think... "no way would you ever have purple hair and jewelry in your face if you were my kid!"
Dec 6, 2005 at 5:02 PM Post #63 of 107

Originally Posted by ken36
I like to go to one of the Malls at Christmas time. Find a seat and watch the show. Better than the movies. Of course, I set my ipod to a Christmas playlist and just enjoy it all.

Reminds me of Nero playing the lyre as he watches Rome burn.
Dec 6, 2005 at 6:09 PM Post #64 of 107

Originally Posted by ej82m
What scares me is how people can blow one word out of proportion, when it was meant in no way to be racist. People need to lighten up, and stop being "PC" about every single thing. It's how violence starts. IMO

What scares me are humans getting a kick out of other humans misery and joking about it whether it be subconsciously or not.

That's how violence starts. Ignorance and apathy.
Dec 6, 2005 at 9:55 PM Post #65 of 107
A word is only a combination of symbols used to represent an idea. Saying "ghetto" is no different from saying "A neighborhood... [aforementioned definition of ghetto]"
On the same token, 'ghetto' no longer represents the same idea it did originally. Now it means cheap and substandard, but in a humorous way. Using tape to attach your bumper to your car is ghetto. It is also funny. Putting your computer components inside of a cardboard box is ghetto. Mounting a headphone amp inside of a mint tin is ghetto.
Until a better word that means cheap [the second defitinion of ghetto] with a humorous effect is invented, I will continue to use the word "ghetto". It's a word. Only a word. It only means what is implied by it.

Have fun with your politically correct newspeak...
Dec 6, 2005 at 10:14 PM Post #66 of 107

Dec 7, 2005 at 2:17 AM Post #67 of 107

Originally Posted by wakeride74
I work near the Stoneridge Mall and it's pretty nice me thinks but there are way too many rich kids trying to look dark and troubled... I guess now that I'm a bit older I look at it from a parents view and think... "no way would you ever have purple hair and jewelry in your face if you were my kid!"

Whoa! Another Pleasanton person! And we both have SW avatars! How awesome! But seriously, I know way too many kids that try to be "dark and troubled" or whatnot even if they drive a BMW M3 their parents bought them (I go to Foothill High School). My friend actually does have purple hair
Dec 7, 2005 at 5:58 AM Post #68 of 107

Originally Posted by F1GTR
What scares me are humans getting a kick out of other humans misery and joking about it whether it be subconsciously or not.

That's how violence starts. Ignorance and apathy.

Yes, the reason I used "ghetto" in my original statement is that I get a kick out of humans in misery subconsciously and I was ignorant to the fact that the term "ghetto" means: "a walled quarter in a European city to which Jews were restricted beginning in the MIDDLE AGES." I specifically chose the word "ghetto" because I don't care or have no emotion towards the oppressed Jews. Yes, that's exactly what I meant in my original statement.

Relax. I apologize to anyone of Jewish descent whose ancestors lived in the Middle Ages.

Jun 5, 2021 at 12:28 AM Post #69 of 107
I actually like the mall despite the lameness. Yes, I prefer a hip city shopping area like the East Village in New York City or the cool street in Akihabara Tokyo as they are much more interesting but generic boring American malls are nice too.

I like malls as a form of relaxation and casual walks. I’ve been to malls on the east coast and I’ve been to malls in California and they’re pretty much the same. Contrary to popular belief, malls are still vibrant and trendy despite the decline. The busy malls are just less common.
Jun 5, 2021 at 9:31 AM Post #70 of 107
Now I'm old, I hate malls. I'm not the audience for malls anymore. It's mainly a teen thing.

Sometimes I have unfortunate circumstances that I have to get something from a mall. I have to walk a long ways to find the stupid store inside the mazes in the mall. I'm like mouse to find that cheese in the maze box without the smell ability.
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Jun 5, 2021 at 3:15 PM Post #72 of 107
How the heck did you find this thread, the last reply (before you two) was in 2005, haha

I've noticed in passing this guy has a habit/pattern of randomly "necroposting" (as the kids say) in threads from as far back as 2003, as though he's expecting the original contributors are still active, still interested, and are somehow awaiting his definitive input.

I find it curious to say the least.

As an aside, I love a beautiful homogeneous American mall. It's what America does best.
Jun 5, 2021 at 3:21 PM Post #73 of 107
As an aside, I love a beautiful homogeneous American mall. It's what America does best.
First time I visited America was to Ausin Texas, was amazed how a shopping mall was a whole “town” at the end of the highway, the same in San Diego a year later. Never seen that before in my life, amazing.
Jun 5, 2021 at 3:30 PM Post #74 of 107
First time I visited America was to Ausin Texas, was amazed how a shopping mall was a whole “town” at the end of the highway, the same in San Diego a year later. Never seen that before in my life, amazing.
It's impressive. Europe can't compete even though the original architect of the American mall was Viennese (Victor Gruen).

I spent large chunks of my childhood in SW Florida, so mall culture is somehow a formative part of my upbringing. I'm always full of a profound sense of serenity whenever I hear nondescript Muzak and breathe in the artificially controlled air of a vast enclosed mall, especially those with ornate water features and synthetic flora and fauna.
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Jun 5, 2021 at 8:01 PM Post #75 of 107
I prefer European style shopping areas over American malls. American malls are predictable as airports with stores. Majority of malls in US are ghetto style with stores for teens.
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