I hate the mall.
Dec 5, 2005 at 5:11 PM Post #46 of 107

Originally Posted by Kirosia
I think people are confused with what "ghetto" is, and that scares me.

What scares me is how so many people use the word nonchalantly these days without seeing it as being racist.

Using that word to describe anything displays true ignorance IMO.
Dec 5, 2005 at 5:40 PM Post #47 of 107

Originally Posted by ej82m
I know exactly what "ghetto" means.

ghet·to Audio pronunciation of "ghetto" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (gt)
n. pl. ghet·tos or ghet·toes

1. A section of a city occupied by a minority group who live there especially because of social, economic, or legal pressure.

Go to the Sun Valley Mall in Concord and you'll know what I'm talking about. Or try Bay Fair.

Ha! That's the mall by my house... I guess I'm ghetto
I kid I kid! That mall is hit and miss... sometimes it's ok and sometimes it's like... ok just fast forward to the drive by.

All races have "ghettos" just as all have middle class and upper class neighborhoods, I would never place such a label on one specific race... that would be racist IMO. I've come across plenty of wealthy people I would consider ghetto and even more poor people I would consider high class.
Dec 5, 2005 at 8:23 PM Post #49 of 107
I never used "scenester" in this post, that I remember!

It's just annoying to me to see all these kids with Hot Topic bags walking around like they're hot stuff. I think they believe that they are [thinking that they're hot stuff].

I don't want to socialize with people like that. There is nothing wrong with that, either. I have never seriously judged them on what they do/how they look. Ever. I just think that what they do/how they look drives me crazy, hahaha. I'm not labeling them as "bad people" or "stupid" or "gay" for how they go about their business. It doesn't concern me.

Let's not turn this thread into a racial debate. I think that anyone who uses "ghetto" to be racist is racist. And anyone who doesn't, isn't.

Dec 5, 2005 at 8:25 PM Post #50 of 107
Honestly, nowadays to me I don't really consider the term ghetto to be race-specific (in most cases)
More having to do with poorer living conditions, above-average amts of violence/drug dealers/criminals/gangs and the like. And yes, as negative as that sounds, that's how it is in many ghetto and ghetto-ish neighborhoods.


People need to lighten up, and stop being "PC" about every single thing. It's how violence starts.

I thought violence started because people weren't being PC. When I hear some guy at school or whatever using inappropriate language/making derogatory comments, then using the "it's a free country/free speech/chill out and don't take it so seriously/blah blah blah" crap as a defense, I get a huge urge to kick his ass. (not talking about you, I kinda agree with what you mean, there needs to be some leeway obviously. Your posts didn't come off racist to me.)
Dec 5, 2005 at 9:00 PM Post #51 of 107
agreed. One shouldn't suppress discourse because it's "politically correct" but there's no harm in notifying that it IS racist discourse. often saying "Jap" isn't intentionally racist but unintentional.. might as well say that it's racist...

Agreed w/ most things being over-PCed (i.e. spelling women as womyn), but using "ghetto" without realizing its origins should be avoided.
Dec 5, 2005 at 9:47 PM Post #52 of 107

Originally Posted by saturnine
Guilty as charged
Teens dress way too sexy these days! I'm 22, and I caught myself checking out what later appeared to be a ~14 year old girl at a mall a few weeks ago.. That's just wrong..

Also, going to the mall makes me feel much older than I really am. I can't walk into Abercrombie/Hollister/HT/etc without feeling that I really don't belong here. Even the store employees were younger than I am. Now I feel like my parents did when I was young..

you should feel out-of-place, those stores explicitly market towards 14 - 20 year olds... check out their corporate websites/statement
Dec 6, 2005 at 3:24 AM Post #53 of 107
"you should feel out-of-place, those stores explicitly market towards 14 - 20 year olds... check out their corporate websites/statement"

what, i'm in that age group and i still feel out of place. although it is more for cultural and class reasons than age reasons; still the same feeling! that's why Amazon.com is so great...i don't have to visit the mall to spend money
Dec 6, 2005 at 6:22 AM Post #56 of 107
The only reason I ever go to the mall is to make a quick stop over at EB Games + Gamestop + The Apple Store. I try to avoid as many of the clothing stores (ie Abercrombie, Hollister, even Hot Topic, etc) as possible, but running into someone sporting $100+ torn jeans or a spiked black trenchcoat is inevitable here in Pleasanton. Whatever "social denomination" a person belongs to is their own business, and I have no right to judge them. They may annoy me sometimes, but I bet I annoy them as well. Oh well, at least I can escape it all when I put on a pair of good headphones...until I see those confounded Triports at the Apple Store. Ugh.
Dec 6, 2005 at 6:26 AM Post #57 of 107
was that comment aimed at me?
Dec 6, 2005 at 6:31 AM Post #58 of 107
I assumed he was directing it to the thread starter.
Dec 6, 2005 at 7:16 AM Post #60 of 107
well, it's a great trend.

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