Hugo TT 2 by Chord Electronics - The Official Thread
Oct 6, 2023 at 9:46 AM Post #18,107 of 19,128
What improvements are we talking about.
Soundstage, more details, separation...etc?

Really minimal if any at all, in my own personal experience. Chord told me it's more noticeable with speakers.

Definitely a piece of gear to demo and see what it does for you with your system first.
Oct 6, 2023 at 2:57 PM Post #18,109 of 19,128
What improvements are we talking about.
Soundstage, more details, separation...etc?

Difficult to put it in words: Better soundstage, naturality, three-dimensionality... After I switched the m-scaler off after listening to it for a long time, I thought everything was so digital, and the soundstage somehow collapsed into a less-dimensional experience; some naturality disappeared, and I could not stand it. It is a matter of time; initially, the perceived differences were quite subtle, but after a long time with the M-S, I perceived it much more strongly. In short, try it for as long as possible before forming any judgments.

I even bought a second M-Scaler for my second Chord DAC. It is almost impossible for me to listen to music without it after having it for a long time...
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Oct 6, 2023 at 3:50 PM Post #18,112 of 19,128
Just to add, I hate the new format of the forums, I use an ipad and there are very large disruptive adverts on the right hand side of the screen,
I use an ad blocker (piehole - does other blocks as well) and an ipad. This may help your case. The TT2 case is very unfortunate.
Oct 6, 2023 at 4:06 PM Post #18,113 of 19,128
I use an ad blocker (piehole - does other blocks as well) and an ipad. This may help your case. The TT2 case is very unfortunate.

Yeah, I did use ad blockers on my ipad, but not long ago I needed to wipe my ipad and I’m still building it up to the way I had it before and I totally forgot about blockers until you mentioned it, so off I pop to the app store. Cheers
Oct 6, 2023 at 8:45 PM Post #18,114 of 19,128
Difficult to put it in words: Better soundstage, naturality, three-dimensionality... After I switched the m-scaler off after listening to it for a long time, I thought everything was so digital, and the soundstage somehow collapsed into a less-dimensional experience; some naturality disappeared, and I could not stand it. It is a matter of time; initially, the perceived differences were quite subtle, but after a long time with the M-S, I perceived it much more strongly. In short, try it for as long as possible before forming any judgments.

I even bought a second M-Scaler for my second Chord DAC. It is almost impossible for me to listen to music without it after having it for a long time...

Ease, naturalness, flow. Once you get used to it it’s very, very difficult to give up. There’s nothing about it that’s an instant hifi difference for me. It’s just…better.

Will M-Scaler work with other DACs. I m getting a Lampizator Baltic 4 Dac. Will it work with Tube DACs?
Oct 6, 2023 at 11:09 PM Post #18,115 of 19,128

Will M-Scaler work with other DACs. I m getting a Lampizator Baltic 4 Dac. Will it work with Tube DACs?
It works with any DAC, but 705.6/768 are only available via the dual BNC of other Chord DACs. Non-Chord DACs up to 352.8/384. I’ve not tried it with anything other than Mojo2, Hugo2 and TT2.
Tube or not makes no difference to operation.
Oct 7, 2023 at 2:56 AM Post #18,116 of 19,128

Will M-Scaler work with other DACs. I m getting a Lampizator Baltic 4 Dac. Will it work with Tube DACs?

Tried it only once for a very short time (probably just a couple of minutes), so do not take this as a final and reliable judgment. Also, there was a technical limitation when connecting M-Scaler to the other DACs (Schiit, Audio-GD; max. 192k input via coax), so M-Scaler was not working fully: I did not hear anything substantial, perhaps nothing at all, and I sold all the other DACs after that...
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Oct 7, 2023 at 6:32 PM Post #18,117 of 19,128
Oct 8, 2023 at 12:12 AM Post #18,118 of 19,128
That DAC mentioned, the Mark Levinson No. 30.6 is one of the best multi bit DACs of all time, legendary. We are not talking a typical DAC from that era, which to be honest kick ass compared to many modern delta sigma DACs. M-scaler is not going to be optimal if running a non-chord DAC, not taking full advantage of the 1 million taps. The other odd recommendation is using with oversampling DAS, which is them doing a double OS, very odd indeed. Same with using HQ Player with an OS DAC, why bother.
Oct 8, 2023 at 2:58 AM Post #18,120 of 19,128
I tried the HQPlayer with Roon. Tried a variety of filters but did not find any major improvements in the SQ.

My chain Roon->HQPlayer->Hugo TT2->Headonia->Susvara.

So i m guessing that m scaler wont help my chain.
Possibly. Probably even. However, HQP and MScaler really don’t achieve the same outcomes at all. I will say that at my house I notice the effect of MScaler more with speakers (Kanta 2) than with headphones (U22). I’m also positive many others here have had a different experience.

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