Hugo TT 2 by Chord Electronics - The Official Thread
Oct 3, 2023 at 12:24 AM Post #18,092 of 19,128
Serious question - how many of have our M Scalers out of sight? Mine is on auto input so it’s tucked away out of sight. I’m thinking of doing the same with TT2.
Keep it in sight, get mesmerized by the glowy balls. Otherwise what’s the point?? Remember it needs space to cool, case is a heat sink so putting it inside something or little area for the heat to dissipate is asking for overheating issues to occur. You spent good money on this box, why hide it?
Oct 3, 2023 at 1:12 AM Post #18,093 of 19,128
Keep it in sight, get mesmerized by the glowy balls. Otherwise what’s the point?? Remember it needs space to cool, case is a heat sink so putting it inside something or little area for the heat to dissipate is asking for overheating issues to occur. You spent good money on this box, why hide it?
Yeah, I’m certainly not thinking of putting it anywhere enclosed.
Oct 3, 2023 at 1:27 AM Post #18,094 of 19,128
Yeah, I’m certainly not thinking of putting it anywhere enclosed.
You can also just close your eyes and dream far away from it being lost in your music.. :)
Oct 3, 2023 at 7:01 AM Post #18,096 of 19,128
Keep it in sight, get mesmerized by the glowy balls. Otherwise what’s the point?? Remember it needs space to cool, case is a heat sink so putting it inside something or little area for the heat to dissipate is asking for overheating issues to occur. You spent good money on this box, why hide it?
You do have a point regarding heat dissipation, but I did NOT buy mine to look at it.
Out of sight from my listening positions both via speakers and headphones and separated from my humble little Qutest the one metre length of my Wave storm BNCs which are supported half-way on an old wooden stool.Those cables are heavy and remind me of one of the most venomous snakes I once photographed in a rainforest in Costa Rica.I did not buy those to look at either, but for the very obvious improvement they made audibly over the stock BNC cables Chord supplied.
EYE FI ? No thanks. HI FI yes please.
Cheers CC
Oct 3, 2023 at 10:32 AM Post #18,098 of 19,128
I think a few of you took my comment about the glowy balls a bit too serious and missed the point I was making about ensuring it has enough space to breathe....Yet indicate that one is not listening to the music and enjoying the experience. There have been far worse posts in which some literally pull tweaks or mods out of their no sunshine hole and claim ridiculous outcomes.

Conflating and assumptions is ignorant discourse, don't assume what you don't know about someone. A question was asked, and I provided my input with a bit of tongue in cheek on the infamous glowy balls
Oct 3, 2023 at 10:42 AM Post #18,099 of 19,128
I think we obsess over things like RFI and other stuff that we may hear artifacts that may not even be there. At some point you have to let go and just enjoy the music. I think finding new music to enjoy is key.
To me it is a delicate balance between looking at problems to fix and then letting loose again to (hopefully) enjoy listening even more. But if it makes you stressed don’t do it. Especially listening tests are near impossible if you cramp up over little details as everything sounds harsh when stressed.
The problem begins when one becomes ungrateful for what has already been achieved. Robs Dacs are the best I can find for me… that does not mean I will stop tweaking to get the last 2 percent.
Oct 3, 2023 at 1:07 PM Post #18,100 of 19,128
The glowing balls are a great Chord feature. They tell you info at a glance from across the room. Try that with some of the tiny displays on other equipment.
Oct 3, 2023 at 1:23 PM Post #18,101 of 19,128
The glowing balls are a great Chord feature. They tell you info at a glance from across the room. Try that with some of the tiny displays on other equipment.
A point well made. I have to admit that although I do not like watching them , and the weird orbs they project onto my white ceiling if not dimmed, a few years ago when my Mscaler a few times sounded harsh and a bit hard, all I had to do was stand up from my listening chair and "glance over" to see that the reason was that it had inexplicably started up without full 1M taps setting.
Cheers CC
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Oct 4, 2023 at 2:31 AM Post #18,102 of 19,128
I would recommend some support for those Wave cables so they aren’t putting all that pressure on the BNC connections.
I would second that.

The twisting force being applied to the bnc connectors is not the only issue, though it is bad enough.

There is also an impedance issue.

When thinking about the physics of an interconnect such as bnc with its central conductor running down the middle of a dielectric-filled metal cylinder, two approaches are possible. You can think of the signal transmission in terms of electric charges running around in the metal parts, or as an electromagnetic wave propagating in the space between the conductors which are acting as a waveguide.

Of course these are entirely equivalent in terms of the results obtained, as they should be.

However the waveguide view can attract attention to the problem of distorting the cable, as is evidently happening close to the tt2 connectors in the picture above.

The impedance of a waveguide depends not only on the materials used but also on the geometry with which they are laid out. When a waveguide is distorted the change in geometry leads to a change in impedance which in turn leads to the reflections of the signal which are so good at screwing things up in the digital domain.

These mechanical stresses and distortions are the reason that the Wave people are at pains to emphasise that the curvature of the cables as delivered in the box/pouch is the maximum that any part of them should suffer in use.
Oct 6, 2023 at 8:49 AM Post #18,104 of 19,128
It is an improvement, but some people need time to get us to and appreciate M-Scaler. But it is impossible to live without it after you are used to it.

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