High end (IEM) cable thread: impressions, pics, comparisons and reviews.
Apr 12, 2017 at 4:56 AM Post #646 of 4,196
Gold-silver cables are posionous, dont touch them.
Apr 12, 2017 at 4:57 AM Post #647 of 4,196
  Okay, I'm a cable convert now. 

Oh dear there goes another one 

Apr 12, 2017 at 5:16 AM Post #648 of 4,196
Apr 12, 2017 at 9:08 AM Post #650 of 4,196
Apr 12, 2017 at 12:54 PM Post #653 of 4,196
  Okay, I'm a cable convert now. After the issues with the stock cable Custom Art sold me an Effect Audio cable and I really can't see why people are sceptical about cables, the difference is obvious. My Ei.3 have come alive, and they were pretty darn engaging and musical to begin with. I'm just now listening to 'Eroica' (Beethoven) and it is absolutely heavenly. Yesterday was the Rolling Stones album 'Blue and Lonesome', which at times sounded like I was sitting in some smoke-filled bar listening to a live performance. The atmosphere was conveyed that well. I am really impressed that a cable can fine tune IEMs this well!

Welcome to the dark side 

Ironically, the "dark side" makes your sound brighter, clear, more expanded, detailed, resolving

Apr 12, 2017 at 11:43 PM Post #655 of 4,196
Apr 13, 2017 at 2:42 AM Post #656 of 4,196
Ironically, the "dark side" makes your sound brighter, clear, more expanded, detailed, resolving

The dark side makes it sound heavenly.

I am quite surprised that a cable can affect so many (all) aspects of a signature in a good way. It feels like an improvement all round. My Ei.3 sound like they have been given air to breath and really show off what they can do. I hope I can say a bit more about it soon. The cable is preproduction so I have asked Piotr to check with Effect Audio what information they are happy with me to share and then I might add a section to my review of the Ei.3. 
Apr 14, 2017 at 1:33 AM Post #658 of 4,196
Normally gold is added for warmth.
Apr 14, 2017 at 3:24 AM Post #659 of 4,196
Hey all...I was going to see if anyone had an opinion on the difference between pure silver vs silver and gold? Thanks!

As blazinblazin mentioned, gold tends to add a unique warmth to sound. While warmth is typically achieved by adding mid-bass body (ala most copper cables), I find gold smoothens/lightly smears the highs, and extends bass response to achieve the effect.

Depending on how it's used, it can either reduce transparency, or increase realism (i.e. Cause more neutral/cold IEMs to sound more natural). I find cables like the Leonidas do a bit of both (unfortunately), while cables like the Han Sound Audio Aurora and the Leo + Mars hybrid do the latter impressively well.

On the other hand, silver cables tend to sound more linear. While the stereotypical "silver sound" is one that's bright, upper-mid focused, and analytical, I find silver cables nowadays lean more towards a balanced signature, with variations depending on the manufacturer.

The DHC Symbiote SP Type 4 Ver 3 is an example of a silver cable that's super clean, transparent, and airy, yet incredibly natural and realistic. Though, its soundstage isn't expansive and its bass is very much neutral. On the other hand, you have cables like the Thor Silver II which have treble sparkle, luscious and rich mids, and a north-of-neutral bass response; hifi-sounding. Or, the PWAudio Silver, which I find mellow, soft, and polite, and initially thought was silver-gold before finding out it was pure silver.
Apr 16, 2017 at 3:25 PM Post #660 of 4,196

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