HiFiMan Susvara
Sep 10, 2022 at 9:25 AM Post #17,821 of 26,400
My long-awaited upgrade cable, Brise Audio Yatono-HP Ultimate, just arrived. A bit pricey but very nicely built. Sounds a lot better than my Silver Dragon and Stock Cable (I don't have any other cables to compare with).

Sep 10, 2022 at 1:04 PM Post #17,822 of 26,400
Mine were in a LR and then a Playroom. No BBQ’s and no kitchen were near them. Anyway, Tks for the info
Regular old dust has stuff in it that the magnets draw. Unless you have an air tight set of rooms it's still happening albeit at a hopefully much slower pace than if you have a studio apartment and do lots of frying.

You are welcome
Sep 10, 2022 at 4:44 PM Post #17,823 of 26,400
Last edited:
Sep 11, 2022 at 11:50 AM Post #17,825 of 26,400
New owner here, just got the Susvara three days ago and would like the experience and advice of this thread.

I only owned IEMs before this point, so the Sus is my first foray into headphones. I usually prefer a warmer, darker sound as I like bass, warmth, thickness, forward mid-range, intimate vocals and am quite sensitive to treble. I am very partial to the LCD-4Z sound but there was no Audeze stock at my dealer for upward of 2 months now. I tried a bunch of choices like Focal Utopia, HD820, Ether 2 but the Sus did sound the most technically proficient. I am not sure if it's just sales tactics but the shopkeeper repeatedly said that the Sus would be the most versatile choice that would work well with the largest genres and has a very high ceiling for scaling up with a better chain. The Sus was not a complete love at first sight and I bought it partly due to its rave reviews and reputation over the years, and also on the belief that it would get better with burn-in and as I improve my chain, kind of like a long-term investment that has not seen its true potential revealed.

During these few days of honeymoon period, I have been 'burning it in' listening to a variety of genres for hours each day. My current rig is a very humble Bifrost 2 > Jotenheim 2 running in full balanced topology. My first impression after repeated listens was that it was definitely a champion of naturalness, instrumental timbre, as well as having very good soundstage and imaging capabilities, I could listen to hours with any fatigue. However, some things that struck me since my first listen till now was that the sound was very laid-back, gentle and extremely polite. Vocals are neutral and the body is very thin to feel emotional. Bass is severely lacking compared to all my IEMs and lack any thump, impact or quantity. This has resulted in me turning the knob on the Jotenheim 2 to almost max position in high gain for some low volume instrumental tracks and still not having enough volume for satisfaction. This shocked me notwithstanding the fact that I understand the Sus is the most power hungry cans on the market as the Jotenheim 2 was touted as a powerful amplifier that has enough headroom for most headphones, and it's apparently hugely lacking here.

Is it supposed to sound like this? Is this the actual sound signature of the Susvara or did I get a defective unit? Am I in over my head thinking burn-in could dramatically improve things? Or is this simply a case of the drivers being too 'new' or me needing to get a much more powerful amplifier? The Jot 2 is all I have now but I do have a Wa7 3rd gen incoming, I am also thinking of moving up to Ragnarok 2 since it gives the most power for a modest budget.

Yesterday I dropped by another shop and heard the Meze Elite, it was a revelation how much more I enjoyed the Elites than the Susvara. It was much fuller with much more enjoyable sound signature and the difference in bass was ENORMOUS. It was also extremely easy to drive to very satisfactory levels and had much more premium build quality. I keep thinking that I acted too rashly and maybe having buyer's remorse, but a part of me also want to give another sound signature a chance as a deviation from my usual predisposition to warm bassy transducers. Also, I have read through the past hundred pages of this thread and found some members who 'rediscovered' and 'finally got the Susvara and what they are doing' after almost 8 months of ownership. This gives me hope to stick it out until I can improve my chain with much more powerful amplifiers and hopefully transform them. Otherwise sadly I might have to give this up and trade for Meze Elite or Audeze LCD-5.

Currently pop / rock / EDM are non-starters with Susvara, the bass and body are just not there. I can only partially enjoy them with very gentle vocal tracks, jazz, orchestral or classical. That is severely limiting for a pair of $6000 headphones. I have a pair of Black Dragon and Silver Dragon incoming but I doubt it would really improve things that much. Any help would be appreciated, thank you everyone!
Susvara’s don’t sound like they are the right fit for you. You need a great chain to get the most out of them. Without they don’t sound that good to me. Did you end up getting the Elites?
Sep 11, 2022 at 11:52 AM Post #17,826 of 26,400
Oof, posts like this are going to literally kill my wallet.
How do you like the solitaire compared to say the abyss 1266
SolP all day for me. Better tonal balance. Wasn’t a fan of the TCs personally. It was fun but not natural to me.
Sep 11, 2022 at 12:02 PM Post #17,827 of 26,400
Susvara’s don’t sound like they are the right fit for you. You need a great chain to get the most out of them. Without they don’t sound that good to me. Did you end up getting the Elites?
Yeah, you really need a good chain for the Susvara's not to sound flat. If he indexes for a punchy and full sound, he'll probably want to skip the susvara unless he can commit to building his system around the suggestions that have been made on this thread.
Sep 11, 2022 at 12:37 PM Post #17,828 of 26,400
New owner here, just got the Susvara three days ago and would like the experience and advice of this thread.

I only owned IEMs before this point, so the Sus is my first foray into headphones. I usually prefer a warmer, darker sound as I like bass, warmth, thickness, forward mid-range, intimate vocals and am quite sensitive to treble. I am very partial to the LCD-4Z sound but there was no Audeze stock at my dealer for upward of 2 months now. I tried a bunch of choices like Focal Utopia, HD820, Ether 2 but the Sus did sound the most technically proficient. I am not sure if it's just sales tactics but the shopkeeper repeatedly said that the Sus would be the most versatile choice that would work well with the largest genres and has a very high ceiling for scaling up with a better chain. The Sus was not a complete love at first sight and I bought it partly due to its rave reviews and reputation over the years, and also on the belief that it would get better with burn-in and as I improve my chain, kind of like a long-term investment that has not seen its true potential revealed.

During these few days of honeymoon period, I have been 'burning it in' listening to a variety of genres for hours each day. My current rig is a very humble Bifrost 2 > Jotenheim 2 running in full balanced topology. My first impression after repeated listens was that it was definitely a champion of naturalness, instrumental timbre, as well as having very good soundstage and imaging capabilities, I could listen to hours with any fatigue. However, some things that struck me since my first listen till now was that the sound was very laid-back, gentle and extremely polite. Vocals are neutral and the body is very thin to feel emotional. Bass is severely lacking compared to all my IEMs and lack any thump, impact or quantity. This has resulted in me turning the knob on the Jotenheim 2 to almost max position in high gain for some low volume instrumental tracks and still not having enough volume for satisfaction. This shocked me notwithstanding the fact that I understand the Sus is the most power hungry cans on the market as the Jotenheim 2 was touted as a powerful amplifier that has enough headroom for most headphones, and it's apparently hugely lacking here.

Is it supposed to sound like this? Is this the actual sound signature of the Susvara or did I get a defective unit? Am I in over my head thinking burn-in could dramatically improve things? Or is this simply a case of the drivers being too 'new' or me needing to get a much more powerful amplifier? The Jot 2 is all I have now but I do have a Wa7 3rd gen incoming, I am also thinking of moving up to Ragnarok 2 since it gives the most power for a modest budget.

Yesterday I dropped by another shop and heard the Meze Elite, it was a revelation how much more I enjoyed the Elites than the Susvara. It was much fuller with much more enjoyable sound signature and the difference in bass was ENORMOUS. It was also extremely easy to drive to very satisfactory levels and had much more premium build quality. I keep thinking that I acted too rashly and maybe having buyer's remorse, but a part of me also want to give another sound signature a chance as a deviation from my usual predisposition to warm bassy transducers. Also, I have read through the past hundred pages of this thread and found some members who 'rediscovered' and 'finally got the Susvara and what they are doing' after almost 8 months of ownership. This gives me hope to stick it out until I can improve my chain with much more powerful amplifiers and hopefully transform them. Otherwise sadly I might have to give this up and trade for Meze Elite or Audeze LCD-5.

Currently pop / rock / EDM are non-starters with Susvara, the bass and body are just not there. I can only partially enjoy them with very gentle vocal tracks, jazz, orchestral or classical. That is severely limiting for a pair of $6000 headphones. I have a pair of Black Dragon and Silver Dragon incoming but I doubt it would really improve things that much. Any help would be appreciated, thank you everyone!
I am not gonna mention amplification since you read the whole thread, but chain can make a difference. But if you ears doesnt bleed around 3 oclock/75% it can maybe be a weak amp. You said you turned it all the way up.

I havent really listened to Susvara yet because I am awating and headamp, audio-gd he9le(next week)

For preparation I upgraded to following(chain)
1. JCAT XE USB PCIE(DDC) for Jitter. This card wil be powered by iFi Elite(temporary solution)
2. Furutech Flux-50 cable for the head amp + a decent wireworld power cable(temporary solution)
3. iFi Powerstation(temporary solution)
4. iFi DC Blocker for the computer

Maybe try a different combo?
I experience a total different Arya on the TT2 alone, coming from a balanced output on the iFi Diablo. DACS and there implemented amps make difference.
Sep 11, 2022 at 12:43 PM Post #17,830 of 26,400
Why not sell the Susvara and buy the Elites? Elites will still scale with better gear. If you like them you like them. Much harder to turn the Susvara into something you adore if it doesn’t mesh well with you.

If I don’t like something, I cut my losses and let it go. Like people here have told me in the past, go with your ears. It’s your enjoyment, no one else’s. Who cares if people say Susvara is the “best” if you don’t hear it
Sep 11, 2022 at 12:44 PM Post #17,831 of 26,400
Sol are way worse HP than 1266. Sol tonal balance are messed up...
Which is a weird thing to say, considering the totally messed up tonal balance of the 1266
Sep 11, 2022 at 12:45 PM Post #17,832 of 26,400
Sol are way worse HP than 1266. Sol tonal balance are messed up...
That’s fine. We hear different. I rather have a SolP than 1266 TC :)

I felt it had no finesse. Jammed detail and treble into my ear canal. While mids were very recessed.
Sep 11, 2022 at 12:48 PM Post #17,833 of 26,400
That’s fine. We hear different. I rather have a SolP than 1266 TC :)

I felt it had no finesse. Jammed detail and treble into my ear canal. While mids were very recessed.
Yes u are right, SolP have jammed detali.
Sep 11, 2022 at 1:33 PM Post #17,835 of 26,400
As proof of concept...
Susvara sounds better off the Go Blu when using the m17 as a BT transport vs connected directly to m17 + DC power. Fuller, smoother, better timing, deeper, blacker. Go Blu performance scales with quality of the transport.

Great Wall of goodness. Probably will get this for IEMs and Headphones sometimes. Will sound better than mojo 2 right?

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