HiFiMan RE262 question
Apr 27, 2011 at 12:51 PM Post #106 of 170
has anybody tested the re262 with the PA2V2?

I did. Using PA2v2 with my iPhone 4 via LOD gave a cleaner sound compared to the headphone jack because its pure. Pairing it with the PA2v2, RE262's were comfortable to me. They're much more dynamic/livelier sounding, fuller and lush, and extreme ends of both bass and treble are better extended. There is just more impact and wow when you use them with an amp.
Without an amp, it sounds okay - just not up to the ratings and glorious reviews that headfi has given them. These really do benefit from an amp.
No idea if using other more powerful sources would change the results.
Btw, the Re262's have another plug that you plug into for a balanced sound. Unbalanced out of HP out, one side does not have sound. Why is it that when I use the same unbalanced plug into the PA2v2 amp that it gives me both sounds?
Apr 28, 2011 at 9:10 PM Post #109 of 170
would u describe them as "mind-blowing" when paired with the PA2V2 or would u consider something else for even better performance.

What shipsupt said ^.
Anyway, without an amp, the RE262 sounds normal, not offending, not lacking, yet boring. Paired with the PA2v2 it became a Titan for me. Lows and Highs were significantly extended, and sound stage was increased, especially in depth.
What the Re262's are with the PA2v2 amp is like a Water Titan. Comfortable, liquid-like, soothing, lush, slightly creamy and  transparent. Listening it is like lying on fresh green grass beside a crystal clear stream.
If your mind blowing is defined by giving you fiery rushes, high impact bass and sharp highs. RE262s are not what you should be looking at. It is not as analytical as lets say the DBA 02, not as sharp, not as detailed, but it does give you that "ahhhh" feeling when you listen to its dynamics.
Btw, I know I am not supposed to say this, but I find it a little offending that you've used a religion's symbol and made it look fun in your display picture. I'm not sure if you did intend to use the Buddha for fun, but I see many people in the US using it for decorative/cosmetic purposes. Its just wrong.
Apr 29, 2011 at 4:00 AM Post #110 of 170
I am very sorry for not having defined my question clear enough.
By "mind-blowing", i mean a/the WOW-feeling when first using it amped and whether in your opinion, it lives up to the reviews/your expectations.
@riddlezildjian: Sorry if it is offending for some people and it is good that you told me. But for me it is more then kitsch, i happen to be a "believing"  buddhist. The buddha happens to wear headphones, because i didn't want to miss out on the theme of this forum.
Therefore i didn't use it for "fun".
Apr 29, 2011 at 5:13 AM Post #111 of 170
The earphone itself is the wow part.  The driver used in this earphone is amazing.  Simply put, the quality of the sound produced by the driver used is top level stuff, like tippy top like I just shoved the highest end Seas or Scanspeak equivalent driver into this tiny earphone top level.  The driver itself is ridiculously good.  I will say the implementation of the driver isn't my favorite.  I don't get why it's tucked away in the housing firing at an angle, and there is some resonance problems at higher output due to this that you can hear.  I'm sure there was a reason for the implementation as it is, but I don't really know what it could be.  I have personal preference of the frequency response too, but it is a very enjoyable earphone and extremely competent in a lot of ways.  I often stepped back to the RE252 for general listening due to better balance, but the driver itself is a step down.  If the RE262 had the balance of the RE252 but the same driver performance, there wouldn't really be a product on the market that could match it.  Balance was the only reason I couldn't justify keeping mine, and that's a preference issue.  The presentation works and is likable, but it's just not for me.  Yet going back to the wow factor, these earphones wow.  Every time I used them, they impressed me, and that's very, very rare.  Mind you I had a pile of high end earphones sitting around too I was using.  Every time I go back, it's just "wow, this driver is soooo good."
Amping in general is a product of adequate wattage for the volume level.  I personally found the earphone easy to drive but simply ultimately quiet on a given device due to the voltage drop running high ohm.  The driver isn't all that power hungry itself, but the sensitivity does require X voltage to get Y loud.  This is what makes an amp a potential requirement.  I just simply didn't find it to need an amp.  It can get more interesting depending on the quality of the source device and the need for a good DAC.  Often this is the bigger reason for me for owning an amp in the first place.  It's not so much the power as it is simply the better DAC than the built in crap on my laptop.  I do own and have owned a variety of earphones that are power hungry and are products I see having a greater actual need for moderate wattage to be there.  I just don't personally find the RE262 to be one of them, at least as long as the source player is a competent product that can reach normal listening levels at that ohm load.  Is a good amp better regardless?  Kind of, yeah.  It's very, very rare that I haven't found improvement using my amp.  Most every earphone I've used, even low ohm, decently sensitive earphones have been helped at least a tiny bit by running a good amp.  Talking about the RE262 specifically, it's more about the voltage than it is amperage.  It's a scale issue, not a brute force issue.
Apr 29, 2011 at 6:48 AM Post #113 of 170
Wish I could, but I haven't really looked at amps much at all.  Anything I'm looking at is kind of the best bang for the buck high end stuff, and you kind of get to a point where nothing you're looking at is cheap, well unless you count $150-$200 cheap.  Cheap in my eyes is a $25 FiiO E5.  It's simple, works for its intended purpose, and if that's all you really need, it works great.  However, the step up to high end is noticeable.  The price difference is also vastly noticeable.  For example, if I were to buy another DAC/amp right now, my eyes are on the $400 Practical Devices XM6.  I don't even look at any of the middle range products, although there's a lot of good stuff there.  Somehow I've been content with either decent, super cheap.like the E5 or shoot straight to high end and think if I'm buying something, I'm not going to half-ass it.  I will say this, the DAC/amp combo is one of the better purchases I've bought.  Versus nothing at all, it is pretty much a must have item.  You simply want to have something to fill that spot because it's useful more often than not.  The issue is what's worth buying.  That's debatable.  I have a 2Move I am now selling off because I'm using an old Asus Xonar USB sound card now.  I find it's sufficient for the task and offers some software benefits a straight USB DAC/amp doesn't.  Is it a drop in sound qualty?  A small one, sure.  Is it a big deal?  I find it not so much in the grand scale.  A 2Move to a FiiO E5 is a bigger deal.  A 2Move to a Xonar isn''t so much.  As well, I would suspect I'd say the same versus a number of other mid level products.  This isn't to say that all budget level products are worth looking at.  For example, my bro had a NuForce Icon, a budget $100 DAC/amp.  Versus the E5, it wasn't really much of an upgrade unfortunately, just had some more features but pure sound wise, it wasn't worth spending more than the cheaper E5.  The gains were minuscule.  I would suspect some budget options would be in the same area.  The hard part would be finding something that's a worthwhile buy in the price range that gets you the sort of "as good as it's going to get" kind of thing at that price point or anywhere near that price point.  It will take some research by you to figure that out.
May 2, 2011 at 2:56 PM Post #116 of 170
The only amp I have in that range is the E5. Using an ipod classic as a source It gives slightly better headroom, but any other improvements are marginal. I don't think the 262's benefit from the bass boost switch. It's a decent little amp, but I wouldn't rush to get it just for the 262's. Its size and price are it's strongest selling points.

I'd recommend listening straight off your nano first and then consider what you want. If I had to recommend a budget amp that I've listened to the 262 on I'd recommend something like the Total Airhead at $100. IMHO it does a much better job bringing the 262's to life. I know there are other options in your price range, but I have not had the chance to hear them so I can't comment.
May 4, 2011 at 9:50 PM Post #117 of 170
@riddlezildjian: Sorry if it is offending for some people and it is good that you told me. But for me it is more then kitsch, i happen to be a "believing"  buddhist. The buddha happens to wear headphones, because i didn't want to miss out on the theme of this forum.
Therefore i didn't use it for "fun".

I sincerely apologize for my deluded judgment.
May 8, 2011 at 6:32 PM Post #120 of 170
I have just ordered RE262 from Head-Direct.com as an upgrade from a RE2. Couldn't resist the rave reviews, the $149 introduction price and free shipping...
I hope to get more of what I have loved about the RE2: Great mids, smooth highs without any sibilance/harshness, and a fantastic soundstage. RE2 seem to handle both intimate acoustical space and large spaces equally well. I also want some deep bass, which is totally lacking in RE2...
My main source will however be an iPhone 3GS, and I now wonder if I have to buy a portable amp, which I have tried to avoid until now. - Seems like a hassle to drag around another box attached to your mobile phone...
As far as I remember an amp was recommended for RE2, but I have enjoyed the sound from the iPhone and haven't even considered using a portable amp. The Re2 impedance is 32 ohm and the sensitivity is 103dB/1mW. The RE262 is 150 ohm and 95 dB sensitivity. I must admit that I don't understand this, but it seems to me that 103 vs 95 dB sensitivity is not a big difference. - Is it?
Would it be correct to assume that my iPhone would probably not have any problems driving the RE262,  but that the higher impedance would mean that the RE262 would use more battery?
Does anybody have any advice on how the budget amp minibox-f ($49) and RE262 would be together?
Or would it be better to wait for Fiio E11? - Does anybody know the estimated price for this and when it will be available?
(My intuition says that I would have to consider another source and/or DAC before spending hundreds on an external amp.)

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