HifiMan RE252 Appreciation Thread
Mar 2, 2011 at 2:47 PM Post #211 of 271
There should be a thread or two, somewhere around here.
Mar 3, 2011 at 3:31 AM Post #212 of 271
I was pretty sure I posted earlier that I was able to get them to fit upside down without trimming the little hook, and they did fit better using the bi-flange tips.
Mar 3, 2011 at 4:06 AM Post #213 of 271
I cut the rubber appendix and got a much better fit wearing them upside down (with the cable over the ear). I use UE medium silicone tips and get a very good fit now.
A couple of pics just for you :wink:

Mar 3, 2011 at 10:59 AM Post #214 of 271
Thanks for the pics! I may do this if these become a keeper.
Mar 3, 2011 at 12:34 PM Post #215 of 271
they may be ugly buggers with occasional fit issues, but soundwise...they are very,very good IEMs with outstanding clarity and sooundspace
I am constantly rotating between them and the RE-262 , depending on what SQ i want at the moment.
God bless Hifiman.
Mar 6, 2011 at 4:52 PM Post #216 of 271
Just chiming in to say that I was listening to some Michael Jackson through my HD555, and then shifted to the RE-252, and boy! The Hifiman make the Senn sound like I'm listening with cotton in my ears, and under water :D
The difference in clarity, speed, separation, instrument placement...basically everything is SO much better on those tiny IEMS!
Not very constructive comment, sorry :p but those really kick my ass...in a very good way^^
Mar 6, 2011 at 5:27 PM Post #217 of 271
I am so happy with my J3/RE-252 combo that i may have found a nice place to rest my ears and my wallet for now my upgraditis seems cured/tamed
Really , i know there are some great IEMS out there , but for 150$ i don't think anything can surpass the 252
But then again , I may be wrong and this is why w are members here lol
Mar 6, 2011 at 7:01 PM Post #218 of 271
I am so happy with my J3/RE-252 combo that i may have found a nice place to rest my ears and my wallet for now my upgraditis seems cured/tamed
Really , i know there are some great IEMS out there , but for 150$ i don't think anything can surpass the 252
But then again , I may be wrong and this is why w are members here lol

Even TF10 isn't an upgrade unless you are a soundstage freak and don't mind giving up 252's great mids, detail, a bit of its transparency, and great timbre quality.  =p
Apr 9, 2011 at 12:46 PM Post #219 of 271
bump cause these are really great
I see people praising DBA-02 and i have a feeling that the 252 simply kick their ass easily.
Just a hunch.
These are now my go-to IEM surpassing even the 262
May 15, 2011 at 11:28 AM Post #220 of 271
no love for these iems ?
surely , they aint no flavour of the month but still.....
I am very happy with these.Very happy.
May 16, 2011 at 12:14 AM Post #221 of 271
People are too busy enjoying them to reply. 

Edit: By the way, anyone tried UE buds on RE252?
They achieve a more linear-sounding balance and become a bit more open-sounding.  With monster supertips, they get a more defined sound with more bass clarity, bass detail, and mids detail than with the UE buds, but is more rounded with more laid-back treble.
I'm really liking these tips with RE0 as well.
Aug 28, 2011 at 2:00 AM Post #222 of 271
Sorry to dig up an old thread, but, after all, it seems that this IS the "official" RE252 appreciation thread. And so, I wanted to mention that I spent majority of today with exclusively my newly arrived RE252's. I'll admit, I've never been much of a dubstep fan. But much of that owed to the fact that dubstep would more often than not sound like someone was belching very loud (you know that familiar sound I'm referring to, found in every dubstep track
), over some intense bassline. Enter the RE252. I've never before been able to appreciate, to this extent, the detail brought forth in each distinct note as it hits, but the RE252 and Zo combination makes me want to reconsider the entire genre altogether. Nothing I'd say at this point would do what I'm hearing justice, but the feeling is simply euphoric. Seems I may have overlooked the analytical side of things, as I'd often relate the very word itself to a sound that'd tend to draw me more towards technical distractions, oppposed to simply enjoyment. Be it the Zo, or the HiFiMan hosue signature, the two make for a killer combination. On that note, it seems I'll have to reconsider the ER4P at some point. Nonetheless, no better place to declare my growing admiration of the RE252 than here, in the official appreciation thread. I'm a believer.


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