Hifiman HE1000 Planar Dynamic Headphone
Jul 17, 2015 at 11:37 AM Post #5,102 of 14,748
Appreciate that it must be difficult for you. If you find a US dealer who sells both you may be able to come to an arrangement where you can return the headphone you don't want.
Jul 17, 2015 at 11:46 AM Post #5,103 of 14,748
  For me, yes, haven't listened to the Abyss much at all since the HEK's turned up. They are IMHO a more balanced & nuanced headphone. They go deeper and have superb texture, focus, clarity is all up on the Abyss, The Abyss is still the King of the bass, but increasingly I have thought how much to imprints its bass heavy signature onto everything. It can be fun but it gets boring after a while not to mention its uncomfortable. The HEK is a delight to wear after the Abyss. Currently using Spore 4 fusion cables for the Abyss but with adapters for the HEK, lifts the performance substantially. 

I sold my abyss months ago. I believe HEK has more meat than abyss. And the depth of the stage is deeper?
Jul 17, 2015 at 11:58 AM Post #5,104 of 14,748

I had a request for the band that helps comfort for those few of us that find it an issue, this was it, think I found it (with help here at Head Fi) on eBay. I'll post it on the other HEK site as well.
Jul 17, 2015 at 12:32 PM Post #5,105 of 14,748
  My DHC cables for the HEK are on their way 
 On my system the HEK is King

You got a spore? How much is that thing?... to think the comp4 is already like 700 bucks...
Gratz though. Peter makes some good stuff!
Jul 17, 2015 at 1:11 PM Post #5,106 of 14,748
My Norne cables come today or tomorrow, report back!
Jul 17, 2015 at 6:25 PM Post #5,107 of 14,748
  Being outside the US its difficult to audition, I rely heavily on opinions and reviews here on head-fi.

I don't know all the details, but Todd the Vinyl Junkie has an HE-1000 loaner program.  You can read more here: http://www.head-fi.org/t/773166/ttvjaudio-new-headphone-loaner-programs  If you are serious about getting one, this may give the opportunity to have some serious time to make the decision.  I just don't know if they will send you a pair where you live.  As one who took the plunge blind, I don't think that you will regret buying the HE-1000 blind.
To my hears, these headphones sound closer to a serious set of speakers (with a nice subwoofer) than anything I have ever tried.  I have spent significant time with every flagship in production except the Stax 009.  I own the HD650, HD800, LCD2.2.  I have owned the Stax 007 mk1, although I did not have a bhse or equivalent amp.  I sold them because the Stax 'farts' were really annoying and they didn't quite fit --I have very big head.  But to the best of my recollection, I like the HE1K better even discounting the comfort issues and the 'farts.'  I had the Abyss in-house for 10 days, and while they are really impressive, especially with the right genres, they just can't compete with the HE1K across the board.  I have spent a good 10 hours this past week at my local hifi shop A/B-ing the HE1K and the LCD3F with all sorts of setups, and some may disagree, but I think the LCD3F's lose to the HE1K across the board.  Well, except that I love their gigantic overstuffed leather pads; it's like sitting in a big soft leather recliner for your ears.
Jul 17, 2015 at 8:38 PM Post #5,108 of 14,748
Cool, look beautiful!
Thought my Norne cables would get here today, looks like tomorrow :sob:
Was planning on setting Riannon Giddens tomorrow night, saw if I can pull myself away from the HEK (free concert in Brooklyn's Prospect Park for anyone in the area, with seeing, could be crowded (there's a small suggested donation...)
The HEK attached to my main rig has me pulling out the old (and new) vinyl...listened to a Mosaic Thad Jones-Mel Lewis Orchestra ("The Complete Solid State Recordings...), man, what it does for the sound of that trumpet had to be heard! Next, "Louis Armstrong Meets Oscar Peterson"...what the HEK does for the trumpet, multiply it for Satch's voice...manomanomanoman...
I may have to get more record cleaning solution for my VPI cleaner (and, I HATE doing that!)
Jul 17, 2015 at 9:49 PM Post #5,109 of 14,748
having heard both cans, the only area where the he1000 clearly out-performed the abyss was comfort imo
Jul 17, 2015 at 9:50 PM Post #5,110 of 14,748
I don't want to fuel fire here, but 'across the board' =/= 'overall'. If you say it beats the Abyss 'across the board', then you are saying it beats the Abyss in every category, that's what that phrase means. It seems that wasn't your intention, but that is how that reads.
Jul 17, 2015 at 9:52 PM Post #5,111 of 14,748
Haven't heard the Abyss, but this is coming down to, "you're a doody head", "No, you're a vomit face!"
No particular illumination from any of these posts, imo.
Jul 18, 2015 at 2:56 AM Post #5,112 of 14,748
I'll trade ya a 9bag for some drank. Give some drank so I can drink on my drank. I don't have drank but I got dank. What's more preferable drank or dank? He1k is awesome but I just sent it back today.
Jul 18, 2015 at 4:44 AM Post #5,113 of 14,748
A friend of mine was going to lend me his HE-6 and the Master 9 customized for the HE-6.  Do you want to PM me how I am supposed to feel about the HE1K vs the HE-6 or do you just want to post my impressions for me?  It sure would save me a lot of time.


I’m looking forward to your impressions between the HE1K and the HE-6 on the Master 9. Is the HE-6 stock or mooded? 

Jul 18, 2015 at 1:24 PM Post #5,114 of 14,748
I've been seeing more and more people preferring the HE1000 overall over the Abyss 1266. I was planning on getting an abyss later this year but was waiting for reviews / comparisons of the HE1000, and so far from what I'm reading around here on headfi, I'm leaning towards the HE1000. @ 2000$ less I can afford to get the HE1000 and the Schiit Yggdrasil to pair with my incoming LAu.

Eventually id like to own both phones, but for right now I'm leaning towards the HE1000.
Jul 18, 2015 at 2:10 PM Post #5,115 of 14,748
I got to listen to the HE-1000 today with a Moon Audio 430HA, and I compared them to LCD-3Fs, which I also own personally. They dident amaze me, they are just different. LCD-X is most similar in the Audeze line, obviously. 
To me they sounded thinner, faster and a little less bassy. They are extremly comfertable tho, but I dont wanna pay 1000 for added comfort. 

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