Hifiman HE1000 Planar Dynamic Headphone

May 29, 2021 at 1:22 PM Post #10,186 of 15,106
Unfortunately I don't think I can save for a 750$ amp for like a year. (US sanctions weakened our country's currency by 8 times in 3 years)
maybe buying this high end headphone was a mistake in the first place. I thought I can get away with something like Jotunheim 2, THX 789 or Singxer SA-1

Enjoy the headphones with whatever gear you can. Headphones always make the most difference vs amps and dacs.
May 29, 2021 at 3:33 PM Post #10,187 of 15,106
I have received my HEK v2, I’m burn-in it for 200 hours as it seems that it really affect HEK sound (bottom end extension and clean treble from what I have read at Headfonics).

HEK is a really beautiful headphone, massive but light, don’t know why people complain about build quality. Confort is top notch, it just disappear (I have headspot with my HE6se).

I initially listened to HEK at medium gain (Flux FCN-10, 2x16w @32ohm, pure class A) : sound was soft and nice (12 o clock), spacious but not HD800s level (but far more coherent). Then I turn up the volume at 1 o clock (sound level was still acceptable for me, I listen medium-loud generally) HEK became more engaging but still behind HE6se immediateness. Then I decided to use high gain, 12 o clock, and now dynamic is far far better, its funny how Flux amp can work because I’m high gain at 1 oclock with HE6se so I was quite surprised…

More A/B comparison with HEK and HE6se (high gain) show me that HEK is not a slow or laid back headphone, a bit behind HE6se but not that far from what I expected. Timbre are great on both : HE6se a bit more robust, HEK a bit more diffuse. I have great hope after burn-in (it really changed my Sundara, far more cleaner).

Last, HEK is very open and airy, you can hear them like small speaker when they play music. Compared to HE6se it is definitely more spacious and open but HE6se is good in term of soundstage, not an intimate headphone.

HEK is a very good headphone, I was worried about timbre and dynamic but it is there. Very spacious and more coherent than HD800s (but not as wide) : however far more musical than 800s. Confort is top notch and it is an eye catching headphone, my HE6se look cheap by comparison.
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May 29, 2021 at 4:31 PM Post #10,188 of 15,106
Unfortunately I don't think I can save for a 750$ amp for like a year. (US sanctions weakened our country's currency by 8 times in 3 years)
maybe buying this high end headphone was a mistake in the first place. I thought I can get away with something like Jotunheim 2, THX 789 or Singxer SA-1
I liked my HEKv2 best from my Liquid Platinum (vs from Bryston BHA-1 & Violectric V280). LP shows up for $400 new occasionally, so might be within your price range used, although availability in your country might be an issue. Also not bad from Drop Liquid Carbon-X. Loses some detail, but of course HEKv2 has detail to spare :)

I agree with the other posters who say enjoy what you’ve got — electronics won’t have ‘that much’ impact on the sound.
May 29, 2021 at 10:30 PM Post #10,189 of 15,106
I liked my HEKv2 best from my Liquid Platinum
That's interesting. I thought it sounded pretty good on the LP - better than when I tried it with the Jot 2 (bal). The chain I have the LP in is sourcing from a Bifrost 2 - the tubes I currently have in the LP are Amperex PQ gold pin. I much prefer the HEKv2 on the V281 sourcing from a soekris dac1541. All ears are different but, I am curious - What DAC were you using with the LP (Was it the chain you have in your sig?) and which tubes?
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May 30, 2021 at 9:04 AM Post #10,190 of 15,106
Unfortunately I don't think I can save for a 750$ amp for like a year. (US sanctions weakened our country's currency by 8 times in 3 years)
maybe buying this high end headphone was a mistake in the first place. I thought I can get away with something like Jotunheim 2, THX 789 or Singxer SA-1
The 789 should absolutely work. I drive my Susvara with a 887. It can even drive the K1000.
May 30, 2021 at 3:35 PM Post #10,191 of 15,106
Unfortunately I don't think I can save for a 750$ amp for like a year. (US sanctions weakened our country's currency by 8 times in 3 years)
maybe buying this high end headphone was a mistake in the first place. I thought I can get away with something like Jotunheim 2, THX 789 or Singxer SA-1
Like others have said, just about what you have. You can always upgrade later
May 30, 2021 at 4:53 PM Post #10,192 of 15,106
Unfortunately I don't think I can save for a 750$ amp for like a year. (US sanctions weakened our country's currency by 8 times in 3 years)
maybe buying this high end headphone was a mistake in the first place. I thought I can get away with something like Jotunheim 2, THX 789 or Singxer SA-1

See if you can buy an used Flux FA-10. I have HE1000 V1 & FA-10 combo and this combo is good, Warm/Musical/Impactful. I have used HE1000 V1 with THX 789 also, nothing wrong with that combo either but it will be one Tier lower than FA-10 in terms of technicality/impact/Bass layering. Compared to THX789 and say, an used FA-10 for $600 , for $100-$200 more the FA-10 will be a better choice in my opinion
May 31, 2021 at 2:52 AM Post #10,194 of 15,106
See if you can buy an used Flux FA-10. I have HE1000 V1 & FA-10 combo and this combo is good, Warm/Musical/Impactful. I have used HE1000 V1 with THX 789 also, nothing wrong with that combo either but it will be one Tier lower than FA-10 in terms of technicality/impact/Bass layering. Compared to THX789 and say, an used FA-10 for $600 , for $100-$200 more the FA-10 will be a better choice in my opinion
I don't know man. I used to own a Audiovalve Solaris and a SPL Phonitor 2. Now i only own the THX 887. I can't say that it sounds worse than the two highend amps. I think people get a bit over exagerrated when it comes to amps and dacs.

Now if you really want a warm sounding amp then yes the THX might not be the right choice.
May 31, 2021 at 3:43 PM Post #10,195 of 15,106
I guess I might consider trying other DACs before looking at the amp. To my ears the one part of the HEKv2's signature I disliked is that they can sound a bit 'thin', especially in the mids..
Are you good with your hands?
If so, I would suggest this mod. before any equipment upgrades.
May 31, 2021 at 4:31 PM Post #10,196 of 15,106
May 31, 2021 at 8:16 PM Post #10,197 of 15,106
V2 swapped for SE some time ago. No tonality complaints w/ SE.
That's great, but the mod will still add depth and nuances to bring it closer to the Susvara. 😊
Jun 1, 2021 at 4:29 PM Post #10,199 of 15,106
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Jun 1, 2021 at 10:44 PM Post #10,200 of 15,106

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