HifiMAN HE-6 Planar Magnetic Headphone
Aug 23, 2011 at 11:19 AM Post #4,247 of 21,873

I just ordered two via Amazon (from Parts Express).  I'll post back how it works with my SX-950 (85W) and Rotel RA-970BX (60W).
Thanks for the idea.  This opens up the opportunity to use tube amp now.

Mills 10 Ohm 12W Non-Inductive Resistor

"These non-inductive, wire wound resistors were designed for high-end audio applications and are perfect for use in crossover networks. Extreme measures were taken to ensure sonic purity. They utilize an Alumina ceramic core, a nickel chromium element, silver plated copper end caps and tinned copper leads. The all welded construction greatly enhances frequency response. These 1% precision resistors, offer unsurpassed performance over conventional wire wound resistors. All are rated at 12W with 1% tolerance. Resistors body measures 1-1/8" in length by 5/16" diameter. Each lead measures 1-1/2" long and .040" thick."
That's why I use them. Their expensive though, $4.25 each + shipping from Parts Express.
If you want to save, you can buy Dayton non-inductive resistors instead.

Aug 23, 2011 at 11:47 AM Post #4,248 of 21,873
I just want you guys to know that you don't have to say "thanks for the pictures, immit".
Your love is all that I need. 

Aug 23, 2011 at 12:45 PM Post #4,249 of 21,873
In case anyone is interested, I took some shots of a loaned HE-6 Adapter:






The new leather pads are not like the velour one. It is more dense. Does not cause any sweating while wearing then in the heat.
The velour pads are directly connected to the pads, which made them easier to break and harder to apply.
The new ones, are on a gasket for lack of a better term, and all you have to do, is put in the first 3 (quite easy) and then hold
onto the gasket that the tabs are attached to, and hold the pads in place so the other three don't fall out, and then grab
hold of the gasket, pull it separately under the pads, and allow the fourth tab to fall right into place,
It's easier to show yow you than describe it over the internet, so just buy me a R/T airplane ticket from LaGuardia to your closest
airport and I will show you in person 
 . There are some good deals on Priceline. Coach would be fine, I'm not one of those stuck up
people who require a first class seat. 
Back to the music…my primary objective
Aug 23, 2011 at 12:57 PM Post #4,250 of 21,873
BTW- I do prefer the Dared 300B tube amp, over the solid state amp with the HE-6. With the HE-300, it doesn't make a discernible difference.
To me, orthodynamics and tubes, when properly used, sound better with a softer tube amp.
More analog, and 13 watts does me me Jim Dandy. It's not the size of the boat, it's how you use it 
. I's the driver, not the car.
Aug 23, 2011 at 7:41 PM Post #4,252 of 21,873
Which Dared model do you have ?
BTW- I do prefer the Dared 300B tube amp, over the solid state amp with the HE-6. With the HE-300, it doesn't make a discernible difference.
To me, orthodynamics and tubes, when properly used, sound better with a softer tube amp.
More analog, and 13 watts does me me Jim Dandy. It's not the size of the boat, it's how you use it 
. I's the driver, not the car.

Aug 24, 2011 at 12:57 AM Post #4,253 of 21,873

The cut-off for a adapter free amp is supposed to be  around 50w.  I asked Fang about my 75w receiver and he said it is still safe without the adapter.  I don't see why you need a adapter for your 45w amp unless the amp is struggling with the 50 ohm load like my little 12w Icon.   I guess it doesn't hurt to try in case the outcome is better sound.

The 12W Icon didn't like my K1000 either, but something like the Qinpu A-3 8 watt was fine with high impedance loads.
Aug 24, 2011 at 1:40 AM Post #4,255 of 21,873

I just ordered two via Amazon (from Parts Express).  I'll post back how it works with my SX-950 (85W) and Rotel RA-970BX (60W).
Thanks for the idea.  This opens up the opportunity to use tube amp now.


This guy left a comment about Mills resistors in Parts Express, take it for what it is.
"These resistors are the ONLY choice when building crossover networks or in line with a speaker to attenuate the volume. These are noninductive which means that they dont take anything from the speaker. Let me explain. A normal resistor is inductive which inductance is what coils do or cause when you use them in a crossover. Inductance keeps highs out of woofers or milliHenries. Inductance will cause the highs to roll off slightly. Example( lets say your speaker goes to 20k. Well if you use a regular resistor with inductance it will attenuate the speaker but now the speaker will not go above 18k, but if you use these Mills which are non inductive the speakers will be attenuated but still go to 20k.) Thats why I(a master speaker builder for a very reputable company)and you should ONLY use Mills Resistors."
Aug 24, 2011 at 4:28 AM Post #4,256 of 21,873

BTW- I do prefer the Dared 300B tube amp, over the solid state amp with the HE-6. With the HE-300, it doesn't make a discernible difference.
To me, orthodynamics and tubes, when properly used, sound better with a softer tube amp.
More analog, and 13 watts does me me Jim Dandy. It's not the size of the boat, it's how you use it 
. I's the driver, not the car.

Clearly you have not tried the Liquid Fire with the HE6's.
Aug 24, 2011 at 5:27 AM Post #4,257 of 21,873
This guy left a comment about Mills resistors in Parts Express, take it for what it is.
"These resistors are the ONLY choice when building crossover networks or in line with a speaker to attenuate the volume. These are noninductive which means that they dont take anything from the speaker. Let me explain. A normal resistor is inductive which inductance is what coils do or cause when you use them in a crossover. Inductance keeps highs out of woofers or milliHenries. Inductance will cause the highs to roll off slightly. Example( lets say your speaker goes to 20k. Well if you use a regular resistor with inductance it will attenuate the speaker but now the speaker will not go above 18k, but if you use these Mills which are non inductive the speakers will be attenuated but still go to 20k.) Thats why I(a master speaker builder for a very reputable company)and you should ONLY use Mills Resistors."

I have used Mills for years. They are very good. I have also had special values that Mills sent me. I like inductive in a power supply but the Mills in other areas are great. I use the 12 watt most of the time. 
Aug 24, 2011 at 6:11 AM Post #4,258 of 21,873
I have two pairs of 12-watt Mills resistors on the way, 10 ohm for the HE-6, and 18 ohm for the K1000. They should be interesting to play around with.
Aug 24, 2011 at 3:16 PM Post #4,259 of 21,873
These headphones are magic to the ears. Use a good quality speaker amp, tap into the speaker outs and sit back and enjoy. if your speaker amp puts more than 60-70 watts, than you will need and speak eke impedance box ) a small price to pay for some of the best sound that money can pay. Better than the LVD-2 IMHO, and most all of the dynamic amps available to us, today the impedance box looks like this:
and with the HE-6, you'll hear some of the  some of the finest sound you'll ever hear.If you have a speaker amp, then you do no need the box. Read the reviews.
I have a pair of Dared Quasi mono-block 300B tube amps and I prefer it to my 100 w.p.c. Adcom independent amp, using the impedance box. Of course, if you have an amp
that is 100-250 w.p.c. then you must use the impedance box otherwise you'll overdrive the drivers in the Orthodynamics, and could do damage ti then HE-6 
if it is too expensive for you, you can always buy the HE-300' which are the newest dynamic offering from Head-Direct for only$295 and can say with all honestly that they blow away the Senn HD_6XX, and the Beyer AKG-701's and the DT880 which are half the price and 2-3 times better. Only your ears can tell you which is better, but to my ears, it is a no brainer. The HE-300's are incredibly superior to it's competition, and cost a lot less.
You can always buy them and utilize the 30 refund offer, so you have nothing to lose except 1 way shipping, which arrive at your door 3-5 days from China after placing your order, I asked Fang if anyone was returning them, and he said "no".
Aug 24, 2011 at 3:17 PM Post #4,260 of 21,873
These headphones are magic to the ears. Use a good quality speaker amp, tap into the speaker outs and sit back and enjoy. if your speaker amp puts more than 60-70 watts, than you will need and speak eke impedance box ) a small price to pay for some of the best sound that money can pay. Better than the LVD-2 IMHO, and most all of the dynamic amps available to us, today the impedance box looks like this:
and with the HE-6, you'll hear some of the  some of the finest sound you'll ever hear.If you have a speaker amp, then you do no need the box. Read the reviews.
I have a pair of Dared Quasi mono-block 300B tube amps and I prefer it to my 100 w.p.c. Adcom independent amp, using the impedance box. Of course, if you have an amp
that is 100-250 w.p.c. then you must use the impedance box otherwise you'll overdrive the drivers in the Orthodynamics, and could do damage ti then HE-6 
if it is too expensive for you, you can always buy the HE-300' which are the newest dynamic offering from Head-Direct for only$295 and can say with all honestly that they blow away the Senn HD_6XX, and the Beyer AKG-701's and the DT880 which are half the price and 2-3 times better. Only your ears can tell you which is better, but to my ears, it is a no brainer. The HE-300's are incredibly superior to it's competition, and cost a lot less.
You can always buy them and utilize the 30 refund offer, so you have nothing to lose except 1 way shipping, which arrive at your door 3-5 days from China after placing your order, I asked Fang if anyone was returning them, and he said "no".

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