= HiFiMAN HE-560 Impressions & Discussion Thread =
Mar 17, 2015 at 5:38 PM Post #12,316 of 21,179
From my experience comparing the HE-560 and HE-6, it all boils down to this:
HE-6 is the "faster" headphone overall, so that means... tighter bass, cleaner background, which leads to deeper soundstage (though may not be necessarily that wide). This can make the HE-6 sound a bit too aggressive when paired with an aggressive amplifier. So that's the criteria for "properly driving" the HE-6 in my books. Notice Hifiman's top-end amplifiers are typically the relaxing/smooth types rather than aggressive/ballsy types like Schiit Audio Lyr 2 and so on...
In contrast, the HE-560 at stock can sound relaxed/smooth, since it's the slower sounding headphone. This means more decay, which leads to a smoother sound, with more "body" to bass and everything else, but impact would be lacking, and also the utmost clarity, since the HE-560 is lacking that last bit of "speed" required to present this clarity. Modding does alleviate this a little bit, but ultimately the modded HE-6 will be able to get just that much as well, so it'll still be ahead of the HE-560 by that tiny little bit, still.
Personally, I'd enjoy the "slower" and gentler sound of the HE-560 more than the aggressive sound of the HE-6. The difference between the two is ultimately like riding a car for me. The HE-6 is "stomp the gas, get to the next destination as fast as physically possible", while the HE-560 is "under speed limit, get there slower, but take the time to enjoy the ride".
Oh, and for perspective, other top-end headphones also get the same "feeling" for me.
SR-009 is like... "0 to max speed at acceleration a couple of G's, then gradually and gracefully step on the brake so that we stop at exactly the right destination".
Abyss is like "0 to 60 at higher acceleration than SR-009, then sustain and then stop at the same acceleration as started, even if physics is somewhat ignored".
LCD-2/3 is pretty much like Abyss, but they accelerate and decelerate at a rate slightly slower than the SR-009.
That's the best I can explain "speed", as I don't think we can show "speed" on measurements just yet. In fact, it's misleading, because what it really is is how fast something can "accelerate", and not how fast something "moves". All diaphragms of top-end headphones move at about the same "speed", but they differ in how they start and stop, and ultimately, that's the deciding factor here.
If you want to "hear" this, the best way to hear it would be with some bass track. Drums would be great. Fast drumming even better.
Other than "speed", I think the tonal balance and frequency response of both the HE-560 and HE-6 are close enough. When both are driven out of the right amp, both would actually sound almost indistinguishable, except for the 4KHz peak on the HE-560.
Mar 17, 2015 at 6:46 PM Post #12,317 of 21,179
  honestly, that's not a bad result. i've seen the he-6 go down to as low as $600, so really are better deals out there! hope you find one

Thanks, and Amen to better deals, or making a better choice in case the He-560 turns out to be the better choice when all the dust is settled.
  That's probably the best course of action. The HE-1000's release is likely going to change how one approaches HiFiMAN purchases this year. 
Back to the HE-560. My apologies for contributing to a change of course.

No worries, and no need to apologize.  No harm has been done, and you have helped to make me wiser about reading and interpreting reviews.  Thanks,
Mar 17, 2015 at 6:50 PM Post #12,318 of 21,179
  From my experience comparing the HE-560 and HE-6, it all boils down to this:
HE-6 is the "faster" headphone overall, so that means... tighter bass, cleaner background, which leads to deeper soundstage (though may not be necessarily that wide). This can make the HE-6 sound a bit too aggressive when paired with an aggressive amplifier. So that's the criteria for "properly driving" the HE-6 in my books. Notice Hifiman's top-end amplifiers are typically the relaxing/smooth types rather than aggressive/ballsy types like Schiit Audio Lyr 2 and so on...
In contrast, the HE-560 at stock can sound relaxed/smooth, since it's the slower sounding headphone. This means more decay, which leads to a smoother sound, with more "body" to bass and everything else, but impact would be lacking, and also the utmost clarity, since the HE-560 is lacking that last bit of "speed" required to present this clarity. Modding does alleviate this a little bit, but ultimately the modded HE-6 will be able to get just that much as well, so it'll still be ahead of the HE-560 by that tiny little bit, still.
Personally, I'd enjoy the "slower" and gentler sound of the HE-560 more than the aggressive sound of the HE-6. The difference between the two is ultimately like riding a car for me. The HE-6 is "stomp the gas, get to the next destination as fast as physically possible", while the HE-560 is "under speed limit, get there slower, but take the time to enjoy the ride".
Oh, and for perspective, other top-end headphones also get the same "feeling" for me.
SR-009 is like... "0 to max speed at acceleration a couple of G's, then gradually and gracefully step on the brake so that we stop at exactly the right destination".
Abyss is like "0 to 60 at higher acceleration than SR-009, then sustain and then stop at the same acceleration as started, even if physics is somewhat ignored".
LCD-2/3 is pretty much like Abyss, but they accelerate and decelerate at a rate slightly slower than the SR-009.
That's the best I can explain "speed", as I don't think we can show "speed" on measurements just yet. In fact, it's misleading, because what it really is is how fast something can "accelerate", and not how fast something "moves". All diaphragms of top-end headphones move at about the same "speed", but they differ in how they start and stop, and ultimately, that's the deciding factor here.
If you want to "hear" this, the best way to hear it would be with some bass track. Drums would be great. Fast drumming even better.
Other than "speed", I think the tonal balance and frequency response of both the HE-560 and HE-6 are close enough. When both are driven out of the right amp, both would actually sound almost indistinguishable, except for the 4KHz peak on the HE-560.

Very informative... I just wish there were some way I could test-drive all these high end cans before ever pulling the trigger> Unfortunately, I have no opportunity to attend any CanJams.  I only have postings like yours and others' to rely on.  Thanks
Mar 17, 2015 at 9:15 PM Post #12,319 of 21,179
The mini-X is a perfect stop gap amp.  I was thinking you was looking into more of an end game setup.  The mini-X worked well for me twice while serving as a hold over amp until my main amp was ready or I was ready to decide on one.  
The 560 does not have more body compared to the HE-6 - not in a million years - IMO.  If someone hears that - that must be the direct result of a thin sounding amp.  On the same amp the 560 is clearly thinner, while the HE-6 has body for days.  
I agree with the fast and aggressive nature of the HE-6.  I also agree the decay is somewhat fast as well -  faster than any of the LCDs but not as fast as the HD800 or SR-009.  
The 560 is a much safer buy, less work to get it to sound right.  However, if you have the mini-X and are willing to move up from there - the HE-6 will me more rewarding in the long run
Mar 17, 2015 at 10:35 PM Post #12,320 of 21,179
  From my experience comparing the HE-560 and HE-6, it all boils down to this:
HE-6 is the "faster" headphone overall, so that means... tighter bass, cleaner background, which leads to deeper soundstage (though may not be necessarily that wide). This can make the HE-6 sound a bit too aggressive when paired with an aggressive amplifier. So that's the criteria for "properly driving" the HE-6 in my books. Notice Hifiman's top-end amplifiers are typically the relaxing/smooth types rather than aggressive/ballsy types like Schiit Audio Lyr 2 and so on...
In contrast, the HE-560 at stock can sound relaxed/smooth, since it's the slower sounding headphone. This means more decay, which leads to a smoother sound, with more "body" to bass and everything else, but impact would be lacking, and also the utmost clarity, since the HE-560 is lacking that last bit of "speed" required to present this clarity. Modding does alleviate this a little bit, but ultimately the modded HE-6 will be able to get just that much as well, so it'll still be ahead of the HE-560 by that tiny little bit, still.
Personally, I'd enjoy the "slower" and gentler sound of the HE-560 more than the aggressive sound of the HE-6. The difference between the two is ultimately like riding a car for me. The HE-6 is "stomp the gas, get to the next destination as fast as physically possible", while the HE-560 is "under speed limit, get there slower, but take the time to enjoy the ride".
Oh, and for perspective, other top-end headphones also get the same "feeling" for me.
SR-009 is like... "0 to max speed at acceleration a couple of G's, then gradually and gracefully step on the brake so that we stop at exactly the right destination".
Abyss is like "0 to 60 at higher acceleration than SR-009, then sustain and then stop at the same acceleration as started, even if physics is somewhat ignored".
LCD-2/3 is pretty much like Abyss, but they accelerate and decelerate at a rate slightly slower than the SR-009.
That's the best I can explain "speed", as I don't think we can show "speed" on measurements just yet. In fact, it's misleading, because what it really is is how fast something can "accelerate", and not how fast something "moves". All diaphragms of top-end headphones move at about the same "speed", but they differ in how they start and stop, and ultimately, that's the deciding factor here.
If you want to "hear" this, the best way to hear it would be with some bass track. Drums would be great. Fast drumming even better.
Other than "speed", I think the tonal balance and frequency response of both the HE-560 and HE-6 are close enough. When both are driven out of the right amp, both would actually sound almost indistinguishable, except for the 4KHz peak on the HE-560.

Thanks again-I enjoy your comments. Very detailed!
Mar 18, 2015 at 4:32 AM Post #12,321 of 21,179
Agree with preproman, the HE-6 to my ears definitely has a very noticeable increase in body compared to the 560.
Mar 18, 2015 at 5:57 PM Post #12,323 of 21,179
Any info on this new HE-560 black color that was shown with the HE-1000?

 I don't know if it still has veneer implemented. Looks a lot like the HE-6 but black from this profile shot. The HE-560 will possibly drop in price too, which would be awesome news.
Mar 18, 2015 at 6:00 PM Post #12,324 of 21,179
I think that's the standard HE-560, just shot and saturated to look sexier 

Mar 18, 2015 at 6:43 PM Post #12,329 of 21,179

omg! hahaha can't believe tyll finally broke down & reviewed these. nice to see that he could keep his sonic preferences from preventing his review. always enjoy reading his articles!
skimmed it quickly & it does seem like a nice objective review of the strengths & flaws of the he-560 :)
edit: fully agree with his comparison between the pm1 vs he-560. wished he did a hd800 vs he-560 comparison as well as I thought those two were quite competitive against each other.

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