Hifiman he-400i Impressions and Discussion
Sep 2, 2015 at 6:40 AM Post #4,786 of 14,386
I'd welcome some advice. I'm in the process of revamping my hi-fi set-up, intending to switch from a headphone-only system of LCD-2 (rev 2 pre-fazor) and Red Wine Audio Corvina to a Naim 5si amp. (many reasons for this, so please don't advise me to try an alternate headphone amp or go for both - finances won't allow. I chose the Naim because of a really good headphone stage by integrated amp standards and a sound character that I really like) 
By necessity I'll still do a lot of headphone listening and I'm considering the he-400i both for its considerably easier ability to drive and also what I perceive from reviews to be a more balanced sound. The LCD-2 s are just too recessed and rolled off for me. I listen to a wide range of music, but mainly rock/pop.
Some posts here talk of the 400is being too bright, but it seems to be amp-dependent and not necessarily a feature of the headphone itself.
Any advice or potential pitfalls regarding my plans or any alternative headphone choices? 
Sep 2, 2015 at 9:26 AM Post #4,788 of 14,386
  I'd welcome some advice. I'm in the process of revamping my hi-fi set-up, intending to switch from a headphone-only system of LCD-2 (rev 2 pre-fazor) and Red Wine Audio Corvina to a Naim 5si amp. (many reasons for this, so please don't advise me to try an alternate headphone amp or go for both - finances won't allow. I chose the Naim because of a really good headphone stage by integrated amp standards and a sound character that I really like) 
By necessity I'll still do a lot of headphone listening and I'm considering the he-400i both for its considerably easier ability to drive and also what I perceive from reviews to be a more balanced sound. The LCD-2 s are just too recessed and rolled off for me. I listen to a wide range of music, but mainly rock/pop.
Some posts here talk of the 400is being too bright, but it seems to be amp-dependent and not necessarily a feature of the headphone itself.a chance
Any advice or potential pitfalls regarding my plans or any alternative headphone choices? 

I´ve heard HE-400i with Oppo HA-1, Audioengine D1 and iBasso DX90. In neither of these setups did I find the sound signature of HE-400i bright. In all setups I perceived the sound signature as slightly warm/ neutral. As for comparison between HE-400i and LCD-2 (fazored version), I think LCD-2 is technically better headphone but the difference in sound quality certainly isn´t big. Let´s say I would give HE-400i 88% and LCD-2  92% for sound quality. LCD-2 has even creamier/ silkier midrange and a bit more impactful subbass. Overall soundstage size seems also slightly bigger to me on LCD-2. On the other side HE-400i sounds airier and has better treble extension (is not as recessed in highs as LCD-2)  Instrument separation is comparable imo. LCD-2 has even warmer/darker sound signature than HE-400i. I would say HE-400i is more neutral and thus perhaps a better genre all-rounder. The biggest difference is in comfort. While wearing comfort on HE-400i is very good, LCD-2 is plain heavy and simply uncomfortable (yes, for me even for a short listening period). The comfort difference is to me 85 % vs 40 %. If you seriously consider buying a headphone for a lot of (extended) listening I would be cautious with LCD-2. Try it by yourself if you have a chance, but I would also recommend looking for other options like HE-400i, HE-400s, HE-560, Oppo PM 2 or Oppo PM-3 if you wish to buy a comfortable planar headphone under 1000 dollars/euros. All these headphones (with the exception of HE-560) should be also easier to drive than LCD-2. If you wish to buy Audeze headphone after all, probably a new EL-8 model can be also taken into your consideration, as it should be reportedly way more comfortable than LCD-2 and also easier to drive.
Sep 2, 2015 at 9:35 AM Post #4,789 of 14,386
  I'd welcome some advice. I'm in the process of revamping my hi-fi set-up, intending to switch from a headphone-only system of LCD-2 (rev 2 pre-fazor) and Red Wine Audio Corvina to a Naim 5si amp. (many reasons for this, so please don't advise me to try an alternate headphone amp or go for both - finances won't allow. I chose the Naim because of a really good headphone stage by integrated amp standards and a sound character that I really like) 
By necessity I'll still do a lot of headphone listening and I'm considering the he-400i both for its considerably easier ability to drive and also what I perceive from reviews to be a more balanced sound. The LCD-2 s are just too recessed and rolled off for me. I listen to a wide range of music, but mainly rock/pop.
Some posts here talk of the 400is being too bright, but it seems to be amp-dependent and not necessarily a feature of the headphone itself.
Any advice or potential pitfalls regarding my plans or any alternative headphone choices? 

I think that, given that you think the LCD2 is too rolled off, you will probably like the 400i. The 400i is also much lighter, if that means anything to you. I think the HE-500 is another choice that I personally would consider, as it sounds very similar to the 400i, and retains the intimate, sweet vocals, but has a more expansive soundstage and is slightly less agressive in the upper mids/lower treble (could be good or bad depending on your choices of music). The 500 is, however, heavy. Feels worse on the head than the Audeze, IMO. I think you would be quite happy with 400i if you decide to go that route.
Sep 2, 2015 at 10:50 AM Post #4,790 of 14,386
  I would not consider the LCD-2f a big step up from HE-400i, more like a half-step or side step, just different sound signature.  While the LCD-2f has a better low end the mids and highs on HE-400i are better IMO.  I'm using either a Lyr2 or Project Ember to drive both of these headphones, the LCD-2f will also work quite well with Asgard2 but the HE-400i becomes to bright for me with the Asgard2.  For jazz the LCD-2f is good along with K7XX, HD-650 and SRH-1840. 
Agree with you that the HE-400i works with a lot of different genres of music but for classical can't beat either HD-800 or T1.  I've also used my HE-560 and DT-990 for classical and they are good but a little short of the HD-800 and T1.  LCD-2f for classical didn't work for me, not enough soundstage and mids/highs are not open/airy enough.  Using a BH Crack for HD-800, T1 and DT-990.

Thanks you and others for info. It looks like that double price is not justified, so maybe better to wait and find something else. I kind of liked alpha dogs for classical, but were to bright in some genres for me. To heavy also, so I am not very keen on that aspect of LCD 2F.
Sep 2, 2015 at 10:54 AM Post #4,791 of 14,386
  I hesitate to give tips.  EQ is a scientific and predictable approach for the most part, but the results are always subjective.  I just JRiver, so the results are applied to virtually all applications on my computer, at least the ones I care about.
I can tell you this: it is usually better to cut than to boost. If I want low-volume listening, I cut at about 1200 Hz or so, -3 dB. My hearing is quite sensitive right there, and cutting the mids allows to bass to be heard at lower volumes, say around 70 dB or so.

I do boost bass sometimes on 400i ... that is I cut on 110 Hz ... from 4-8db. It depends on record, and it is almost exclusively for reggae and funk stuff. I don't need EQ for jazz, blues, classical ...
It behaves quite good in that range ... you need an amp to compensate for 8db cut.
Sep 2, 2015 at 10:37 PM Post #4,793 of 14,386
  I'd welcome some advice. I'm in the process of revamping my hi-fi set-up, intending to switch from a headphone-only system of LCD-2 (rev 2 pre-fazor) and Red Wine Audio Corvina to a Naim 5si amp. (many reasons for this, so please don't advise me to try an alternate headphone amp or go for both - finances won't allow. I chose the Naim because of a really good headphone stage by integrated amp standards and a sound character that I really like) 
By necessity I'll still do a lot of headphone listening and I'm considering the he-400i both for its considerably easier ability to drive and also what I perceive from reviews to be a more balanced sound. The LCD-2 s are just too recessed and rolled off for me. I listen to a wide range of music, but mainly rock/pop.
Some posts here talk of the 400is being too bright, but it seems to be amp-dependent and not necessarily a feature of the headphone itself.
Any advice or potential pitfalls regarding my plans or any alternative headphone choices? 

Ken, if you are comfortable with a DIY solution I would try looking in to building a SennGrado, I've built 3 so far and all sound great, are easy to drive and there is some tuning available by driver position, adding dynamat and different drivers options.  I have a LCD-2F, HE-400i/560, HD-800/700/650 and a few other headphones but if I could only have one it would be one of the SennGrado's, why you might ask, because it has great bass like a HE-400, mids similar to a HD-650 and highs that are almost like the HD-800.  Check out the thread for the SennGrado, might be surprised to see what others have to say about it.
Sep 3, 2015 at 2:14 AM Post #4,794 of 14,386
  I would not consider the LCD-2f a big step up from HE-400i, more like a half-step or side step, just different sound signature.  While the LCD-2f has a better low end the mids and highs on HE-400i are better IMO.  I'm using either a Lyr2 or Project Ember to drive both of these headphones, the LCD-2f will also work quite well with Asgard2 but the HE-400i becomes to bright for me with the Asgard2.  For jazz the LCD-2f is good along with K7XX, HD-650 and SRH-1840. 
Agree with you that the HE-400i works with a lot of different genres of music but for classical can't beat either HD-800 or T1.  I've also used my HE-560 and DT-990 for classical and they are good but a little short of the HD-800 and T1.  LCD-2f for classical didn't work for me, not enough soundstage and mids/highs are not open/airy enough.  Using a BH Crack for HD-800, T1 and DT-990.

Pretty much agree with this.
Sep 3, 2015 at 7:35 AM Post #4,795 of 14,386
Thanks to everyone who replied to my post.
DavidA, I'll look into that. First I have heard of a SennGrado  
Sep 3, 2015 at 2:23 PM Post #4,796 of 14,386
Experimenting with bass boost on the HE-400i. I had a taste of bass heavy iems recently and now I find the 400i lacking. My config below, sounding really juicy 
 The bass doesn't bleed into the mids at all which is awesome, reminds me a little of the HE-400, but without the piercing treble!

I'll also be creating an EqualizerAPO version as well. I'll post that if anyone's interested.
Sep 4, 2015 at 6:01 AM Post #4,799 of 14,386
  Experimenting with bass boost on the HE-400i. I had a taste of bass heavy iems recently and now I find the 400i lacking. My config below, sounding really juicy 
 The bass doesn't bleed into the mids at all which is awesome, reminds me a little of the HE-400, but without the piercing treble!

I'll also be creating an EqualizerAPO version as well. I'll post that if anyone's interested.

would be perfetto if you can post it !!!

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