**Hifiman HE-400 Impressions and Discussion Thread**
Apr 11, 2013 at 11:30 PM Post #9,662 of 22,120
I have been loving my new 400's.  First time I heard an ortho and was completely blown away.  The cord is a pain but luckily I was able to pick up a new he500 cable and velour pads on ebay for $54.  

Wait a second. You liked the HE-500's cable more than the 400's?! I think I'm just incredibly picky, but the HE-500's cable is almost a deal breaker for me; as in, I may never pick them up again because of their cable. I really liked the HE-400's one, it reminded me of the 500's old Canare (unless less they were the same).
Apr 11, 2013 at 11:55 PM Post #9,663 of 22,120
Yep. I hated how thick and stiff they were. I don't hear a difference in sound quality though as some reviews state. Sounds the same as the black cable.

Wait a second. You liked the HE-500's cable more than the 400's?! I think I'm just incredibly picky, but the HE-500's cable is almost a deal breaker for me; as in, I may never pick them up again because of their cable. I really liked the HE-400's one, it reminded me of the 500's old Canare (unless less they were the same).
Apr 12, 2013 at 12:47 AM Post #9,665 of 22,120
Everything in this hobby is relative. Not everyone who gets HE400 or even HE500 has owned or auditioned headphones with more expanded headstages. Heck, before I acquired the HE400s early last year, my experience with headphones was KSC75 (tiny on-ears) and M50 (closed with notoriously bad staging), and you can imagine my amazement at HE400's soundstage capabilities.

Exactly. Some people claim you won't hear a true sounding headphone until you've "burned" or "broken" them in for hundreds if not THOUSANDS of hours which is equally absurd to someone arguing how the soundstaging is from one headphone to the next. 
Headphones are purely individual experiences because every pair of ear drums is different. I've had a friend claim and swear to me that $25 dollar headphones he bought at the Apple store sound the same as HD650's basically. Debating such experiences are pointless. No one person experiences the world exactly the same.
All you can do is share your experience with others and if you both happen to agree than that's great but it doesn't mean that they are the "Master Race" of all headphone enthusiasts. 
My personal opinion on the soundstaging of the HE-400's versus the HD650's? The HE-400's have better soundstaging and separation through what I've heard but I'm sure others with HD650's would completely disagree with me.
Apr 12, 2013 at 3:36 AM Post #9,666 of 22,120
Previously i mentioned that i ahd problems installing the beyer pads of the beyerdynamic 990 onto the HE-400.
I finally got them on, and they dont seem to be off at all.
I cant post a pic now (at work) but i will if i remmber when i get home. The onyl thing is to heat up with a hairdryer the pads so that you can pressure in the plastic ring from the HE-400. Once it gets there, the beyer pads look like they are made for the HE-400.
My only issue is with the foam pad. Its thinker than the HE-400 (by a substancial amount), and i think its destroing some of the sound clearness.
I have tested them with no foam pads and the result is far better, but i do not want to damage the driver by having a hair or dust in there for too long before i notice.
 I guess ill have to make a custom foam pad as well :D.
Apr 12, 2013 at 5:26 AM Post #9,667 of 22,120
Oh, congrats to you as well! We can console one another as our bank accounts grow smaller :)

Guys, I beat both of you guys in the race to slim down the back account 
. Not only am I playing the HE-400 with the Lyr but I am A/B ing it with the Burson Soloist. All I can say is that you will enjoy the 400 with the Lyr. Its loud, clear and oh so musical.
Apr 12, 2013 at 11:58 AM Post #9,673 of 22,120
Guys, I beat both of you guys in the race to slim down the back account 
. Not only am I playing the HE-400 with the Lyr but I am A/B ing it with the Burson Soloist. All I can say is that you will enjoy the 400 with the Lyr. Its loud, clear and oh so musical.

Haha I'm glad you're enjoying the pairing. I just received mine yesterday but only had about 30 minutes to give them a listen. Initial opinions are that the mids and highs sound incredibly great. That is some amazing clarity. However, the lower end (bass) didn't seem to punch as well as my Marantz. Maybe the lower end isn't Schiit's specialty or maybe I just liked how the Marantz handled the lower end more. 
Also I feel a little worried for my own well being because I found the early volume stages (7 o' clock to 9) to be pretty quiet so my volume was set at 10-12. I don't know if its my songs or the increase in volume is more gradual in the Lyr. No doubt it has plenty of power though. I just feel quite uneasy with the volume knob set so high on an amp that has been advertised to have stupid amounts of power underneath :p 
Since I'm not the only one whose recently received the Lyr, I'd definitely like to hear all the impressions so far :) I don't know if there is such a thing as burn in for amps. Even for headphones I don't think it affects the overall signature too much at all. Coming off my first listen though, I really hope the bass opens up a bit more.
My personal opinion on the soundstaging of the HE-400's versus the HD650's? The HE-400's have better soundstaging and separation through what I've heard but I'm sure others with HD650's would completely disagree with me.

I'd have to agree with you here. I think the HD650's sound great but sound stage and separation aren't what I would consider their strong points. Whenever I just close my eyes I can easily imagine an intimate jazz bar or lounge where there is a singer up on the small stage. If I listen to something from a concert performance, the imaging just seems so absurdly amusing because I just imagine an 100 man orchestra being squeezed into that same lounge :p The HE-400 definitely sounds like a concert hall when I listen to a concert performance. 
Apr 12, 2013 at 12:00 PM Post #9,674 of 22,120
All I ever hear is about how hard the bass punches on the Lyr.  Might just be that the Marantz amps are all deliberately warm sounding with emphasized bass.  I remember reading somewhere that it was their house sound.
Apr 12, 2013 at 12:27 PM Post #9,675 of 22,120

All I ever hear is about how hard the bass punches on the Lyr.  Might just be that the Marantz amps are all deliberately warm sounding with emphasized bass.  I remember reading somewhere that it was their house sound.

Yeah you might be right about that. Thanks for reminding me actually. The bass is definitely emphasized. I actually have the bass knob turned down two notches and the mids & treble knob pushed up two notches. I must be completely brainwashed into that bass so a little time should fix that up. The marantz + HE-400 is a great EDM combo though. 

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