**Hifiman HE-400 Impressions and Discussion Thread**
Jan 28, 2013 at 11:32 PM Post #6,451 of 22,120
More rollercoaster and wishy washy impressions on these magical changing pads.

Tomorrow, people will be be retrofitting Orpheus pads on the HE-400, making them rival Stax SR-009s.


Actually audition the mod before making these claims with absolutely zero credibility.
FYI I have tried pleathers, velours, vintage velours, J$ beyers, jergpads, LCD3 leathers, on both HE400 and HE500. Which ones have you tried?
Please don't discredit things when you have no basis.
Jan 28, 2013 at 11:36 PM Post #6,452 of 22,120
Lol, just... there is so much exaggeration on that post and so much back and forth... I can't take any of it seriously. I don't wanna try the mod, nor will I ever. It could sound like Jessica Alba belting out vocal orgasms directly into my private parts, and I'd still stay away from it. I can't stand pleather, as if everyone didn't already know.

The hyperbole is clearly evident. Much like the hyperbole about the changes opening the grills did to the sound.
Jan 28, 2013 at 11:39 PM Post #6,453 of 22,120
Lol, just... there is so much exaggeration on that post and so much back and forth... I can't take any of it seriously. I don't wanna try the mod, nor will I ever. It could sound like Jessica Alba belting out vocal orgasms directly into my ears, and I'd still stay away from the pleather.

I do apologize for the back-and-forth in my posts, but as I explained it is because I was making comparisons unfairly without standardizing the earpads.
Understanding that you cannot try any pleather/leather earpad mod or unmodded due to the nature of where you live, it's still quite rude to discredit all the effort I put into formulating this mod without any credibility on your part.
Jan 28, 2013 at 11:41 PM Post #6,454 of 22,120
Not discrediting it. Just calling the majority of it hyperbole. I mean, it sounds like you're trying hard to sell the mod to everyone. As usual, the bandwagon will chime in and back you up, just as they did when the velours became popular, then when the pleathers came back into popularity (What?), and then the J$ pads, and then this mod, etc. Every time something new comes in (or even old), the sheep follow. If someone says it, it surely must be so. There is no straight consensus, just constant back and forths where everyone agrees with everyone else.

People are so easily swayed by constantly changing opinions, it's funny to see it unfolding.
Jan 28, 2013 at 11:48 PM Post #6,455 of 22,120
Not discrediting it. Just calling the majority of it hyperbole. I mean, it sounds like you're trying hard to sell the mod to everyone. As usual, the bandwagon will chime in and back you up, just as they did when the velours became popular, then when the pleathers came back into popularity (What?), and then the J$ pads, and then this mod, etc. Every time something new comes in (or even old), the sheep follow. If someone says it, it surely must be so. There is no straight consensus, just constant back and forths where everyone agrees with everyone else.

People are so easily swayed by constantly changing opinions, it's funny to see it unfolding.

Again, without anything to actually base that on. 
Jan 28, 2013 at 11:49 PM Post #6,456 of 22,120
Not discrediting it. Just calling the majority of it hyperbole. I mean, it sounds like you're trying hard to sell the mod to everyone. As usual, the bandwagon will chime in and back you up, just as they did when the velours became popular, then when the pleathers came back into popularity (What?), and then the J$ pads, and then this mod, etc. Every time something new comes in (or even old), the sheep follow. If someone says it, it surely must be so. There is no straight consensus, just constant back and forths where everyone agrees with everyone else.

That is the natural progression of gear/mod improvement, that is to try new (and old) things some claim to be upgrades, and hopefully have a steadily upwards trend in terms of SQ of the setup.
Just so happens it is with earpads for HE400s (could be with damping for another headphone, or cupping, or god forbid cables).
Sure there is no consensus if you abandon the old stuff when new stuff comes along, but the credibility comes in when the whole variety of in this case earpads are all available for direct comparison, and improvements can be perceived with the newer entries. I'd love it if ready-made stock pads end up being competitive in performance, saves a ton of trouble, but alas they aren't.
I really hope you could attend a meet someday where someone with HE400 or HE500 with different modded and unmodded pads could let you demo them, and hear for yourself.
Also if you think about it, there is some hypocrisy involved here; some are claiming that K702anniv definitely aren't all that different from K/Q701, maybe just a slight bass retune due to the pads, while you vehemently champion the annies as though they are the second coming of Jesus. Thing is the difference COULD be minor objectively, but your increase in appreciation for those small changes to the voicing could be huge.
Jan 28, 2013 at 11:52 PM Post #6,457 of 22,120
Don't forget to read Jerg's "Jergalicious" ear pad modification thread, too.  There is a step that involves some placement of tape strips to perform a bit of isolation.  This will work and making the sub-bass even better.  The, take your time and give them a few days to perform your opinion on them.  Listen to a lot of music to capture a well-rounded opinion.

I might try that over the weekend which is probably also when I'll apply some sort of dust cover. Here's what I'm not afraid to go ahead and say...I've had these on my head for an hour now and these pads could not be more comfortable. So smooth and soft, not sweaty like the pleathers, such a nice fluffly plushness that's not too firm but not too loose. AHHHHH these things just melt on your head. 

Jan 28, 2013 at 11:53 PM Post #6,458 of 22,120
Again, without anything to actually base that on. 

As opposed to the majority of almost everything spewed here on Head-fi about cable this, amp that, snake oil this, pad that. As with most of everything, this new breakthrough manages to fix EVERY single problem on the HE-400, just like burn in, and every other magical fix. It's obvious there is quite a bit of embellishment going on.
Jan 29, 2013 at 12:09 AM Post #6,459 of 22,120
As opposed to the majority of almost everything spewed here on Head-fi about cable this, amp that, snake oil this, pad that. As with most of everything, this new breakthrough manages to fix EVERY single problem on the HE-400, just like burn in, and every other magical fix. It's obvious there is quite a bit of embellishment going on.

Clumping cables and earpads together is just dumb. Earpads are the single biggest modifier on attenuating and equalizing the sound coming from the drivers to your ears, especially if the transducers are fairly transparent, a far cry from how minor different cables could attenuate the sound.
Jan 29, 2013 at 12:14 AM Post #6,460 of 22,120
I actually agree with you. I was mainly referring to how any and every tweak here on head-fi brings magical gains with no downsides, almost ever. It's always a magical fix, much like burn in.

Like I said, I'm not discrediting you. I'm just wary of over exaggerations.
Jan 29, 2013 at 12:14 AM Post #6,461 of 22,120
As usual, the bandwagon will chime in and back you up, just as they did when the velours became popular, then when the pleathers came back into popularity (What?)

Yes, I must say all that had me confused too. I was assured the velours were the second coming; I tried them, couldn't really hear a difference, or at least not an improvement, and was told my hearing was low fi. Then suddenly everyone was listening to the pleathers again, and modding them, and modding them again, and experimenting with different numbers of holes (no one seemed to know quite the right number or exact placement)--I guess by then the velours had been stuffed in everyone's bottom drawer. I'm still confused. Meantime I'm still A/Bing the HE-500 (unmodified) with the DT880Pro and still can't make up my mind. How's that for low-fi hearing?
You know, just as an afterthought I really can't be bothered with mods. What usually happens is I undertake them with great expectations (touch of Dickens there), they don't really make enough difference to turn the tide, I decide to sell the headphones in question except by now their resale value is affected by all the mods. I think I'll just put up with what the designer intended me to have and leave it at that. 
Jan 29, 2013 at 12:18 AM Post #6,462 of 22,120
As opposed to the majority of almost everything spewed here on Head-fi about cable this, amp that, snake oil this, pad that. As with most of everything, this new breakthrough manages to fix EVERY single problem on the HE-400, just like burn in, and every other magical fix. It's obvious there is quite a bit of embellishment going on.

"I'm not even going to try it. But you're lying."
That's you.
Jan 29, 2013 at 12:18 AM Post #6,463 of 22,120
Yes, I must say all that had me confused too. I was assured the velours were the second coming; I tried them, couldn't really hear a difference, or at least not an improvement, and was told my hearing was low fi. Then suddenly everyone was listening to the pleathers again, and modding them, and modding them again, and experimenting with different numbers of holes (no one seemed to know quite the right number or exact placement)--I guess by then the velours had been stuffed in everyone's bottom drawer. I'm still confused. Meantime I'm still A/Bing the HE-500 (unmodified) with the DT880Pro and still can't make up my mind. How's that for low-fi hearing?

You know, just as an afterthought I really can't be bothered with mods. What usually happens is I undertake them with great expectations (touch of Dickens there), they don't really make enough difference to turn the tide, I decide to sell the headphones in question except by now their resale value is affected by all the mods. I think I'll just put up with what the designer intended me to have and leave it at that. 

Nicely summed up with my feelings on this whole thing.

As for the DT880 Pro vs HE-500, it's understandable. There are times when the supposedly technically inferior headphone will resonate more with a person. I'd certainly take a Skullcandy SLYR (damn good headset for the money) over a K701.

I really can't be arsed with mods myself other than the quick velour swap if mostly because I just can't stand pleathers, and they do bring out the mids and clarity more, though at the expense of warmth and fullness. Like I said, there are trade offs. I don't believe in magical fixes.
Jan 29, 2013 at 12:19 AM Post #6,464 of 22,120
Jan 29, 2013 at 12:25 AM Post #6,465 of 22,120
I know I know, sorry for the scars I incurred on you Wayne (you were probably the only one who actually took the time to read my original hurtful post 2 days ago).
Seriously though, I was contemplating real hard earlier today in selling these HE400s because they (with vintage HFM velours on) sounded downright sibilant and U-shaped low-fi beside my HE500s (which had the jergpads on); then as a last ditch effort I swapped the jergpads back onto the HE400s and I've been listening to these instead of the HE500s for the past hour or two.
I ain't even trying to promote my mod, every HE400 owner owes their HE400s this mod. It's laughable how downright unlistenable the HE400s sound with other pads relatively speaking.

I'd be willing to buy a version of your jerg pads to test out.

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