**Hifiman HE-400 Impressions and Discussion Thread**
Jan 28, 2014 at 4:10 PM Post #16,261 of 22,120
From what ive read - the HE-400 was designed to be easy to drive ortho headphone - i guess normally they need a lot of power.  That said, it definately needs some amping compared to my UE6000 (which most ppl say dont really benefit from an amp).  
I think even low powered amps can drive the 400s pretty well. 
I could be wrong tho - im hoping the Aune T1 will pair up nicely with it. 
Jan 28, 2014 at 4:19 PM Post #16,262 of 22,120
From what I can gather your Aune T1 should be capable of driving it to the point of aural damage. I imagine you'll be happy :)

I'm still trying to figure out what I'm going to do about amping mine.
Jan 28, 2014 at 4:35 PM Post #16,263 of 22,120
Heh yea with my current usb dac, in windows its kinda loud at 100% - usually keep it at around 80%...so im not even sure an amp will help me.  Im just hoping the sound will be cleaner, maybe more detailed with a proper dac/amp.  I plan on EQing a bit too (bumping up the bass for some genres, lowering the spikes at 1k and 10k a tad) so hopefully itll sound better with decent gear. 
At the least itll look cool :p even if i cant tell the difference.  
Jan 28, 2014 at 7:56 PM Post #16,265 of 22,120
  I just got offered a good deal on a pair of HE-400 but it would be my first venture into planar types.  Is it essential to need a decent Amp/Dac to enjoy them to the fullest?

no, it's not really essential, but it is often highly recommended around here. I would say definitely try to get some sort of amp. even budget sub-$100 amps will work fine. the dac isn't really not essential & the sound quality differences with a dac has been very very subtle from my personal experience.
from my personal experience (tho other people may disagree), an unamped HE-400 still sounds better than most other headphones at this price point. it scales up pretty nicely with better equipment, so that's really only a plus.
Jan 28, 2014 at 8:12 PM Post #16,266 of 22,120
  Awesome, so i can do this while leaving the pleathers alone - add the vents and the padding and all that without touching the velour pads? I suppose if you wanted to you can always stick some kind of fabric with an adhesive. 

I think you meant to say "I can mod the pleathers while leaving the velours alone". To that I would say, "right".

It will definitely yield a nice improvement, and you can always switch back to the velours.
Jan 28, 2014 at 8:15 PM Post #16,267 of 22,120
  I just got offered a good deal on a pair of HE-400 but it would be my first venture into planar types.  Is it essential to need a decent Amp/Dac to enjoy them to the fullest?

I've had great luck with a bunch of different DACs. Only the ODAC can rally set itself apart from my other sources in terms of ultimate clarity and quality.
So, if you can, save your hard earned $$$$ for a good amp. For the HE-400, I would look for something that can do about 300-500 mWs @ 30-50 Ohms.
I have an O2, and the thing is awesome so I highly recommend it. The Schiit Magni is a little cheaper, and looks better, but has some drawbacks. The Fiio line is popular around here also.
The HE-400 DO scale with better equipment for the most part, so it is a good investment. Plus, it may be useful for your future phones'

Jan 29, 2014 at 12:48 PM Post #16,268 of 22,120
  Awesome, so i can do this while leaving the pleathers alone - add the vents and the padding and all that without touching the velour pads? I suppose if you wanted to you can always stick some kind of fabric with an adhesive. 

Yes, this is what I did. I just cut holes inside the pleathers and didn't bother with wrapping velour around it (or any of the other parts of the jerpad mod). 

I don't think cutting the holes adds more bass to the pleathers, but both modded and unmodded pleathers have more heft in the bass to my ears than the velours. The velours extend just as deep, but they seem much drier in the midbass. 

Use EQ if you want more bass. 
Jan 29, 2014 at 5:48 PM Post #16,274 of 22,120
I am trying to salvage the pads on these, my pads split, I have a needle and some thread, anyone who has made jergpads using sewing how do you do it to these? Make a knot at one end then just sew them together? The pad has split down the seam and I just want to re-attach it.

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