Hifiman Ananda
May 25, 2020 at 10:36 PM Post #2,042 of 4,988
Nobody says it's a "8th best headphone in the world". What is that even mean btw? Seems like marketing bullsh*t, just like you trying mock Ananda, saying even HD 600 and quite a handful other headphones clearly better than Ananda. It's meaningless.

If you don't understand, nobody mentioned Ananda is best headphone in the world here, or top 10-20-30, it's stupid, top lists always are very subjective here (if you don't stick to simple logic more expensive = better). But can we all agree Ananda for most of us is good headphone for its price? I think yes.

Sorry for my bad english.

Please read the site I quoted, they have it as the 8th best ahead of many famous/well regarded headphones which I listed (in part). Mock Ananda? I've siad it's one of the best options at its price point. I disagree however that it has totally flat treble - according to Oratory 1990's EQ chart and others that say it doesn't have a 7-10 kHz rise.

My advice: calm down and try reading the post I wrote and the one I quoted.
May 25, 2020 at 10:39 PM Post #2,043 of 4,988
Not every headpone reviewed there. It's more like 8th best headphone in the list. Actually it's the best in the list tonality wise with S= rating along with Utopia.

Yes the Utopia - a magnificent work excepting the 5 kHz bump. Not every headphone is rated but they did take on the notable cans from Senn, ZMF, Audeze, and others, and they put the Ananda in front of them.
May 25, 2020 at 10:46 PM Post #2,045 of 4,988
How do these compare with the Audeze LCD2-C in terms of sound quality?

Very different. The LCD2 is like sitting in a deep leather chair and enjoying your drink of choice. The bass is quite present with rich tone, upper mids well laid back, upper treble falls off quickly.

Ananda plays bass and goes deep, and its fast, but it isn't rich and impactful. Mids are wide open and clear, not as rich as the LCD-2. It's got a more accurate upper mid response. It does have a rise in the 7-10 kHz area which gives it a lot of that clear sound it has.

If you had both there are few music type you wouldn't be able to satisfy. But they are almost diametric from each other.
May 25, 2020 at 11:00 PM Post #2,046 of 4,988
So? This means that owner of mentioned site enjoy how Ananda sounds more than listed headphones below and prefer Ananda to them. Is this problem for you?

Does someone writing something bother my sense of fair play or justice. No.

But as example of over statement - yes - it's a fair and useful target. Since 2015 I've heard about 50 headphones and the Ananda isn't one of the top 10, and I've heard less than that publication.

The first time I heard them, I also heard: MrSpeakers Voce, HFM Shangri-La, HFM HEK v2, MrSpeakers Ether 1.1 Closed, HD-800S, and they were all better. I also heard the Xeon open and closed and liked the Ananda better than those.

The HE-6se, Susvara, Arya, HE-500 moded, HEX v2 (w/ EQ), MrSpeakers Ether 2, HD-800 w/ mods, ZMF Verite Open, LCD-3, LCD-4, LCD-4x all better.

Free country. Someone wants to say beats are the best they can do so, and should expect a lot of incoming. That's the way the site works - advice and commentary. I have as much right to denigrate those findings as he had to make them. So your attempt to what - shut me up? Seems kind of strange when you have argued for this persons rights. Does this mean at root you are an owner of Ananda's attempting to protect their value?
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May 25, 2020 at 11:42 PM Post #2,047 of 4,988
Does someone writing something bother my sense of fair play or justice. No.

But as example of over statement - yes - it's a fair and useful target. Since 2015 I've heard about 50 headphones and the Ananda isn't one of the top 10, and I've heard less than that publication.

The first time I heard them, I also heard: MrSpeakers Voce, HFM Shangri-La, HFM HEK v2, MrSpeakers Ether 1.1 Closed, HD-800S, and they were all better. I also heard the Xeon open and closed and liked the Ananda better than those.

The HE-6se, Susvara, Arya, HE-500 moded, HEX v2 (w/ EQ), MrSpeakers Ether 2, HD-800 w/ mods, ZMF Verite Open, LCD-3, LCD-4, LCD-4x all better.

Free country. Someone wants to say beats are the best they can do so, and should expect a lot of incoming. That's the way the site works - advice and commentary. I have as much right to denigrate those findings as he had to make them. So your attempt to what - shut me up? Seems kind of strange when you have argued for this persons rights. Does this mean at root you are an owner of Ananda's attempting to protect their value?
I'm not protecting anything, especially if it's just pair headphones which I can comfortably afford (if not, and I need to convince myself it was worth it, I'm not buying it). But it's just looks kinda funny to see you in this thread commenting every complimentary opinions (especially if it's involve comparisons) of Ananda just to say they are not even in yours top 10, cause it's free country!:dt880smile:.
My advice here, in this hobby there's no such thing like justice to protect like you see it. Because headphones isn't like computers, where you can measure it and numbers says you all, what's objectively better. It's more like ice creams, some like vanilla, some like stawberry, warm, bright, you know. Relax and just enjoy your headphones, there is no justice in this world. If you feeling fighting for justice, you may consider becoming president, I'd vote for you =).
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May 26, 2020 at 8:10 AM Post #2,048 of 4,988
Yes the Utopia - a magnificent work excepting the 5 kHz bump. Not every headphone is rated but they did take on the notable cans from Senn, ZMF, Audeze, and others, and they put the Ananda in front of them.
Yeah i agree Ananda in front of them. Audeze and Senn HD800 tunings are worse. HD6x0 series headphones not even comparable to Ananda. Even Sundara mops them.
May 26, 2020 at 8:23 AM Post #2,049 of 4,988
I'm not protecting anything, especially if it's just pair headphones which I can comfortably afford (if not, and I need to convince myself it was worth it, I'm not buying it). But it's just looks kinda funny to see you in this thread commenting every complimentary opinions (especially if it's involve comparisons) of Ananda just to say they are not even in yours top 10, cause it's free country!

I have not countered every positive comment in this thread. Just yesterday I said they are among the very best choices at the price range, but they are not perfect. This thread isn't the "fan boy Ananda" thread with no critical comments allowed. Feet of clay as has been seen here and other threads makes one wonder what happened to objectivity? I've critiqued or ripped every headphone I have bought, and even the ones I still have - but I've also offered mods and counter comments to help people that read my stuff have an idea of what's what.
May 26, 2020 at 8:37 AM Post #2,050 of 4,988
Yeah i agree Ananda in front of them. Audeze and Senn HD800 tunings are worse. HD6x0 series headphones not even comparable to Ananda. Even Sundara mops them.

I can go along to some extent, but with classical music, the HD-600 has a more true midrange sound than the Ananda. As much of a fan as I am of HFM, not one of their cans under $4k can do a solo piano from top to bottom as well as the HD-600. Also, instruments that have the 2nd or 3rd harmonic in the 7-10 kHz range, are too bright. Ananda is to me more of a pop, rock type can. BTW, do you agree the Ananda bass lacks impact? The HEX v2 and Ananda are similar in that way - quick, deep down to under 20 Hz, but soft on the impact.

My critique doesn't mean the Ananda's are very good for the price. But any reviewer that has them and Utopia on top is not sensitive to treble brightness. Even the Arya has a little too much going on in the treble, and they are highly ranked by the same reviewer(s).
May 26, 2020 at 8:47 AM Post #2,051 of 4,988
I can go along to some extent, but with classical music, the HD-600 has a more true midrange sound than the Ananda. As much of a fan as I am of HFM, not one of their cans under $4k can do a solo piano from top to bottom as well as the HD-600. Also, instruments that have the 2nd or 3rd harmonic in the 7-10 kHz range, are too bright. Ananda is to me more of a pop, rock type can. BTW, do you agree the Ananda bass lacks impact? The HEX v2 and Ananda are similar in that way - quick, deep down to under 20 Hz, but soft on the impact.

My critique doesn't mean the Ananda's are very good for the price. But any reviewer that has them and Utopia on top is not sensitive to treble brightness. Even the Arya has a little too much going on in the treble, and they are highly ranked by the same reviewer(s).
The Ananda sure has softer impacts than the old generations HFM.

I would choose HD600 any time due to that midrange tonality than Ananda, let alone Sundara. But they have different strengths in the end.

I liken the HD600 to fine tea and the Ananda (and many other planars actually) to soft drinks. Most people will choose soft drinks over tea, as they give instant gratification. Only with time (and the correct gears), we can appreciate the fine tea.

Audeze and Senn HD800 tunings are worse.
Yeah, that's the thing about the HD800. Gotta fix the tuning. But once you "fix" it, to me, it is difficult to beat. I probably can get something that presents something different, but not better.

Tried a lot of expensive headphones, it is ironic that no matter what, I always come back to the ones I started with. HD800/HD600/HD650.
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May 26, 2020 at 8:49 AM Post #2,052 of 4,988
Reading all crinacles ratings and comments it is easy to understand that he likes bright - neutral headphones - iems easy to impress on first listen (I doubt if he ever bothers to give in depth listening) with a lot of detail event if it is fake and he doesn't care much about tonality and timbre.
Focal Utopia is the best headphone?!!!!
What else are we going to read...
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May 26, 2020 at 9:19 AM Post #2,053 of 4,988
For the music I listen to most (electronic) the Ananda sounds wonderful with plenty of detail and a signature that is just so pleasing to the ears. I kick up the bass about 2dB on the Loki just for that little extra pop and I'm set.

I've had quite a few headphones over the years and listened to many others and the Ananda is right up there with some of the best I've ever heard as far as tonality goes. They aren't perfect (what headphone really is) but they get as close as some of the best do and cost much less than most that can do what they do.

All this talk about the HD600 makes me miss mine as they were my first truly good pair of headphones, I think I'm going to have to get a pair again in the near future.
May 26, 2020 at 9:24 AM Post #2,054 of 4,988
I must say that I am super happy with my Ananda so far :)
Really nice upgrade over all the headphones I had so far and I guess it will be hard to find something better for the money (new at least).
I had problems with the treble peak of some Beyerdynamic headphones before and the Ananda is just right for me in that region (not annoying over time etc. - I can use them for long hours).
Some posts in here I see as quite the overdramatization :wink:
May 26, 2020 at 12:07 PM Post #2,055 of 4,988
The Ananda is the best headphone money can buy and you won't find anything better even if you spend $10,000. 😏

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