Hifiman 801 Appreciation thread
Sep 30, 2009 at 7:26 PM Post #16 of 552
I actually agree with not posting a full review. From a manufacturer's perspective, the product itself is not fully finalized yet. If a prototype is not yet finished, with the number of possible faults and bugs that can be quashed out before the finalized product, and a full review is done with those bugs in place, it can easily cast a negative light on a product, and by the time it's released to the general public, it's already dug its own grave.

Maybe general impressions of the product could be discussed, but the manufacturer should at least have a chance to rectify any if all of a prototype's flaws before the final version is released.
Sep 30, 2009 at 7:45 PM Post #17 of 552
All fair enough but again the main intention and reason I ever got the unit in the first place was to have it reviwed by magazines in which case it does not make much sense to send a unit that it is not felt will stand up to review and show a fair picture of the product. But life is too short to keep carrying grudges so I will not comment any further on this, it is now in the past.
Sep 30, 2009 at 7:46 PM Post #18 of 552

Originally Posted by nc8000 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
All fair enough but again the main intention and reason I ever got the unit in the first place was to have it reviwed by magazines in which case it does not make much sense to send a unit that it is not felt will stand up to review and show a fair picture of the product. But life is too short to keep carrying grudges so I will not comment any further on this, it is now in the past.

Ah, sorry, re-read your post about it. Kind of odd to send a prototype to do a full review on.
Sep 30, 2009 at 8:52 PM Post #20 of 552

Originally Posted by nc8000 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
All fair enough but again the main intention and reason I ever got the unit in the first place was to have it reviwed by magazines in which case it does not make much sense to send a unit that it is not felt will stand up to review and show a fair picture of the product. But life is too short to keep carrying grudges so I will not comment any further on this, it is now in the past.

As I said before, we will be able to upgrade the firmware and solve those problems after the meet.
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Sep 30, 2009 at 11:57 PM Post #21 of 552
This thread does not deliver. Nonetheless I will subscribe in hopes that it will soon.
Oct 1, 2009 at 12:17 AM Post #22 of 552

Originally Posted by nc8000 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
All fair enough but again the main intention and reason I ever got the unit in the first place was to have it reviwed by magazines in which case it does not make much sense to send a unit that it is not felt will stand up to review and show a fair picture of the product. But life is too short to keep carrying grudges so I will not comment any further on this, it is now in the past.

how old r you my friend ? its not like you getting younger yesterday so why did you do what you did ?

lets start from your point of view and how i read it ?

so u host the denmark meet and you put in lots of hard work to organise and even let people know that hifiman is coming to your party and got every one excited then you put in your completely professional and fair judgement to review the (prototype) hifiman 801.
then u have to take it off and felt completely embarrassed and also felt your effort in reviewing the unit wasn't appreciated and on top of that you worry that your reputation is damaged since this became public known while also disappointed people you told that hifiman will show up? i think this pretty much sums up from what you told us but dont mind u tell us more.

this is like a person who host a party and then tell every one that some popular guy will show up and every one is excited then the guy later decide not to show up and you got mad and felt embarrassed to people who attending and u decide forever abandoned the guy?(at least you didnt attack the guy in public or etc)

have you think about the view from the guy ? he promised to attend as you requested and he did so but clearly he does not want the un-necessary attention perhaps he's not fully prepare ?( try paparazzi shooting stars getting off airplane completely un-prepare and no make up on and u will know why they act mad ? you wanna shoot my pics fine, let me prepare, ready and finalize my look so i can present the best and not like people only remember and talk about my worst moment let alone that their r people who just enjoy attacking other people and never live up to the standard to have non bias view like professional news reporter or megazine reviewer ? )

the guy value your friendship and trust you so he attend and dont mind entertain you and be your company but u forgon his privacy request and make him very un-comfortable ? who's really hurting here ? also whats wrong that he likes to make friends to the only few he knew is coming ? that's his own will isnt it ? if you r going to host a party shouldnt the host priority is to make sure every one have great time ? instead of forcing your popular friend to sign autograph or take pics with every single stranger because that make you feel popular too ??

the point is u requested fang to send a unit and he agree since he believe this will help to let more people hear hifiman especially the audio magazine and help the sales ( which ironically un-necessary as the production speed will not catch up with the demand to begin with any way, but no publicity is bad publicity let alone the good one)

he dont mind you enjoy the company and have fun with the unit at all and only hope you being a good host to introduce hifiman to people but bear in mind that it's not finalized yet and really dont want too much un-necessary attention as it's just all too much trouble to explain and correct later on ~

but you got excited and jump the gun decide to go with your will to write a review because you believe you have fair judgement and non bias view etc ? who really betray the trust here ?? r u ? or fang ? its like strip off some one and comment about the person dis-regard the person's will or without agreement.

if you didnt jump the gun and done things that was not expected and just ensure every one have great time listen to hifiman and have a great party then all is good~ every one is happy ! you r happy and attender is happy and fang is happy! after all you got the unit already and fang shows his trust to you 1st but you just have to ruin every thing ?

sorry i m being so brutal and bloody honest but this is how it is .

if today i m a manufacturer or happen to be management of IT company and i trust my friend to send him a unit of prototype of new products which is not ready yet, i dont mind he enjoy it and be the 1st to play with it or perhaps even show his family since i cant really control him but i trust him~ how ever i know there is a risk that i can't control his family or his friends since i dont trust them or know them yet ? but then my friend surprisingly make it public and now i risk losing my job or even to other competitors and this might completely destroy my marketing plan or sales plan etc so who really betray the trust here ?? and then my friend come back and stab me on my back saying the friendship is over and he will not be my friend any more ??

do i need to go any further and brutal ?? i think the msg is clear unless you got more to defend yourself ?
Oct 1, 2009 at 1:07 AM Post #23 of 552
wow, this thread needs some positive energy! I'll start with some optimism:

I eagerly await my 801!!! I had the pleasure of hearing the unit at the NJ meet. So enjoyable was it, that I have since sold my H120+sysconcept+D10
Oct 1, 2009 at 1:49 AM Post #25 of 552

Originally Posted by testrichard /img/forum/go_quote.gif
how old r you my friend ? its not like you getting younger yesterday so why did you do what you did ?

lets start from your point of view and how i read it ?


do i need to go any further and brutal ?? i think the msg is clear unless you got more to defend yourself ?

Seriously What?
Oct 1, 2009 at 2:09 AM Post #28 of 552

Originally Posted by El_Doug /img/forum/go_quote.gif
are you guys TRYING to get the thread locked before anyone even receives the product?

nope thats not my intension and i m sorry but if read my post and in third person view i think my comment is fair !

i m actually not a blind follower or support as i dont follow any celebrity or star at all, i m to the opposite but when i respect some one i paid my high respect and trust me if i dont like some thing i said it just like i did! because i paid for it and i didnt get any benefit for supporting Nankai.

Nankai has been in Audio for long time, start in chinese audio forum ages ago and too same style and principle like here but perhaps for some reason he left there may be due to too much attacks etc ( u know, some times new comer make comments against or target you and soon u just dont bother to get involve any more, thats rumor why though )

any way, i just dont think its fair to Nankai from what i read so i post what i think.

i dont have lots of posting on my shoulder so i dont need to worry about my reputation but that does not mean i dont responsible to what i said or what i wrote . i still live with my own principle and thats be honest to myself and said it like it is.

if this kind of thing happen frequently who's gonna trust some one and send their gears/products to some one for review or for the purpose of meet ?? how do i know if you not going to turn around and against me (not in this case i have to clearify) perhaps even tear apart and copy the intellectual or even sell it ?

or make orders base on trust? Headfi is a community and base on trust for every one who loves music and enjoy others company ~
Oct 1, 2009 at 2:10 AM Post #29 of 552

Originally Posted by El_Doug /img/forum/go_quote.gif
wow, this thread needs some positive energy! I'll start with some optimism:

I eagerly await my 801!!! I had the pleasure of hearing the unit at the NJ meet. So enjoyable was it, that I have since sold my H120+sysconcept+D10

Sounds like quite a bold move. That was a nice piece of kit you had there.

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