Heed CanAmp
Mar 14, 2007 at 10:17 AM Post #1,186 of 2,784
Hello everybody, after reading the whole thread I contacted the swiss distributor of Heed and I ordered a CanAmp for my K701's. I was very happy to discover that they have them on stock here
so I'll get it in a couple of days. But the real info I wanted to share is another one: they told me that there will be a price raise in april. As of now, it costs 490 CHF here.

happy listening.
Mar 14, 2007 at 11:12 AM Post #1,187 of 2,784

Originally Posted by lugano /img/forum/go_quote.gif
But the real info I wanted to share is another one: they told me that there will be a price raise in april. As of now, it costs 490 CHF here.

I assume that this raise is specific only to Switzerland. 490 CHF is 305 EURO, and the list price for most of Europe has been steady at 350 EURO for awhile now.
Mar 14, 2007 at 1:38 PM Post #1,189 of 2,784
after listening to my canamp for a bit that's been cooking all day i really must say that i feel the canamp is damn good value for money

for once i'm quite confident to say that the upgrade from headfive to canamp upgrade didn't suffer from diminishing returns

it almost seems like the cost of the canamp over the headfive is lesser than the improvement in sound quality

i don't know, i might be crazy but maybe, just possible my desire to upgrade has been completely satisfied. until i am spoiled/defiled by hearing a better amp that is as good as it is more expensive i don't think i will ever part with my canamp

as for this whole burn in thing, i think maybe the fact that i replaced just about all the parts on my canamp with better/different parts perhaps they're more stable and aren't affected by burn in as much, i don't know

but if there's one thing i can say has changed is that the whole sound seems a bit more uniformed. kinda hard to explain, but when i just got the thing it sounded like highs, mids and bass had their places and in between there was a gap in the sound, but now it is one big picture that has no gaps in between just continuous flow of music

bad illustration i know - no good with audio lingo, but that's sort of what i'm trying to say, sort of like the whole thing is gelling together and i am listening to a whole amp, and not just its individual parts/circuits???

ok i'll stop
Mar 14, 2007 at 1:38 PM Post #1,190 of 2,784
Excuse me ..firing...
I noticed that my sentences were Terrible.
Because it thought my enumeration of those tunes to be famous.
And, I like those tunes.
I am not because I always listen to rock music.
However, I am unpleasant in becoming of the stimulation sound of
those tunes the complete softness.

I do not worry about abuse because I are usually writing in the forum
of a bad environment.
Thank you for worrying.
Mar 14, 2007 at 2:57 PM Post #1,191 of 2,784

Originally Posted by dw6928 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Carlosgp, you know you would hear from me.

Yep, I knew it
. I will try to comment further to the extent of my capabilities with the english language.


Originally Posted by dw6928 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I am really confused by your analysis of the Microdac/Heed/701 combination. I find that the Heed smooths out exactly what you find objectionable and is both lucid and true when it comes to cymbal and higher registers.

Yes, this is why I decided to intervene as soon as I had an opinion more or less formed. This is not what my ears are hearing: cymbals sound somewhat strange to me. But not only cymbals. I find the plugging of the strings in a guitar spectacular and impactful, but a little metalic and not fully convincing. I enjoy this for a while (it has a lot of wow factor), but it bugs me at the same time. I usually end a little fatigued by this effect.


Originally Posted by dw6928 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
What kind of ICs are you using? That is really the only salient difference we both have.

I am using a Kimber Mini to RCA. But we are using a different pair of ears too


Originally Posted by dw6928 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
To my ears, the 701s favor the Heed more than any other amp I have thrown at it. I just borrowed a V3 amp (PinkFloyd modded) and it was not up to the task as is the Heed. The highs were well rounded but not expansive. Please spend a little more time with me on this so that I may understand your objections. You are the first I have encountered that hears this from the Heed/701

Probably this is a sensibility I have to certain kind of highs. Maybe other people with similar sensibility may found my comments useful. But I think is more related to the K701 itself than to the canamp. If you like the K701 from the beginning I suppose there may be no problem. In my case I am not even sure if I like the presentation of K701. I am still undecided

But maybe I exagerated a bit. I am still having mixed impressions about the K701 and this combo. Some days it sounds good enough, some days fine, some days very fatiguing. Maybe my brain has not made the "burn in", or maybe is my mood affecting my sensibility to high frequencies. With jazz quality recordings I usually have less problems or not at all, but with rock music the results are much worse, specially with drum kits. I can not see myself using these cans with rock music ever.

Another thing is that I am not from the "school of detailed sound" in hifi audio. I usually do not find natural this kind of equipment, and I think this may be the case with the K701 in the first place.


Originally Posted by dw6928 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Carlosgp, have you considered a cable upgrade? Drew at Moonaudio does great things with 701s and I believe it would be the solution to your objections if it is within budget.

I am afraid this is not an option. The K701 are borrowed
. By the way, thanks to picodeloro for the loan.
Mar 14, 2007 at 3:42 PM Post #1,192 of 2,784
Thanks Carlosgp, it makes more sense. I had a feeling the real issue was with the 701s and not the Heed. Our preferences are just a bit different: I like the intensity of the
strings, guitar riffs and cymbals with the AKG/Heed combo.
But as we state over and over: everything is personal taste
and perspective. I am most curious as to how my 701s will
change once I get them back from Moonaudio. I will post my
Mar 14, 2007 at 4:36 PM Post #1,193 of 2,784
Hi Per,
I send your CanAmp tomorrow from Germany by DPD. According
to previous experience, it will be with you early next

Mar 14, 2007 at 6:37 PM Post #1,195 of 2,784

Originally Posted by d-cee /img/forum/go_quote.gif
but if there's one thing i can say has changed is that the whole sound seems a bit more uniformed. kinda hard to explain, but when i just got the thing it sounded like highs, mids and bass had their places and in between there was a gap in the sound, but now it is one big picture that has no gaps in between just continuous flow of music

Makes a lot of sense to me, I've heard amps that has really good instrument separation, but the music just don't sound "together".

Perhaps you should think about modding amps as a business. Ala Pinkfloyd

Then I can include a d-cee modded canamp on my signature hehe.

I bet this thread has sold more canamps than Heed's marketing could ever hope for!
Mar 14, 2007 at 9:06 PM Post #1,197 of 2,784
man I am getting second thought now...

The elite Pro combined with my Pimeta misterX amp is just magic my god do these headphones sing out now...
Mar 14, 2007 at 10:41 PM Post #1,198 of 2,784

Originally Posted by spukee /img/forum/go_quote.gif

D-cee has the other canamp - so we'll have 2 to compare - his is fairly new as well...

Great. D-cee's is modded to the hilt, mine is stock. Great opportunity to hear how mods affect CanAmp.
Mar 14, 2007 at 10:55 PM Post #1,199 of 2,784

Originally Posted by dw6928 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
We all have Mrarroyo and Pinkfloyd, way back last summer, to thank for our Heed amps. They started the whole ball rolling

Mike (PinkFloyd) brought it to my attention and I thank him for it. Now all I have to do is fix the Beetle and then buy/mod a Heed.

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