HEDD Announces HEDDphone With AMT Technology
Jun 4, 2020 at 8:30 PM Post #2,296 of 4,489
The WA7 Fireflies, with tube power supply, is in the house. Very quiet and very hot-running. The HEDDphone midrange carries more forward, is more open and transparent, and with less perceived upper midrange sharpness in trumpet attacks on certain tracks, for example. Nice rendering of vocals. Horns and reeds have more bite. Bass is thicker, fuller, more pliable and palpable [will have to do more extensive listening to determine if this has come at the expense of a slight loss of extension]. Treble sounds less edgy, if not just a smidgeon muted, but without loss of detail. 3-D imaging is also more open and layered, but also more stable. That innate sense of "true air" that the HEDD already possesses is generally reinforced by the Woo.

Tidal Masters: The Best of Miss Peggy Lee [nice transfer]
Tidal Masters: Keely Smith: The Essential Capitol Collection

Lenovo G-50-->iFi Defender3.0-->iFi iSilencer3.0-->USB Disruptor/daBig Genius cable-->iFi iPurifier3.0-->Chord Qutest [white filter]-->DakiOm R203 Feedback Stabilizer-->Neotech UPOCC interconnects*/UPOCC power cord-->WA7 on Herbie's Gabon ebony cones* [stock Sovtek tubes, high gain setting, volume at 1:30]--> DakiOm F273 Feedback Stabilizer-->H.O.T. [Yes, I bought one.]-->4x 28 awg UPOCC silver + 4x 24 awg UPOCC copper cable-->[pant! pant!] HEDDphone.

[Swapped out the low grade Anti-Cables: good move!]
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Jun 9, 2020 at 1:29 AM Post #2,299 of 4,489
Jun 9, 2020 at 3:52 AM Post #2,300 of 4,489
Jun 9, 2020 at 4:43 PM Post #2,301 of 4,489
Can you please do something about the header bar on headphoneguru?? That thing is huge for no good reason on PC, it makes the website look like it was designed exclusively for tablets.

Yes please. On both Firefox and Edge the header takes up over one third of visible page space while scrolling an article, the site needs a redesign. Should be a simple fix.
Jun 9, 2020 at 5:43 PM Post #2,303 of 4,489
Am driving the HEDDphone, balanced, with the ecp DSHA-3F [and teknorob23 Neotech UPOCC 4x 28awg solid silver + 4x 24awg solid copper cable]. African padauk wood casing. Volume at 12:45.
Midrange is the best I have heard so far with the HEDD. Soundstage is voluminous! Detail retrieval brilliant.
Although optimized for the Focal Utopia, the DSHA-3F proves to be a great pairing with the HEDDphone.


The DSHA-3F handily bests all other amps that I have on hand.
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Jun 13, 2020 at 1:22 AM Post #2,304 of 4,489
[QUOTE = "pataburd, message: 15667289, membre: 6424"]
Je conduis le HEDDphone, équilibré, avec l'ecp DSHA-3F [et teknorob23 Neotech UPOCC 4x 28awg argent massif + 4x 24awg câble cuivre massif]. Boîtier en bois de padouk africain. Volume à 12:45.
Le médium est le meilleur que j'ai entendu jusqu'à présent avec le HEDD. La scène sonore est volumineuse! Récupération des détails brillante.
Bien qu'optimisé pour la Focal Utopia, le DSHA-3F s'avère être un excellent appariement avec le HEDDphone.

Jun 13, 2020 at 7:50 PM Post #2,307 of 4,489
I received these 5 days ago have spent a lot of time with them. I will say my neck muscles haven’t sufficiently toughened up yet. They are not uncomfortable, but I do notice the strain after hours of listening. But what listening!

I’ve compared to my other headphones (HD6xx, Focal Elex, DCA A2C, HifiMan HE6 and evening Omega SAM speakers) and universally what I find is that the Heddphone delivers more. There may be features of the other headphones that are specifically more appealing (like vocals on the HE6), but invariably they are lacking. Other headphones are like the tip of the iceberg, while the Heddphone delivers all the music and detail, but not in a specific specialized way. It’s all the music in a musical, natural way, as if you were there (and in the front row).

The detail is fantastic and complete, so it’s not like some headphones that emphasize a certain range and so you feel like you are hearing new things. You are instead hearing everything. Using the Chord TT2, which has plenty of power SE but also can be used balanced (I haven’t used this enough, but may offer a slight improvement), the sound is ultra clean, transparent, detailed, and natural. The closest comparison would be the Omegas.

I also tried them briefly with the Cavalli Liquid Carbon, which also has enough power balanced to drive them, and it reminds me why I really like the sound of that amp.

I feel these could be end-game, as review of even other flagship headphones seem to emphasize one aspect of the sound or another, and not as much the whole cloth sound I feel the Heddphone provide. But, future auditions of other gear may change that impression.
Jun 13, 2020 at 7:54 PM Post #2,308 of 4,489
Thank you for your listening briefs.
The HEDDphone deserve a wider listening and appreciation on these forums.
Yes. They are some of the most "complete"-sounding headphones currently available.
[Recently sold the HE-1000se, but kept the HEDDphone.]
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Jun 14, 2020 at 3:09 AM Post #2,309 of 4,489
I received my Heddphone a bit more than one month now, I am really enjoying it every day many hours.
But for one week, I am trying some Parametric EQ I found on the AutoEQ forum, and surely the Heddphone sounds richer with some corrections under 50hz and around 6Khz, which makes me difficult to go back without EQ (with instant A/B comparison).
I own a Minidsp Ears, and I will probably measure mine soon or late and adjust some high frequencies to a bit less (I am waiting for my next portable DAC/AMP).
Based on the actual AutoEQ parameters, EQ pushes an amazing amount of details in high frequencies, that I could hardly detect so clearly with no EQ.... But, I love also the natural sound of the heddphone as it is, even with the significant 6Khz hole and a bit too short under 50Hz.

Anyway with USB Player pro and Neutron player, I can enjoy the heddphone perfectly with the THX887 amp and M500DAC, and I am hoping soon to get a good portable amp with the future CENTRANCE M8 V2.
I use a PAS3+ (2W)and a Xduuo X05 plus (1W) which are just a bit falling short in low frequencies compared to the THX 887.
I am hoping that the future M8V2 will really be able to provide till 20V in peaks as announced by some testers to be totally free to move at home with my Heddphone and Fiio M11.
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Jun 14, 2020 at 3:23 AM Post #2,310 of 4,489
I don't know if you know this test yet. It is very short, but the diagrams are still interesting.

Yes, I'm still deciding whether to buy or not. The weight is really deterring me. The sound of what you read would really excite me! But that insane weight!


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