HEDD Announces HEDDphone With AMT Technology
Dec 25, 2023 at 8:05 PM Post #4,381 of 4,513
What is the technical ability of the HEDD 2 compared to the other TOTL cans? I have the Audeze LCD 4, HESKE and I am very intrigued by this headphone as I have read a lot of glowing reviews.

People say it has amazing price to performance technical ability with HD600 vocals?
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Dec 26, 2023 at 11:57 AM Post #4,382 of 4,513
What is the technical ability of the HEDD 2 compared to the other TOTL cans? I have the Audeze LCD 4, HESKE and I am very intrigued by this headphone as I have read a lot of glowing reviews.

People say it has amazing price to performance technical ability with HD600 vocals?
i'm wondering too

i tried Monolith AMT for like a day
if someone could recommend if Monolith is on par if you EQ it
phone EQ apps don't seem to apply EQ very heavily

Hedd 2 has nicer suspension straps but faux leather earpads
they'll probably be at Canjam, but maybe not the Monolith

i wanna see if anything else has that kinda bass and detail
i have Ananda, Elegia, lcd-xc, hd800s
i might try hd6xx or even some ZMF for vocals like a closed back such as Verite Closed

HESKE and LCD4 might be nice to try
lot of people mention Empyrean and i read some reviews comparing the Heddphone
Dec 27, 2023 at 11:29 AM Post #4,383 of 4,513
I have tried to look at every review I can on the HEDD TWO. There is one superb review. The remaining are "it is a reasonably decent headphone" to " it is not a very good headphone". A lot of negitive reviews.

I loved the ONE. Would someone who loved the one hate the TWO? How different could it be?
I got the TWO and for an hour or so thought I preferred the ONE (which is my favorite HP). They present music quite differently.

But now I prefer the TWO by a lot. If you don't listen for frequency bands but just sit back and listen to how it presents the music, there's a coherence that's really addictive.
Dec 27, 2023 at 1:36 PM Post #4,384 of 4,513
People say it has amazing price to performance technical ability with HD600 vocals?

In a rough way, yes i agree with that statement. Rich micro detail, "clean cut" decay, very agile, and yet still sound smooth, no annoying peak through all spectrum. Not as forgiving as some other headphones in this price range, but I guess that's AMT's character.

HE1000SE provide more "audiophile wow effect", airier high, sweeter vocal, very clean sound. HEDD V2 is more like studio monitor with its neutral, smooth, less coloration here and there. HE1000SE is among the smoothest sounding of Hifiman headphones, but personally I prefer fuller body and more neutral approach of HEDD V2.
Dec 27, 2023 at 1:51 PM Post #4,385 of 4,513
In a rough way, yes i agree with that statement. Rich micro detail, "clean cut" decay, very agile, and yet still sound smooth, no annoying peak through all spectrum. Not as forgiving as some other headphones in this price range, but I guess that's AMT's character.

HE1000SE provide more "audiophile wow effect", airier high, sweeter vocal, very clean sound. HEDD V2 is more like studio monitor with its neutral, smooth, less coloration here and there. HE1000SE is among the smoothest sounding of Hifiman headphones, but personally I prefer fuller body and more neutral approach of HEDD V2.
does v2 mean the Heddphone TWO or isn't there some v2 of the original...

see this

Monolith AMT isn't gonna be at Canjam, so unless i had kept mine i probably can't compare these side by side
i might try hekSE and some ZMF though, not sure what else
if AMT is something special i might focus on that or wait till more are available or price
the bass on Monolith was heavy. i didn't make much notes about it in that short time.
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Dec 27, 2023 at 1:59 PM Post #4,386 of 4,513
does v2 mean the Heddphone TWO or isn't there some v2 of the original...

see this

Monolith AMT isn't gonna be at Canjam, so unless i had kept mine i probably can't compare these side by side
i might try hekSE and some ZMF though, not sure what else
if AMT is something special i might focus on that or wait till more are available or price
the bass on Monolith was heavy. i didn't make much notes about it in that short time.

Well yeah I should wrote it HEDD Two.
Dec 27, 2023 at 3:46 PM Post #4,387 of 4,513
I got the TWO and for an hour or so thought I preferred the ONE (which is my favorite HP). They present music quite differently.

But now I prefer the TWO by a lot. If you don't listen for frequency bands but just sit back and listen to how it presents the music, there's a coherence that's really addictive.
i'm wondering then for more critical listening
if the Monolith and TWO aren't as evenly spread in some frequency...but the coloring or tone, tuning or whatever on the TWO seems i should consider it
nice build design
ok so TheMiddleSky is comparing to hekSE though, to the TWO...
FunkyBassMan is comparing both HEDD. And is it safe to say among the 3 AMT cans the v1 is best neutral for critical? or whats the word for not missing frequencies...most balanced or 'full' in the sense of range

i'll hopefully be back after Canjam then
i just want that bass i guess at least

if TWO has the detail itself, bass, and some shaped curve might actually be great (for my case)
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Jan 3, 2024 at 9:13 AM Post #4,390 of 4,513
Jan 4, 2024 at 12:41 PM Post #4,393 of 4,513
Jan 5, 2024 at 8:42 PM Post #4,395 of 4,513

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