HEDD Announces HEDDphone With AMT Technology
Jan 13, 2024 at 2:18 PM Post #4,411 of 4,513
Our review of the HEDDphone Two is now posted with comparisons to the OG, Arya Stealth, MM-500, and the new DCA E3. :)


Thank you for posting the review.

Sounds like the design path between HEDDphone One and Two is somewhat similar to that between Clear OG and MG: darker, smoother and more midrange-centric but retaining detail.

However, those Clear MG design changes further develop/enrich/deepen the [OG's] bass response, while the HEDDphone Two changes have reportedly trimmed off the deep bass [which, for mixing purposes, would make sense].

Personally, I could not quite adjust to the presentation of the Clear MG. Notwithstanding, I would [very much] like to hear the HEDDphone Two [sans EQ] but suspect that I might still prefer the One.

Honestly, I wouldn't mind a second go-round with the MG, either [it's been over two years since I first (and last) heard them]. Since, as I am wont to discover--especially as I age within the context of this "hobby", anything can happen.
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Jan 15, 2024 at 3:02 AM Post #4,412 of 4,513
Jan 15, 2024 at 7:14 PM Post #4,413 of 4,513
Anyone tried the HEDDphone 2 with Chord TT2? How hard does it need driving to achieve realistic sound levels with this Amp? A volume number from the TT2 would be good here. Also is the TT2 a good sonic match with the HEDDphone 2?
I never heard the HEDDphone 1 with the TT2 but one review said it paired better with a valve amp.
Jan 17, 2024 at 6:14 AM Post #4,414 of 4,513
Do you recall which valve amp(s) the review cited?
I actually prefer(red) the HEDDphone One with solid state amplification, although my present-day options are comparatively limited.

The first time I owned the HEDDphone One, I ultimately drove them from the speaker outputs of a Jeff Rowland Model 2 [75wpc] power amp.

This time around, after downsizing, I have the SMSL SP400 [SS], Hagerman Tuba [hybrid] and Schiit LYR+ [hybrid or (pure) SS].

>The (made in China) SP400 [6W/32ohms balanced; 3W/32ohms single-ended] does very well with the One in terms of (a) providing ample power and (b) further enabling the HEDD One to sound their best.

>The (made in U.S.A.) Schiit LYR+ [6W/32 ohms in both balanced and single-ended modes] does well but just doesn't seem to have the headroom that the SMSL offers [e.g. the spaciousness and 3-dimensionality, typical to the LYR+, do not properly develop through the HEDD One].

>I have yet to try the (made in U.S.A.) Hagerman Tuba. At 0.35W/32ohms, single-ended only . . . I don't expect much--but I've been surprised before, so who knows until I give it a try(?).

Am planning to get a (made in Germany) Violectric HPA v550 (Pro) [4.7W/32ohms] and [hopefully] take a sustained rest from amp-matching the (also made in Germany) HEDD One.

So Gott will.


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Jan 17, 2024 at 7:47 AM Post #4,415 of 4,513
Do you recall which valve amp(s) the review cited?
I actually prefer(red) the HEDDphone One with solid state amplification, although my present-day options are limited.

The first time I owned the HEDDphone One, I ultimately drove them from the speaker outputs of a Jeff Rowland Model 2 [75wpc] power amp.

This time around, I have the SMSL SP400 [SS], Hagerman Tuba [hybrid] and Schiit LYR+ [hybrid or (pure) SS].

>The (made in China) SP400 [6W/32ohms balanced; 3W/32ohms single-ended] does very well with the One in terms of both providing ample power and the HEDD One sounding their best.

>The (made in U.S.A.) Schiit LYR+ [6W/32 ohms in both balanced and single-ended modes] does well but just doesn't seem to have the headroom that the SMSL offers [e.g. the spaciousness and 3-dimensionality, typical to the LYR+, do not properly develop through the HEDD One].

>I have yet to try the (made in U.S.A.) Hagerman Tuba. At 0.35W/32ohms, single-ended only . . . I don't expect much--but I've been surprised before, so who knows until I give it a try(?).

Am planning to get a (made in Germany) Violectric HPA v550 (Pro) [4.7W/32ohms] and [hopefully] take a sustained rest from amp-matching the (also made in Germany) HEDD One.

So Gott will.


Talking about made in Germany, my Zahl HM1 is an absolutely divine solid state pairing with the HEDDphone 1.
The analog EQ is also very nice, being able to subtly turn up the subbass or tone down the treble a bit for crunchy recordings is a godsend. The stereo base widening does very little for the HEDDs since they already sound absurdly wide, but I actually often dial the stereo base down to make them a bit more intimate.

Not that it's a buy recommendation since it's prohibitely expensive but if you ever get the chance to audition I would urge you to do so!
Jan 17, 2024 at 8:12 AM Post #4,416 of 4,513
Talking about made in Germany, my Zahl HM1 is an absolutely divine solid-state pairing with the HEDDphone 1.
The analog EQ is also very nice, being able to subtly turn up the subbass or tone down the treble a bit for crunchy recordings is a godsend. The stereo base widening does very little for the HEDDs since they already sound absurdly wide, but I actually often dial the stereo base down to make them a bit more intimate.

Not that it's a buy recommendation since it's prohibitively expensive but if you ever get the chance to audition, I would urge you to do so!
I feel content already--just looking at the Zahl!!
Meanwhile, I am attempting to visualize a suitable system built around the HM1 . . .

[Nu ben ik aan het dromen.]

(@plumpudding2 I am also curious about the origins of your head-fi moniker.)
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Jan 17, 2024 at 8:41 AM Post #4,417 of 4,513
I feel content already--just looking at the Zahl!!
Meanwhile, I am attempting to visualize a suitable system built around the HM1 . . .

[Nu ben ik aan het dromen.]

(@plumpudding2 I am also curious about the origins of your head-fi moniker.)
It is a beautiful piece of equipment indeed.
I see you speak the Dutch language already, if you're ever in the country send me a PM and we can arrange a listening session :o2smile:

On the origin of my moniker: As a 12 year old boy I had no idea that the Runescape username I chose that day would become my go-to moniker for every online platform the following decades lol :sweat_smile:

Anyways to keep this post slightly on topic, the HEDDphone has for me a truly unmatched speaker-like subbass presentation I have yet to experience from any other headphone! (Stealth and Susvara get close but not quite there, Abyss 1266 is still on the to-audition list)
Jan 17, 2024 at 8:57 AM Post #4,418 of 4,513
. . .
I see you speak the Dutch language already, if you're ever in the country send me a PM and we can arrange a listening session :o2smile:
No. BLUSH. Microsoft Translator [GULP]. [I'm analogously a dummy.]
RE: What happens on this thread stays on this thread.
Although I did have an affinity for German when I was younger [chiefly when listening to Bach kantaten].
Being a xenophile I have always wanted to learn another language and be immersed in that language's host culture. But, alas! I am also [and primarily] Amerikaner.
Enough said. :blush:
On the origin of my moniker: As a 12 year old boy I had no idea that the Runescape username I chose that day would become my go-to moniker for every online platform the following decades lol :sweat_smile:
Thank you! [I didn't even know there was a Runescape until reading your reply.] Have you met plumpudding1?
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Jan 17, 2024 at 10:23 AM Post #4,419 of 4,513
Do you recall which valve amp(s) the review cited?
I actually prefer(red) the HEDDphone One with solid state amplification, although my present-day options are comparatively limited.

The first time I owned the HEDDphone One, I ultimately drove them from the speaker outputs of a Jeff Rowland Model 2 [75wpc] power amp.

This time around, after downsizing, I have the SMSL SP400 [SS], Hagerman Tuba [hybrid] and Schiit LYR+ [hybrid or (pure) SS].

>The (made in China) SP400 [6W/32ohms balanced; 3W/32ohms single-ended] does very well with the One in terms of (a) providing ample power and (b) further enabling the HEDD One to sound their best.

>The (made in U.S.A.) Schiit LYR+ [6W/32 ohms in both balanced and single-ended modes] does well but just doesn't seem to have the headroom that the SMSL offers [e.g. the spaciousness and 3-dimensionality, typical to the LYR+, do not properly develop through the HEDD One].

>I have yet to try the (made in U.S.A.) Hagerman Tuba. At 0.35W/32ohms, single-ended only . . . I don't expect much--but I've been surprised before, so who knows until I give it a try(?).

Am planning to get a (made in Germany) Violectric HPA v550 (Pro) [4.7W/32ohms] and [hopefully] take a sustained rest from amp-matching the (also made in Germany) HEDD One.

So Gott will.


Hi, when I looked up the review, which was in Headfonics: https://headfonics.com/hedd-audio-heddphone-review/, I realised that the author had said he preferred the HEDDs with 'definitely a warm and sweet analog amp' (rather than valve amps per se) over anything sterile or dry. He was referring to the DCS Bartok and the valve amp: Monolith Liquid Platinum. He said (they)' brought some welcome body and smoothness to the table that I much preferred over the more precise but neutral Chord TT2.'
Jan 17, 2024 at 10:49 AM Post #4,420 of 4,513
Meanwhile, I am attempting to visualize a suitable system built around the HM1 . . .
T+A DAC200 -> Zähl HM1 -> HEDDphone

Looks solid to me
Jan 19, 2024 at 3:00 AM Post #4,422 of 4,513
Talking about made in Germany, my Zahl HM1 is an absolutely divine solid state pairing with the HEDDphone 1.
The analog EQ is also very nice, being able to subtly turn up the subbass or tone down the treble a bit for crunchy recordings is a godsend. The stereo base widening does very little for the HEDDs since they already sound absurdly wide, but I actually often dial the stereo base down to make them a bit more intimate.

Not that it's a buy recommendation since it's prohibitely expensive but if you ever get the chance to audition I would urge you to do so!
Agreed, the shelving EQs on the Zaehl are incredibly smooth and musical. We are lucky to have an early Zaehl HM1 in our company.
Jan 19, 2024 at 11:02 AM Post #4,424 of 4,513
I just got a pair of the HEDDphone 2s, and can report some initial positive reactions. I immediately liked them a lot. My previous favorite headphone has been the Monoprice AMT (equalized), but this new HEDDphone beats it by quite a bit (as it should considering the price difference). The superiority of the HEDDphone 2 is a little subtle but once I identified the factors they really stood out. The main difference is in the soundstage - the HEDDphone has a considerably more three dimensional holographic outside the head sound field. It is as if noise and distortion are reduced by quite a bit revealing deeper layers in the recordings. And high frequencies are even more natural, seeming to be perfectly integrated with the lower treble and upper midrange rather than standing out slightly unnaturally.

The main downside so far appears to be the sensitivity, which is kind of low; by ear I estimate it as 2-3 dB lower than the AMT, apparently putting the HEDDphone 2 at around 87-88 dB/1 mw. These things do seem to need a lot of power. My Sparkos Labs Aries works OK with them but is not optimal, with a max output of about 3 w. This was plenty for the AMTs. A minor issue is comfort level, which isn't quite as good as the AMT due to the earcups being a little small for my ears.
I also have a hedd 2 and a sparkos labs aries, but I don't lack volume, at the first gain level I can't push beyond -5db, the balanced input connected to the Merging Nadac which provides a higher gain certainly helps.Nothing to say about the sound, after 300 hours of burn-in the headphones put an extra gear in every parameter.On the other hand, I found the headband to be very rigid with strong pressure on the ears, but I left the headphones with a rigid cushion, and the pressure was greatly reduced, now it is much more comfortable, but the ears fit perfectly inside the pads.
Jan 19, 2024 at 8:10 PM Post #4,425 of 4,513
The HEDDphone One are, once more, easily my favorites. While listening with them I'm not waiting for "something to happen" or noting "what didn't happen" sonically, just purely enjoying the musicality and technicalities of a great set of headphones.

[Will be saving up for the Two, after all. Curiosity is getting--if it already hasn't gotten--the better of me.]
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