Headphones for Radiohead
Jan 15, 2004 at 8:44 AM Post #16 of 55
Buy a headphone that sounds good with all music and you won't have to get separate ones for each of your favorite bands.
Jan 15, 2004 at 8:47 AM Post #17 of 55
I disagree. There are certain genres that certain headphones do better than others -- were there to be an ideal headphone, then we would not need to worry about this, but there isn't...For me, I will choose the HP-2's for rock and vocals, but whenever I want to listen to a string quartet and really sense the separation of instruments, I will choose the K1000s. I don't think there is anything wrong or unnatural about this. While the HP-2's are more accurate to the tone, pitch and timbre of the music, the K1000s are better at recreating the spacial world in which it was recorded...there is always a trade-off.
Jan 15, 2004 at 9:05 PM Post #18 of 55
I am a huge Radiohead fan and I would second any recommendation of Etys. The ER6s or ER4ps are great cans--they are extremely detailed (little tiny background sounds that you might have never even heard before seem to creep through) and not particularly biased.
Jan 15, 2004 at 9:21 PM Post #19 of 55
The hd650 with Zu cable upgrade. This will give you more detail than the ety ER-4S and all of the deep bass that is missing. You also need a good amp. This headphone combo sounds great with all music, not just Radiohead.
Jan 16, 2004 at 4:08 PM Post #21 of 55
I've had very good luck with e3c's. Last night I listened through OK Computer, it was excellent. I could make out the backround andriod talking in paranoid andriod and the whole presentation was amazing. This is the only time I have really LISTENED since the first time Ive heard this album(this is probably my 6th). I have also listened to Amnesiac, part of KID A and HTTT. With songs like Pull/Pulk the bass isnt shaking the room, but it sounds good. Overall, I would recommend them if you are a radiohead fan.
Jan 16, 2004 at 5:39 PM Post #22 of 55
I can totally understand both sides of this argument - a 'rock' set of headphones and a 'jazz / classical' set of headphones. I can understand some peoples desire to tailor the sound to specific uses.

That said, I'm in the camp of "one sound, one headphone", which is why I'm a L-P / Omega-type man. I prefer as accurate as possible, and if the music doesn't sound great on something considered rather 'analytical' then I blame the recording or artist, not try to re-tune that recording to my hopes.

Different strokes and all.
Dec 13, 2005 at 12:01 AM Post #24 of 55
If you don't want to spend a lot of money, I recommend the AKG 240s with the foam pads removed. I was listening to Radiohead on them last night
Dec 13, 2005 at 2:54 AM Post #29 of 55
One thing to keep in mind is that Radiohead albums are very well recorded, and they all have a great soundstage. I would therefore reccomend some headphones that are known for reproducing a recording's soundstage well.

Grados and Etymotics don't fall into this category. In fact, canalphones in general aren't that great at reproducing a recording's soundstage.

I'd pick the Sennheiser HD580 or HD650 (both of which I've heard) or the Beyerdynamic DT-880 (which I haven't heard, but have a reputation around here as throwing a great soundstage).

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