Headphones for metal music - ultimate solution
Apr 20, 2024 at 1:39 PM Post #12,272 of 12,359
I am looking for closed headphones especially for Finnish melodic death music, such as Wintersun and Insomnium. The soundproofing is not important for me as I will mainly use them inside; rather, I'd prefer them not to block that much sound (but still a bit to both directions).

My budget is preliminary max 600€ (or dollars). I live in Finland, so it'd be good if the headphones would be relatively widely available.

I tried to look if someone else had a similar request previously in this thread. The closest message I found was an answer from drwlf in 2017 stating that "Finnish melodeath is a particularly difficult genre imo to get right with headphones" but I couldn't get much concrete tips out of it (https://www.head-fi.org/threads/hea...timate-solution.715478/page-508#post-13477526). I don't know much about music gear, but I think I'd like good instrument separation.

Thanks in advance for any advices and insights!
Apr 20, 2024 at 1:49 PM Post #12,273 of 12,359
I am looking for closed headphones especially for Finnish melodic death music, such as Wintersun and Insomnium. The soundproofing is not important for me as I will mainly use them inside; rather, I'd prefer them not to block that much sound (but still a bit to both directions).

My budget is preliminary max 600€ (or dollars). I live in Finland, so it'd be good if the headphones would be relatively widely available.

I tried to look if someone else had a similar request previously in this thread. The closest message I found was an answer from drwlf in 2017 stating that "Finnish melodeath is a particularly difficult genre imo to get right with headphones" but I couldn't get much concrete tips out of it (https://www.head-fi.org/threads/hea...timate-solution.715478/page-508#post-13477526). I don't know much about music gear, but I think I'd like good instrument separation.

Thanks in advance for any advices and insights!
I personally don't like many closed backs within that price bracket. Only ones I've tried and liked enough to keep are the Modhouse Argon MKIII and Audeze Maxwell.
Apr 20, 2024 at 2:10 PM Post #12,274 of 12,359
I am looking for closed headphones especially for Finnish melodic death music, such as Wintersun and Insomnium. The soundproofing is not important for me as I will mainly use them inside; rather, I'd prefer them not to block that much sound (but still a bit to both directions).

My budget is preliminary max 600€ (or dollars). I live in Finland, so it'd be good if the headphones would be relatively widely available.

I tried to look if someone else had a similar request previously in this thread. The closest message I found was an answer from drwlf in 2017 stating that "Finnish melodeath is a particularly difficult genre imo to get right with headphones" but I couldn't get much concrete tips out of it (https://www.head-fi.org/threads/hea...timate-solution.715478/page-508#post-13477526). I don't know much about music gear, but I think I'd like good instrument separation.

Thanks in advance for any advices and insights!
Do you know if there are any hifi stores close to you where you could do some testing? At least Helsinki, Turku and Tampere got those, it's hard to give recommendations without any reference points such as previous headphones. With that said, I listen to a lot of metal, including the bands you mentioned, and with that budget I'd at least check out Hifiman Sundara and Sennheiser HD660S2, both easy to find around here. What are you listening from btw?
Apr 20, 2024 at 10:47 PM Post #12,275 of 12,359
I am looking for closed headphones especially for Finnish melodic death music, such as Wintersun and Insomnium. The soundproofing is not important for me as I will mainly use them inside; rather, I'd prefer them not to block that much sound (but still a bit to both directions).

My budget is preliminary max 600€ (or dollars). I live in Finland, so it'd be good if the headphones would be relatively widely available.

I tried to look if someone else had a similar request previously in this thread. The closest message I found was an answer from drwlf in 2017 stating that "Finnish melodeath is a particularly difficult genre imo to get right with headphones" but I couldn't get much concrete tips out of it (https://www.head-fi.org/threads/hea...timate-solution.715478/page-508#post-13477526). I don't know much about music gear, but I think I'd like good instrument separation.

Thanks in advance for any advices and insights!
Do you know if there are any hifi stores close to you where you could do some testing? At least Helsinki, Turku and Tampere got those, it's hard to give recommendations without any reference points such as previous headphones. With that said, I listen to a lot of metal, including the bands you mentioned, and with that budget I'd at least check out Hifiman Sundara and Sennheiser HD660S2, both easy to find around here. What are you listening from btw?

I can vouch for the 660S2. I know it's not closed back but if you don't need the sound isolation I would recommend that headphone as it's within your budget and very easy to synergize with amp/dacs.
Apr 21, 2024 at 3:22 AM Post #12,276 of 12,359
Thanks for the replies!

I personally don't like many closed backs within that price bracket. Only ones I've tried and liked enough to keep are the Modhouse Argon MKIII and Audeze Maxwell.
I can vouch for the 660S2. I know it's not closed back but if you don't need the sound isolation I would recommend that headphone as it's within your budget and very easy to synergize with amp/dacs.
I guess "not closed backs" equals open backs? Unfortunately, I listen music mainly in a space shared with my girlfriend, and thus want to avoid sound leakage.

Do you know if there are any hifi stores close to you where you could do some testing? At least Helsinki, Turku and Tampere got those, it's hard to give recommendations without any reference points such as previous headphones. With that said, I listen to a lot of metal, including the bands you mentioned, and with that budget I'd at least check out Hifiman Sundara and Sennheiser HD660S2, both easy to find around here. What are you listening from btw?
I live in Helsinki, so good idea, I could go to some hifi store to check out the headphones available and mentioned so far. Didn't know they allow for testing, that's quite nice. About the reference point, I haven't owned any headphones in recent years, but instead listened music from Sennheiser MTW3 (Momentum True Wireless 3) ear buds. However, I feel that now would be the time to finally invest (a bit) more in music listening gear.
Apr 21, 2024 at 3:32 AM Post #12,277 of 12,359
Thanks for the replies!

I guess "not closed backs" equals open backs? Unfortunately, I listen music mainly in a space shared with my girlfriend, and thus want to avoid sound leakage.

I live in Helsinki, so good idea, I could go to some hifi store to check out the headphones available and mentioned so far. Didn't know they allow for testing, that's quite nice. About the reference point, I haven't owned any headphones in recent years, but instead listened music from Sennheiser MTW3 (Momentum True Wireless 3) ear buds. However, I feel that now would be the time to finally invest (a bit) more in music listening gear.

If closed back are preferred option then Focal Bathys would be an excellent choice. Can be used both wired and wireless and works great with metal. But definitely go to the stores and listen. Mareksound has a dedicated listening room/booth for headphones. Audiokauppa also has a few options available and also Kruunuradio, but they dont have dedicated listening rooms for headphones so if someone is rocking with loudspeakers you are in trouble. 😂
Apr 21, 2024 at 3:34 AM Post #12,278 of 12,359
Thanks for the replies!

I guess "not closed backs" equals open backs? Unfortunately, I listen music mainly in a space shared with my girlfriend, and thus want to avoid sound leakage.

I live in Helsinki, so good idea, I could go to some hifi store to check out the headphones available and mentioned so far. Didn't know they allow for testing, that's quite nice. About the reference point, I haven't owned any headphones in recent years, but instead listened music from Sennheiser MTW3 (Momentum True Wireless 3) ear buds. However, I feel that now would be the time to finally invest (a bit) more in music listening gear.
Is used market an option for you? Tori.fi has Focal Radiance under 700 in Helsinki, test listening available Those would be very good for your needs. Theres also Argon3 for 200 eur.
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Apr 23, 2024 at 3:40 PM Post #12,280 of 12,359
Is used market an option for you? Tori.fi has Focal Radiance under 700 in Helsinki, test listening available Those would be very good for your needs. Theres also Argon3 for 200 eur.
Thanks for the hints! Yup Tori is definitely an option, and it was also part of the reason why the budget maximum I announced is not a binding one.

Thanks for other answers too, some dispersion in the suggestions, but I guess that means there are good alternatives in the market.
Apr 25, 2024 at 3:05 PM Post #12,281 of 12,359
JM Audio XTC2 may be my current favorite headphone for metal. It works quite well with most sub genres. I don't see the JM Audio stuff brought up much in this thread and wanted to throw it out there. Currently, it's sharing equal time with my Empyrean II.
Apr 25, 2024 at 3:55 PM Post #12,282 of 12,359
I can vouch for this. JM Audio XTC 2 has been solid for my metal library. Love them.
Apr 25, 2024 at 6:07 PM Post #12,283 of 12,359
JM Audio XTC2 may be my current favorite headphone for metal. It works quite well with most sub genres. I don't see the JM Audio stuff brought up much in this thread and wanted to throw it out there. Currently, it's sharing equal time with my Empyrean II.
The best headphone on the market under $1000 right now. Beats a lot over $1000 as well.
Apr 25, 2024 at 9:41 PM Post #12,284 of 12,359
Another vote for the He1000se lol
Apr 30, 2024 at 5:43 PM Post #12,285 of 12,359
My search for a good closed back continues! A little bit of background so I can my question can be better understood: I own the LCD-2C, the Hifiman Sundara, the iSine 20 and the Beyer 900 Pro X. My digital system is based around an RME ADI-2 DAC with a Drop THX 789 while my analog system is based on a Rega Planar 3 (with the Rega Exact cart), and Schiit Loki/Magni 3 stack.

I listen to a wide variety of metal and rock (along with the occasional jazz) and favourite bands include Wintersun, Ensiferum, Cradle of Filth, Dissection, Ghost, Sleep Token, Rotting Christ, Slipknot all the way to Steven Wilson, Blackfield or Heilung (the wide variety makes it hard to choose headphones but that’s the magic!).

Now, I absolutely love all of my pairs and I consider myself covered regarding open backs and I’ve been looking for a closed back pair for practical reasons. The thing is, however, that when listening to vinyl I cannot use EQ (apart from wide corrections with the Loki) and that makes my two Audezes (especially the iSines) sound horrible with vinyl. Sundara sound really good with vinyl but they are open back and leak sound like crazy.

So I guess I’m looking for a pair that is a) closed back b) with a decent stock FR (even something resembling the Sundaras would suffice) that doesn’t need complicated EQ to sound good c) is not overly warm so that it can be a good match with vinyl and d) fits within my budget of 600 euros max.

Ok I know I’m asking for a lot but at the end of the day I just need a good closed back that doesn’t require EQ to sound good with metal. The ones on my shortlist are a) Denon d5200 b) Beyer 1770 pro and c) Argon MK3 (used pair). I even thought to go crazy and get a Monarch MK3 but I’ll have to drown that voice for now :)

Any input will be appreciated!!

I am looking for closed headphones especially for Finnish melodic death music, such as Wintersun and Insomnium. The soundproofing is not important for me as I will mainly use them inside; rather, I'd prefer them not to block that much sound (but still a bit to both directions).

My budget is preliminary max 600€ (or dollars). I live in Finland, so it'd be good if the headphones would be relatively widely available.

I tried to look if someone else had a similar request previously in this thread. The closest message I found was an answer from drwlf in 2017 stating that "Finnish melodeath is a particularly difficult genre imo to get right with headphones" but I couldn't get much concrete tips out of it (https://www.head-fi.org/threads/hea...timate-solution.715478/page-508#post-13477526). I don't know much about music gear, but I think I'd like good instrument separation.

Thanks in advance for any advices and insights!

I just logged on to post a very similar question ! Wintersun are my favorite band, I’m on their Patreon and listen to them pretty much non stop. Can you believe Time II is really happening ??

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