HE-500, LCD2, D5000, DT770, SR80, on a speaker amp (Emotiva mini-X A-100) Project
Nov 30, 2012 at 6:30 PM Post #331 of 3,819
Thanks for the info guys. I just ordered an adapter (about 6 inches long) from Chris_Himself. It's a female 6.5 mm to banana plugs. Initially was charging me $45 with shipping but later bumped it to $50 with shipping, still fine. He mentioned that his cables should make a difference in sound quality. I haven't really looked too much into using cables as a method for improving sound quality, so won't really know until I get it. Although seems doubtful, since then with that combo, I'll be using the Emotiva instead of O2, so won't know if the sound changes because of the new amp or cables or maybe both.
Waiting to get a reply back from Emotiva on my quote with USPS instead of Fedex. With Fedex, they offered $267 with everything included to near Toronto, Ontario as a reference.   

Wait you're saying a female single ended connection to bananas?  If that's the case, I would HIGHLY recommend you research this a bit more.  I spoke on the phone with Drew from Moon Audio, because I wanted to order that same thing.  He said that by doing so, you would be shorting out the ground (because you have to merge both grounds coming from each channel into a single ground in the female connector), which will mostly likely blow the amp and/or damage the headphones.  He said that some amps actually will be ok with this, but the majority ("90%") so not support this, and will sustain damage.  So just make sure you check up on that, unless I've misunderstood.
Nov 30, 2012 at 6:37 PM Post #332 of 3,819
I actually just ordered the HE-Adapter and a balanced cable for my LCD-2.2 so that I can run them off of my PrimaLuna Prologue Two.  Really excited for those items to show up, since I have to give my dad's WA22 back this weekend, and go back to my Lyr.  Not that it's a bad amp, but I've been spoiled by the WA22...


Nov 30, 2012 at 6:49 PM Post #333 of 3,819
FedEx and UPS use USPS so why not? Best prices going.

I just placed an order with the Fedex.
I've had nothing but troubles with UPS's insane brokerage fees. When I got my HE-500 from US from a head-fi member, they charged me extra $150 at the door. I refused to take it and basically had to learn to be my own broker and then only ended up paying the sales taxes, which would have been normally put regardless. Luckily enough for me, the person I got it from, Mark Lee covered it for me, totally awesome. Fedex in past has also given trouble.
USPS is the only one with which I haven't really run into trouble with. Although in this case, they were charging me with $237 (with shipping) but without customs, so this time I decided to just play it safe and go Fedex for $267. 
Nov 30, 2012 at 6:56 PM Post #334 of 3,819
Wait you're saying a female single ended connection to bananas?  If that's the case, I would HIGHLY recommend you research this a bit more.  I spoke on the phone with Drew from Moon Audio, because I wanted to order that same thing.  He said that by doing so, you would be shorting out the ground (because you have to merge both grounds coming from each channel into a single ground in the female connector), which will mostly likely blow the amp and/or damage the headphones.  He said that some amps actually will be ok with this, but the majority ("90%") so not support this, and will sustain damage.  So just make sure you check up on that, unless I've misunderstood.

Thanks for the heads up jsplice! Much appreciated! I'll send Chris_Himself a message right now. Can anyone please elaborate on this more or suggest something. Can you please suggest a safe way for this? 
Nov 30, 2012 at 6:59 PM Post #335 of 3,819
Thanks for the heads up jsplice! Much appreciated! I'll send Chris_Himself a message right now. Can anyone please elaborate on this more or suggest something. Can you please suggest a safe way for this? 

have a balanced termination at the end of your headphone cord, so that the grounds wont be shared between the channels
Nov 30, 2012 at 7:00 PM Post #337 of 3,819
What If I was to get a full cable done that connects the HE-500 directly into banana plugs?
Nov 30, 2012 at 7:00 PM Post #338 of 3,819
Thanks for the heads up jsplice! Much appreciated! I'll send Chris_Himself a message right now. Can anyone please elaborate on this more or suggest something. Can you please suggest a safe way for this? 

The way Drew explained it to me, you have to go "balanced" all the way from the headphones to the speaker amp.  So you could have a headphone cable made that goes all the way from headphone connectors to bananas, since you will have a + and - for each channel directly into the amp.  
I'd be interested to hear what Chris_Himself has to say about this subject.  Let us know what he says if he responds.
Nov 30, 2012 at 7:07 PM Post #340 of 3,819
I sent him the email with the previous post from jsplice and asking him about this and will update with his response. Although in one of his previous emails, he mentioned this, which to me at that time didn't make sense regarding the XLR since I didn't think I was using that.
From Chris_Himself:
*****"I will have it done as soon as the parts for it get here, I don't do many female 4-pin XLR's thats why"******
Nov 30, 2012 at 7:11 PM Post #341 of 3,819
Although now at this point, even if he is making a XLR adapter as he hinted, I still don't know how that's going to fit in with my existing stock cable which terminates into (1/4").
About the second best way to do it IMO.  The first way is Hard wire.  The way your asking about will work really well.

Can you explain why this would be the second best way and what would be the differences between the hard wire and your cable?
Nov 30, 2012 at 8:14 PM Post #343 of 3,819
I'm really not a fan of the Hifiman connectors anyway..

I've done two cables with those connectors and they were a challenge to work with.
I finally got the replacement a-100 in and enjoying the setup!
(from right to left)
foobar box (mini-tx pc) -> nfb10.2 (dac fixed line level output) -> a-100 -> HE-6/HE-500

This will be a very relaxing weekend 

Nov 30, 2012 at 8:25 PM Post #344 of 3,819
I've done two cables with those connectors and they were a challenge to work with.
I finally got the replacement a-100 in and enjoying the setup!
(from right to left)
foobar box (mini-tx pc) -> nfb10.2 (dac fixed line level output) -> a-100 -> HE-6/HE-500

This will be a very relaxing weekend 

Can't wait to hear your impressions of both HPs with the amp.

Nov 30, 2012 at 10:15 PM Post #345 of 3,819
And back to our regularly scheduled program:
Just got the a-100 miniX in today.  Wow, this amp is really small for a speaker amp.  It's smaller in height and width than any of my desktop amps.  It's pretty deep though.  The transformer that's in it is huge, bigger than the ones in my βeta-22.  I don't see how any one can complain about it's size.  It's the perfect headphone amp (size wise).  For now I have it paired up with the Emotiva XDA-1.  
First up is the HE-6.  The volume knob is straight up 12 o'clock.  Any more it gets pretty loud.  I would have the volume knob at about 3 or 3:30 on the βeta-22.  The sound reproduction of this amp is amazing it's effortless in providing a clean and powerful signal to the headphones.  The detail on this beats the βeta-22 with no problem.  The midrange is very transparent, the vocals are crystal clear.  It has a soundstage that is both wide and deep. Their is no congestion of any kind, Theirs air around each instrument making it very easy to single out every one of them.  This is a very resolving yet fun combination. The bass on the 6s is fantastic.  For those who want bass that's accurate, detailed with precision the HE6 will not disappoint. The bass does not extend as low as the LCD, but its way more transparent and accurate with tons more detail.  
Next up is the HE-500.  The volume knob is in between 9 and 9:30 more than this is way to loud.  I can even come down to a full 9 o'clock and be good.  The  highs with this pair = WOW.  The treble is very extended and I would say in a word clean.  Not to harsh but can get a little sparkly at the top end.  Not so with the 6s it's more smooth for lack of a better word.  Again, the vocals are incredible, very detailed and this is with both female and males.  I think the strength of the HD-500s has got to be in the mid to upper treble.  Crisp and clean with no caffeine.  With this combo the 500s does not disappoint in the bass area.  Well if your a bass head it might.  But pretty tight and the control is good.  Does not hit as hard, go down as low or have more attack than the 6s.  But still very good non the less.
Next up is the HE-5LE.  The volume knob is just about right at 10:30ish, maybe a little loud.  Oh yeah.  Did someone say "MIDRANGE"?
All three of these headphones are more alike than different.  Just a little differences here and there that I can pick out.  Like the lower to upper mids on these are outstanding.  They are very midrange coherent.  If the highs are the strength of the 500s then the mids has go to be the strength of the 5LEs.  These seem to find a good stride or a groove with this amp.  They seem to be more forgiving than the 500s.  If you have harsh or bright recording this paring will work better for you IMO than the mini X paired with the 500s.  The bass on these are right in between the two.  It gives you lots of attack and punch while being tight and controlled.
Next up is the LCD-2.2  The volume knob on these is in between 9 and 9:30 but can go lower.  WOW these reminds me of how they sound when paired with the BHA-1.    One of the best things the LCD-2.2 does really well is make bad recordings sound good.  That's the second thing.  What's the first thing you might ask?  Do you really have to ask?  BASS.  That's right - and this amp really gives it to you.  The amp can go as low as the LCD-2.2s want to go.  Deep, impactful - without being muddy or all over the place.   The mids are very rich, a little to rich for me.  They are voiced very well but not as crisp and clear as the Hifimans.  IMO.  But this amp gives it to you as it is on the recording.
Next up is the HD-650.  The volume knob right on 9 o'clock, maybe even at 8:30.  Not a lot of play with these.  This is a very warm headphone, very forgiving of bad recording, very seductive, very smooth.  While it lacks the revealing nature it's still very pleasant to listen to.  These scale pretty good, you can tell the difference on lesser amps.  The 650s would sound veiled, the instrument separation would not be very noticeable.  With this amp the veil is gone, instrument separation becomes more clear.  These have some of the best mids to be had, the midrange is very lush and smooth.  If you think some headphones sound thin?  Well these are the total opposite they are full, very full, that make this headphone relaxing.  Which can also make less detailed than others.  The 650s is not what I would call a neutral headphone at all.  It's very laid back and thick in the mid section.  That's what makes it sound so good IMO.
Next up is the Q701.  The volume knob is at 9 o'clock or 9:30ish.  These are some seriously detailed headphones.  This amp and these headphones together is like you should be in the studio or something.  Very revealing.  The soundstage is wide and deep.  The best of this list thus far.  The bass is nothing to write home about.  It's there but not like it is with the ones listed above.  I would call these as close the neutral as possible.  The treble is not harsh, bright or clinical at all, it's very balanced if anything at all.  With this amp you can really tell the difference in headphones.  This pair is like neutral on neutral.  
Next up is the T1.  These sound good at 10 o'clock.  These sound o so sweet.  No, really they have a vey sweet sounding treble, lots of detail without the harshness.  Clean, fluid and resolving mids and a tight very controlled bass section.  The tonal balance on these are second to only the HE-6 IMO.  This amp pairs very well with these.  This makes for a very fast combination, this combo can keep up with just about any type of music you through at it.   I can set back and listen to this sweet sound for hours.  I may have to put these up there with the HE-6s, these are a tad bit warmer.  
To wrap it all up.  This little amp is a no brainer at it's price point.  I got it for $179 on sale for the holidays, what a steal.   This amp is very transparent, very neutral.  Bright headphones and harsh recordings is a no go with this amp. 
With this amp there's a lot of clean, detailed resolution.  Not a tube sounding amp at all.  It's Solid State at its best.

Great comments here. Makes me want to get a balanced cable on my T1 and pair this with them.  I believe you have had the most experience with that much variety on this amp. There was talk back on the HE-6 thread awhile ago about some members exclusively using a speaker amp for all of their more intensive listening. Thoughts on that? 

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