Have You "(Radiohead's) In Rainbows"?: Impressions thread
Oct 11, 2007 at 8:30 PM Post #61 of 147
I just grabbed it last night off of the site. Having not listened to Radiohead since HttT, I didn't think too much of it the first listen through. Then I listened again right after it finished and it was much better. I guess I was listening too critically the first time through or something, but the second time was much better once I had made it through and just let it "play." It's definitely a grower of an album, and I agree with some of the others, some of the music I didn't enjoy straight away, really rewarded me with subsequent listens.

I'm really liking Weird Fish, 15 Step, and Nude at the moment.
Oct 11, 2007 at 9:23 PM Post #62 of 147
Here's something you guys may enjoy... "Weird Fishes / Arpeggi" was originally an orchestral-based collaboration between Jonny and Thom, just called "Arpeggi." It was debuted at the Ether Festival in London in 2005. Check out the performance here. There's a little editing problem near the end, but it's still good.

The transition from that performance to the album version is pretty masterful, IMO. The album version totally completes the song.
Oct 12, 2007 at 1:48 AM Post #63 of 147
well noone's really said it, so here goes

I probably care too much but.. it's radiohead. I can't not care, and I figured this was the best place to post it cause we're supposed to be about the details and fidelity...

as I went through it.. every single song all I could think was "this sounds better live" (except for faust arp which they never played..)
I don't know what got lost in translation in the
studio but the compostions became so sparse and jerky.
the different sections of the songs just sort of
happen and it feels very directionless compared to
when they rocked the hell out of them live.

who fell asleep on the distortion pedal in bodysnatchers and all I need?
it sounds a bit out of place like they aren't confident of the beautiful guitar sounds they've put to tape so well before.

on all I need... that electronic kik they put on
the album sounds like a bit of a joke compared to the
mad punch they were getting out of a real kick live.
same with house of cards, (which is just that little
bit more transcendent live with ed's backup 'oooo's that
they took out of the "denial" part.)

thoms voice on the record is wierd as hell, it's
either completely dry and inyourface so much that it
drowns out everything else, plus he sounds .. I don't
know, just off. maybe he was a bit sick or something
but it's more nasal than any of the other records or even live.
then if it's not in your face, it's swimming in
reverb. it feels very polarized and kinda lazy to
basically only have 2 vocal sounds.

videotape... this one really made me cry that for the
last minute and a half I was begging it to burst into
the live euphoria that it was, but it just ended up
being a slow formulaic drum loop that built up into
nothing and stopped. plus it was the only track on
the album that had any piano which struck me as odd.

maybe you never heard some of the tapes that came out
on the radiohead hub.


here's the album live and mastered a bit so you can
tell where I'm coming from...pump it through a decent
amp and drop the bass a tiny bit, these are amazing
recordings straight from the tapers DAT's.
Oct 12, 2007 at 2:12 AM Post #65 of 147

Originally Posted by DesmondDavidH /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Nothing groundbreaking until now, it's growing listening after listening. 'All I need' is my best track so far.

Oct 12, 2007 at 3:07 AM Post #66 of 147
I never ended up getting my download code so I went via torrent to get it.

So far it's easily their best since Kid A. Weird Fishes and Videotape are my favourites at the moment.

My Radiohead album rankings;

Ok Computer = Kid A > The Bends > In Rainbows > Amnesiac > Pablo Honey >>>> Hail to the thief
Oct 12, 2007 at 4:33 AM Post #67 of 147

Originally Posted by xantus /img/forum/go_quote.gif

here's the album live and mastered a bit so you can
tell where I'm coming from...pump it through a decent
amp and drop the bass a tiny bit, these are amazing
recordings straight from the tapers DAT's.

That sounds pretty good. The 'whoos' from the audience at the beggining of 'Nude' is a bit annoying... Sounds awesome though.
Oct 12, 2007 at 4:46 AM Post #68 of 147

Originally Posted by fraseyboy /img/forum/go_quote.gif
That sounds pretty good. The 'whoos' from the audience at the beggining of 'Nude' is a bit annoying... Sounds awesome though.

yeah it was the best version of nude I think they played live though.. the audience does shut up pretty fast once they realize magic is happening
Oct 12, 2007 at 4:57 AM Post #69 of 147
Videotape was definitely a disappointment. It's still a really pretty song but it's not nearly as good as the live version, as it completely lacks the brilliant, epic sound of the live rendition. It doesn't continually speed up to the same degree, it lacks the live song's drum beats, and most importantly, the guitar is completely gone. I too was continually expecting to hear the song build up and explode at the end but it just never happened, which was a real let down.

I disagree about the rest of the album though. I thought the studio versions were all fantastically done and I have absolutely no complaints about them. In Rainbows is definitely one of my top 3 Radiohead albums as it currently stands. If it had had the truly fantastic version of Videotape rather than merely a 'good' one, In Rainbows may very well have competed with OK Computer for top spot in the band's discography, in my opinion. Still an incredible album in my opinion, though.
Oct 12, 2007 at 5:40 AM Post #71 of 147

Originally Posted by recstar24 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Morning Bell, from the band member's accounts, is intended to be transcribed as 10/8 time, due to the grouping. 3+3+2+2 - it doesn't fit if you try to do it in 5/8, the only way you could split the measure would be 6/8 followed by 4/8, so 10/8 would be the simplest way to perceive it. As for 15 step I can see your point, but you need to consider the phrase and how the words are grouped. When you listen to it in that context, 10/8 is obvious.

Not that it is revolutionary or anything, but its definitely a breath of fresh air to hear those time sigs in rock/pop music. I am not sure if Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera used rhythms of 5 or 7 in their music, but I am glad that Radiohead does employ those techniques.

Don't discredit Thom due to his lack of musical training. Even though Jonny is the official music theory and classical geek of the bunch, Thom is the rhythm man in the group.

I meant that Morning Bell is in 5/4, sorry. You would not write it in 10/8... it would be in 5/4.

I don't see what you mean about feeling 15 step as 10/8, I think you mean 10/16. That would work, but I think it would be written in 5/8.
Oct 12, 2007 at 5:41 AM Post #72 of 147

Originally Posted by Heyyoudvd /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Videotape was definitely a disappointment. It's still a really pretty song but it's not nearly as good as the live version, as it completely lacks the brilliant, epic sound of the live rendition. It doesn't continually speed up to the same degree, it lacks the live song's drum beats, and most importantly, the guitar is completely gone. I too was continually expecting to hear the song build up and explode at the end but it just never happened, which was a real let down.

Couldn't agree more. A total dud.
Oct 12, 2007 at 7:48 AM Post #74 of 147

Originally Posted by Heyyoudvd /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Videotape was definitely a disappointment. It's still a really pretty song but it's not nearly as good as the live version, as it completely lacks the brilliant, epic sound of the live rendition. It doesn't continually speed up to the same degree, it lacks the live song's drum beats, and most importantly, the guitar is completely gone. I too was continually expecting to hear the song build up and explode at the end but it just never happened, which was a real let down.

Yeah, I said something similar earlier in the thread... But, I understand why they changed it. I think that it just rocked out too hard for its own good, and that ending the album with so much energy may have ruined the mood. I'm sure that they at least attempted the live version in the studio, and maybe we'll hear an alternate version some day. For what it's worth, my girlfriend likes the new version better. She said it reminded her of listening to the minimalist music of Arvo Part, where each repetition subtly changes the meaning and tone of the song.

I also agree that, unlike the way I felt about some HTTT songs' transitions from live to album, all of the songs sounded significantly improved on this one. I think the biggest surprise for me was "All I Need," which sort of plodded along live. The album version makes sense of the lyrics and the sinister groove, and of course the ending is that wonderful melodic minor cluster chord.

I'm happy to see "Nude" (a.k.a. Big Ideas (Don't Get Any)) and "Reckoner" both on the album in newly-minted forms. "Nude" has sort of a dark, sparse, doo-wop quality that bests the recent live versions, and "Reckoner" has been turned into a near-Motown falsetto feature with some old school backing vocal harmonies.

I love the vocal reverb and the ultra-tube guitar tone on "House of Cards." The drum beat, too... The studio version must have been influenced by Jonny's love of reggae and dub music, because it has that swung backbeat.

All of the songs are just so good! I feel like I could talk about the intricacies of Radiohead's songs forever...
Oct 12, 2007 at 11:28 AM Post #75 of 147

Originally Posted by infinitesymphony /img/forum/go_quote.gif
All of the songs are just so good! I feel like I could talk about the intricacies of Radiohead's songs forever...

Ain't that the truth.

The album is really growing on me. I just wish I could get it on CD and on my main rig. 15 steps is amazing. The kids' "hey" gets me everytime.

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